☯chapter 6☯

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Niall's POV

I look to see at my cable box to see it is 8:00. It's been some hours since I was at the clearing and sang 'Scars'. At least I don't have to go to school or anything, anytime I get a call from the school I say I'm sick. They most likely won't call my Grandmother either.

As I say that I get a call from my Grandmother.

"Hello? Niall dear?"

"Yes grandma?"

"Well, you should know I got a call from the school today saying you haven't been in school for a week"

I fake coughed and said,

"Yeah, well um, I didn't feel well"

"Niall don't play games with me, I understand you are having a hard time."

she gets a little chocked up and says sofly to me,

"But, your parents would want you to be in school being there smart little boy you are."

I look down and feel a tear that I didn't even know was falling, fall.

I realize i was still on my phone, and snap back at my Grandma,


"Alright then, I call you tomorrow, bye. I love you"

"love you too" I mumble as I hang up.

Well I guess there goes my no school fanticy.

I walk to my bathroom, turn on my shower, and strip myself of my cloths. Then walk into the shower feeling the hot water on my body, relaxing my musels. It almost washes away all the stress, key word 'almost'.

After my shower I put on a fresh pair of boxers. I didn't even care what time it was, i just turned the light off and went to sleep


I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I turn it off hard because honestly, I'm pissed and terrifed that I have to go to school today.

I do my regular boring morning routein. Consisting of fixing my hair, brushing my teeth, getting my clothes on, and then eating something small to eat.

I rush out the door, making my misrible walk to school.

I walk into the doors of the school, cold air on my face turning into warm. I walk down the darksih halls as I make my way to my locker seeing it is 7:09, even though we have to be in school at about 7:25, I always like to go a little early. I do this because I like geting to class before everyone else.

I open my locker, only to realize I didn't have to even go to my locker. I shut my locker and sigh, I make my way to english class.

I get a suprised but friendly "hello" from my english teacher.

I look up from the floor giving her a 2 second fake smile to say 'Hello' back.

I just sit and wait for class to start.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, I start to hear kids outside the classroom, knowing soon that kids would be piling in the room soon.

Kid after kid I get a little suprised and sypithetic look.

Then, the kid I have been dreading comes in. Him and his Black as coal hair, and hazel eyes. Zayn Malik.

He gives me a suprised look, but then may i say excited? My luck he has some stupid plan to beat the shit out of me.

~ periods pass to lunch ~

I walk to my locker. It's 6th period which means lunch, and honestly, I just can't wait to get more looks of sypmthy there as I eat alone at my own table in the coner.

I hate it. All the looks of sorrow written on everyones faces, derectiong their looks right to me.

Now everyone feels bad, now I get all the sypmathy. What about when I was bullied and beat by the other kids, I didn't get anything then.

I think about all of that as I make my way to my table that I used to always sit at in the coner.

I don't even want to eat so I just sit, think, and watch the other kids. I look to see some people staring and talking about me. I look to see one of the is Zayn and his little gang. Which includes everyone at the table, asides from when just Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Liam caught me.

The people I did't meantioin consitsts of Ashton, Calum, Luke, and Michael. Ashton is uasally quiet, same with who might I add is dating Michael. Micheal is the worst, just a proper dick head if you ask me, with Calum always agreeing with him.

I stop thinking about then, I look outside and see it is snowing, but not hard.

I look back and get startled seeing Ashton right in front of me.

"Um, hey... Niall. I just wanted to say I'm sorry about your, erm, family" He says slowly and akwarly.

I see everyone looking in the coners of my eyes. I just stare at him, not even breaking eye contact once to look around at the now quite teens.

"how dare you" I wishper.

"What?" he says confusedly.

"I said how dare you" I raise my voice.

He opens his mouth to say something and I don't even let him speak.

"All my life I have sat here at this exsact table" I say loudly to Ashton and everyone else.

"Not one time did I ever in my life get a 'I'm sorry' for the shitty life I had here in school. Getting beat, nad getting told off for doing nothing but be my worthless self, even knowing that I am a fuck up, I still had to be told it... So know what, this is for me being l laughed at" I yell and lash out punching him.

"And this for being alone all my life" I yell with another punch.

Everyone is gasping now, but I keep going with about 3 more punches of just a quater of the things that have happended to me.

I get pulled of of him bye Harrt, only to realized what I did.

I don't even look around I just run. I run towards the door dodging people and teacher. I push the doors open and run in the fleild all the way to the woods.

I dont know if i heard someone running after me or not, but i just can't cope wtih this anymore.

I just need it to end.


Well, there is chapter 6!

Sorry if the story is bad, or you feel it is going too fast, but I think how it is starting now, it will end good, i feel many more chapters coming ;D


Here's somethings to comment about:

What do you think Niall is going to do?

Do you fell bad for Ashton?

What do you think about this story/chapter in genral?




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