Chapter 4: The Tour Part 2

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

Alondra took a deep breathing before nodding then she looked at the rest of the Mikaelson and Hayley, "Right so follow me and we can start this tour."

"The Salvatore Boarding School is for every supernatural student whether they are vampires, werewolves, witches, whitelighter, doppelgänger, etc." Alondra began until she was cut off by Klaus.

"We have children that you never mentioned." Alondra glared at him, "We are not going to have discussion now Niklaus. You, Elijah and I will have this conversation later."

"Now this school opened for any student to feel welcome and protected the headmasters are Rori and her two mates Damon and Stefan Salvatore but they are currently in the honeymoon phased so let me and Alaric be the current headmasters but Alaric is currently getting one more student."

Alondra stoped as she arrived in a classroom, "This is the beginning of vampirism taught by Finn Mikaelson." They looked through the window and saw Finn teaching with a smile on his face. Hope looked around the room noticing of outfits of different time periods.

"What are those?" She asked making Alondra smiled at her "Well one of our field trips is to go back in time and choose an outfit for a specific time and you have to present it." Hope nodded.

"Come let's go and go to where the wolves train."

When they went outside Alondra whistled getting everyone's attention "Mrs. Mikaelson." Jed greeted

"Hello Jed where's Coach Lockwood?"

"Here I am." Rebekah froze hearing the voice of her mate as they turned around Mason gave them a tight smile before giving Hope a real one.

"You must be Hope, I'm Coach Lockwood." Hope nodded and smiled at him "Nice to meet you Coach Lockwood."

"I was wondering if you and the other coach will show talk to her about what the wolves do in the full moon." Alondra told him.

"Other Coach ouch Alondra I'm hurt." A voice said.

Everyone turned around and Hayley froze looking at the figure as she remembered painfully watching him die.


Hayley was shocked seeing her deceased scratch that alive husband in front of her. The man looked at her confused, "I'm sorry do I know you?" Jackson asked the Hybrid confused.

"Jack is me, Hayley." She walked towards him making him take a step back, Alondra coughed getting the attention of the Hybrid "If I were you I wouldn't get close to him, his mate is over protective." Alondra told her with a slight smirk on her face.

"And who's his mate?" Hayley asked arms crossed.

"Why don't you turn around." A voice snarked making her turn around and scoffed.

There she stood arms crossed and a scowl on her face, Caroline Forbes glared at the werewolf harlot while Alondra tried to hide a grin.

"Bloody hell." Klaus mumbled.

"Alright we don't want a fight to happen so can we finish the tour?" The older tribrid questioned making the blonde nod her head.

"Sure whatever I just came to tell you Matty and Jer are here." Caroline  said before giving her husband a kiss.

"Matt and Jeremy?" Rebekah asked

"Yeah uhm Jeremy help us find other students while Matt is the Sheriff ." Alondra explained as they began walking inside.

"And who's the mayor?" Elijah asked


As Alondra showed them around the school, Elijah and Klaus couldn't help but feel in pain as they watched their mate as she smiled at the students but also her children.

"We missed so much ." Both brothers thought as they watched a young girl hugged the whitelighter.

"You must be Hope I'm sorry about my brothers, I think they hang out too much with Uncle Kol." The young girl told Hope.

"I'm Ruth Mikaelson." The Mikaelson siblings noticed she had Henrik's smile but also her eyes held mischief something both Henrik and Kol had in common.

"Is fine." Hope told her cousin with a smile Ruth nodded and looked at her mother with a look on her face making Alondra sighed.

"Why don't you ask her sweetheart." Alondra told her.

"Uhm do you maybe wanna see your room?" Ruth asked her

Hope looked taken back, "There's a room already set up for me?"

Ruth nodded with a smile on her face "Yeah me and my sisters decorated it for you but if you don't like it. You can change it also we added like Mikaelson painting that we did in Uncle Finn's class if you don't like them we can take them." The youngest Mikaelson rambled.

"Uhm yeah sure I would love to." Hope looked at her parents who smiled and nodded "Great! Follow me."

Alondra smiled seeing the two girls walk away from them, "Now I just need to talk to Niklaus and Hayley." The whitelighter told them as she walked to her office.

When they arrived Klaus looked around her office spotting a picture of her, Kai, and his two brothers on what looked to be there wedding day.

The Original Hybrid had a sad look on his face as he turned around seeing Hayley looking at a picture of Alondra with some of the teachers of the school.

"Okay now you guys just need to sign some papers and answer some questions about Hope." Alondra began

"Her full name?"

Klaus cleared his throat before answering "Hope Andrea Mikaelson."

Alondra nodded and wrote it down, "Species?"

Hayley smirked "She's first of her kind, she's a tribrid." She told the Mikaelson mate with a smirk.

"Have she activated her curse?" Alondra asked ignoring her comment, Klaus nodded "It was an accident."

Alondra nodded "That's alright we don't judge here."

Hayley scoffed "Yeah right we have been here for the past two hours and everyone was judging us."

A voice laughed "oh no little whore, we have judged you not my little cousin." The voice snarled making himself visible.

"Hello Alexander." Klaus greeted

"Hello Uncle Nik." The tribrid answered "and Hope is not first of her kind I am."


What do you guys think so far???

Who should be the mates to Alondra's children?

Alexander already has a mate and she was mentioned ....

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