Chapter 3: Callie's POV

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Copyright 2012 © Elena Sgro

all rights reserved


Callie's POV

I looked over my shoulder at Lucas. I didn't know why I had looked at him pleading to stop the fight maybe because I saw something in him. I wasn't sure, but I felt terrible right now.

I touched my lips lightly remembering how Micah had kissed me. 

He had never kissed my like that. It was so possessive and angry like he was trying to prove a point to Lucas. Micah was possessive of me he always had been but never a crazy kind of possessive and he had never kissed me possessively. 

I hadn't told Micah what had happened last night outside the warehouse. I felt to guilty. I mean I didn't kiss Lucas but I still felt guilty and I didn't want to fight with Micah over it. There wasn't anything going on between Lucas and I. I just didn't understand why I had acted like I did when he had me pinned against the wall last night.

"What was all that about?" I asked him as we walked back to our lunch table.

Micah had said that he was going to get some of his book before class started. At first I hadn't taken any notice but after I saw Caleb, Josh, Mark and Chris go off with him I started to get suspicious and now I see that he was revving Lucas up.

Micah chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer into his side.

"Don't worry about it babe" he said sternly.

I frowned at him. I had no idea why Micah was acting like this. He was always so nice and sweet but right now he was acting like he owned the place like I was a possession not his girlfriend and he was trying to start fights for no reason.

One fight with Lucas 'knock out' Conner that he won and he was acting as if he was some kind of God and nothing else mattered.

I stopped walking and stepped out of his grasp, crossing my arms over his chest. He stopped and slowly turned around he indicated for the boys to go and his fists clenched. Confusion all over his face.

"What do you mean don't worry about it?" I asked softly faired to raise my voice.

Micah stepped closer to me, he went to touch my arm but I pulled away and watched his hand drop back to his side.

"Babe it was nothing, just some joking around" he said.

I wanted to trust him but the tone in his voice told me otherwise. He didn't sound truthful he sounded like he was joking round like he was trying to make light of the subject.

"Thats not what it seemed like, it seemed like you were ready to rip his head off" I said while looking at the ground.

I felt him step closer he cupped my face in his hands making me look up at him. I wanted so badly to melt at his touch, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me and kiss me senseless but I couldn't. I wouldn't ignore what I had just seen. I looked deeply into his eyes bur I wasn't sure what I saw.

"Ever since you beat Lucas you act as if you're a God. I came looking for you when you didn't come back and I was suspicious when all the boys went with you. That guy I just saw trying to start a fight. Thats not you Micah. The Micah I know isn't like that. He's sweet and caring, he's nice to people and he doesn't start trouble. Thats something Lucas Conner does" I said calmly.

I needed for him to know how I felt. I had known Micah for so long and he had never done anything like that before. When he didn't say anything I sighed and his wrists in my hands.

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