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The wind had torn Zac's eyes to tears.

He and his father's two men had spent their morning traipsing through the forest following fox trails. Zac would spot a familiar mark and lead them off on a goose chase. They had yet to even find the mia's hut. Zac was beginning to be frustrated.

He called for his men to halt. His horse stood in the center of the King's road as he pondered. he had no tracking skills to call upon, no trail as a guide to the mia. By now she could be anywhere in Averie. Zac closed his eyes. He ran a hand along his horse's cool mane, near frozen in the frosty air. His breath swelled around him like a cloud. In the distance, birds called, squirrels trampled, the wind blew and the river gurgled. And it was cold. Zac had not been this cold since that wretched day he had believed the mia had drowned and left Prosper an orphan.

Water. Zac knew how to find her. Without a word, he followed the sound of the babbling river. The gurgles, plops, and buzz of the flowing water grew louder. He then heard the rumble and roar of water falling and falling.

When the horse could not make it, he leaped off its back and hacked his way through the bramble. Suddenly he broke through into the water and stumbled in boot deep. He sheathed his sword and stepped out in the water.

There she was. her scandalously short hair blew in the wind and looked like the dancing leaves of autumn. She leaned down to scoop up water as elegantly as a deer. And her stare hit him harder than the pounding water ever could.

Ah, she was attractive. But somehow the mia was unlikely any girl he had ever met, including Angelica Roslin.

Mia ran. She dropped her bucket and was gone in a flash. She was nimble but Zac was quicker. He sloshed through the water onto the bank she was standing on. Grabbing her shoulder, he spun her around. She was already crying.

"Please, please bring Prosper to Rita."

Zac was taken aback. The mia sniffled as he studied her. He could not understand women's emotions. He pulled her close as she shivered and sobbed. After a few seconds, he nudged her head up.

"Let us go home."

Mia jerked away. "No, I am staying here. I do not care about your stupid reward or ego. I would rather live my life out and die in the woods with Prosper than rotting in a jail cell for the crimes that were no fault of my own." She fiercely brushed her tears aside and squarely faced him. Her entire body was rattled with quivers, from the water or the cold or from something deeper inside.

"What are you speaking of? I know who you are, Angelica Roslin. The duke is willing to pardon you. You can go back to your family."

"And the reward? Do not play me a fool, Zacary Holden. I know who you are and I know that this is for the reward. Bring home the infamous rebellious woman, murderer, and thief, winning the praises of your father and his good graces so you can continue to be the prodigal you are." She paused and turned. She began to walk away then sharply returned to him. "What kind of fool do you take me for?" She pointed an accusatory finger to his chest. "I am like every other woman you have played, don't deny it."

Her brown eyes searched him. It was painful for her to think he was the prodigal, playing, immature boy he was before. She did not know that she had changed him. Their relationship was built behind walls of strong mistrust and nothing he said could knock her wall to the ground. He only had the truth.

"I am a horrible person, Mia. I committed a terrible sin against my father, here and in heaven. I am selfish and I used to look at women wrong. But, Mia, you have helped me heal. I decided to change and you lay down my foundation. You treat Prosper like I want to treat those I love. You are stubbornly loyal. And I do not believe that you murdered anyone." He took a deep breath. "I am not doing this for my father or the reward. Mia, I am doing this for you."

She stared at him.

He sighed. "And my conscience."

She shook her head. "I am not good to those I love. I deserted those I loved for a baby and an escape. I have stolen so much I deserve to be hanged. And I used to assist Richard's gang. Even if I am pardoned I could never go back."

"Go for Prosper," Zac answered. "You said you wanted what was best for her." He looked up and watched his breath fog, bracing himself. "Go back for your sister."

"My family thinks I am dead." She whispers.

"Beth still had hope for you."

She was quiet. The wind consumed them and he felt the pressure nudging him closer. When she spoke, he read her lips rather than heard her.

"Is my father alive?"

Zac nodded. Mia crumpled and he caught her before she folded. Frustrated tears blew off her face, dancing in the air, intermingled her hair and her breath. "I had run away many times but this time I will not go back. He will kill Prosper."

He hugged her head to his chest. She was unnaturally warm against his frozen body. "I will not allow any harm to waylay you or Prosper."

Trust takes time. The mia trusted him within the hour.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The mia snuggled Prosper closer to her body. The wind blew so much the little girl almost blew off her back. The closer they got to Leeland the more trepidation pooled in her stomach. Zac walked ahead of her eventually realizing that she had stopped.

He hurried to her side and shouted over the wind. "We must keep going."

The mia shook her head. "I cannot simply walk back into my family's lives and I cannot walk into a party at the Duke's castle."

Zac closed his eyes and blew hot air into the falling wintery mix.

"We will go elsewhere. But we must hurry before we freeze to death." Zac started to his right, slashing his sword to make a path. Mia stared at his strong back as his muscles loosened and tightened. She lifted her foot to follow and heard a large crack. When she turned she saw nothing suspicious. Wearily she trotted to catch up with Zac. She tugged on his fur cloak and he ducked down so she could speak in his ear. "Where are we going?"

"My brother's castle," he confidently answered swinging through a brush and charging on through.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Richard drank a sip of bitter coffee and burned his tongue. He leaned forward out of the warm chair and dropped a spoonful of sugar into his cup. As he poured a little milk in, he looked up at the man across from him. Disturbed, Richard sank deep in his chair and gave his drink a swirl.

"What bothers you, Roslin?" He slowly drank a sip and delighted that it now was perfect. 

Mr. Roslin sat his cup on the table but continued to stare at the spinning, dancing snowflakes in the singing wind.

"What if my daughter gets hurt?"

Richard harrumphed nearly choking on his drink. "Bah! She will be way out of the way before the festivities begin. Hurting her would be difficult when she has already fled the scene." 

Mr. Roslin turned surveying eyes on Richard. "No, Angelica. She could be harmed. Especially with young Mr. Holden in the way."

"Yes, both Holden heirs seem to be in our way." Richard watched to older man. "It won't matter. They can be dispatched of. I am fond of a little bloodshed, aren't you?"

Roslin's eyes are dark as he swiped up his beverage. Richard can smell the alcohol that his cup contains. "Blood may have to be shed."

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