✞chapter 1✞

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Niall's POV

I walk through what looks as dark and depressing hallways, but in reality its just school to most kids. But for me, its hell.

For me its endless words being thrown at me, along with fists. I dont understand why they do this to me though, I know i'm gay, but other than that its just a mystery.

You should have figured out by now that I get bullied. It just makes me fall more into my depression; no one but my family knows about that.

As I get to my locker I feel someones presence behing me. I turn around wishing at this moment that I was with my family in Ireland on are yearly trip there, but unfortunately I had an essay to write that counts as half my grade. I feel and impact on my face.

"Hey fuck up, how are you?" Zayn smirks.

Zayn is king of the school, and the leader of the group that bullies me. I feel a kick to my stomach.

"Are you gonna answer him!" Harry, another kid who bullies me yells. And at this point I wish I didnt think so much, because thats the only reason I dont answer back most of the time.

"I'm fine" I mumble to Zayn and his group, also who can forget the noisy kids now surounding us.

"Oh, wow. The fucking freak can talk after all!" Zayn smirks looking back at his friends that probably dont even know the first letter of his last name.

At this time I just look at Zayn, and the other people in his group. There is Harry, he likes to throw words more than punches, and he usually is around Louis. That leads me to look at Louis, he always comes up with clever remarks. I then Look at Liam, he usaully doesnt say or do anything, but when he does it is brutal.

"Oh look, not only can he talk, but he can eye rape people, too." Louis says with a dark look in his eyes.

Everyone starts to laugh, me putting my head down in shame. As much as I have a deep Hatred towards all of them, I have had a crush on Zayn since about freshman year. May I remind you i am now in fucking senoir year, i don't know why i don't just give up.

The crowd unforms and everyone walks away, leaving me to fight through my tears, and the day ahead of me.

~ skips to nineth period ~

Well, I offically survived and now I am in my last class period, also know as english that i have with Zayn Malik.

"Hello class, well today we are going to start writing an essay about something that has really impacted our lives" the teacher said enthusiastically as the whole class lets out a series of groans.

As she is talking I zone out thinking about how my family was coming home from their trip to Ireland, I mean I enjoy the fact that when they left my grandma to watch me but, I am 17, turning 18. I really dont think i need someone to watch me, but my mom insisted.

I am brought out of thinking when classroom phone rings. The teacher rushes over there to answer it.

As she is talking one the one her whole face drops, and she covers her mouth as she lets out a gasp. She quickly looks at me and says very nervously.

"Um Niall dear, will you please um, maybe step out side with me for a minute."

The whole class lets out a bunches of "ooooo's" as if we are in the second grade, and one kid even says with a smirk

"Oh look the freak is in trouble, proably for selling drugs or somehting."

"um ok, sure..." I say to my teacher in a confused voice because i haven't done anything wrong.

Zayn's POV

I was quite surprised when the teacher called for Niall to talk to him outside the classroom. I mean like, hes the fucking freak of the school that does nothing wrong, and that makes me think of why I bully him sometimes.

As he leaves the classroom and everyone starts chatting, I stand up and everyone quites down.

"I need to see what going on for myself, so everyone shut up so i can go to the door and listen." I snap back at everyone, and walk to the door.

I crouch down and listen to freakshow and the teacher talking, but then the minute I do, I wish I didn't , and then I wish even more that I didnt stay at the door.

Niall's POV

"well honey," the teacher starts " your parents and brother, um how do I put this... they died in a plane crash coming home from Ireland."

I feel the blood rush away from my face, I feel as if everything is in slow motion. I look at her waiting for her to say just kidding. I look at her waiting for myself to wake up from this nightmare. I look at her wishing I was with my family dead.

I race into the class crashing the door open and hearing it hit someone. I look down horrified seeing that Zayn was listening to the whole conversation, and although some kids are gasping that I hit him with the door by accident, and some kids are laughing, all the voices quiet down in my mind. I look at him not even remembering that I came in to get my books, and he looks at me with same paled expression I had before. At this point I run faster than i ever had before out of the school, the teacher was yelling for me to stop, but I don't stop till I reach the woods and fall to my knees.

Everything hits me like someone just stabbed me. My family is dead, and Zayn has something to hold against me now for the rest of my life. I look up at the sunny sky and scream,

"WHY, WHY FUCKING ME, MY LIFE WAS FUCKING SHIT BEFORE THIS, AND NOW IT JUST GOT WORST! I was falling, but now I fucking fell and hit the ground harder than ever" I whisper the last part.


Hey, my name is Gabi and I'm @ziallstheotp :)
I hope you liked the first chapter!




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