Chapter 5: Hope meets Luna and her shared soulmate

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No One's POV

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No One's POV

"So this is your room." The youngest Miakelson daughter told her cousin as they arrived in front of the room.

As Ruth opened the door, Hope notice the presence of Alejandra and unfamiliar girl. "Oh this is our sister Luna Parker."

But Luna just glared at the girl making Hope uncomfortable, "So you're the result of the cheating between the Original puppy and the harlot."

Hope scoffed, "my mom is not a h-" Alejandra cut her off. "Zip it little girl the adults are talking."

Ruth sighed "Alright stop it you two."

The young Tribrid shook her head and walked out of the room.

"Yeah go run and ruin another family!" She heard Alejandra yelled.

As Hope made her way around the school, she saw the fraternal twins talking to two girls. The brunette girl notice making them turn around.

"Hola hermosa." Adam flirted making the others shake their head,

"So you're Hope?" The blonde asked looking at the girl up and down

"Easy Lizzie, Aunt Alondra wouldn't like us talking to her like that."

"You know I thought when someone cheats on their soulmate it will be on an upgrade not a downgrade like your mother." Lizzie snarled ignoring her sister.

"Elizabeth Saltzman." A voice scolded making them turn around to see Alaric with his wife and two kids making her gulp.

"So where's the poor excuse of girl you're talking about darling."

That's when Alejandra arrived with a guy making him freeze seeing Hope.

"It's you." He gasped.

While Alondra was with Klaus and Hayley feeling out the paper work, the Tribrid felt eyes on her making her sigh.

"So did Hope meet her soulmate yet?" She asked.

"Why do you want to know?" Hayley asked arms crossed. "Because Hayley we like to put the soulmates in the same classroom." The whitelighter answer.

Klaus shook his head 'no' "No she hasn't ."

Before Alondra could open her mouth, Ruth burst in the room.

"MOM WE NEED YOU NOW! Nicolette is fighting with Hope "

The trio ran out the office and made their way to the former living room to see Nicolette on top of Hope, "Alejandra ENOUGH!" Alondra yelled waving her hand getting her daughter off the other Mikaelson girl.

"I'm going to kill you." Alejandra screamed her usual brown eyes now were blue a trait she had with her mother.

Finn and Henrik was holding Alejandra while Klaus and Hayley made their way towards their daughter.

"I want an answer now Alejandra ."

But the girl shook her head and glared at her cousin.

"Estupida, Acércate y te mato." (Come closer and I'll kill you stupid)

Alondra glared at her daughter, "Mira niña si no quieres que te mande pa tu sabes donde me dijes lo que paso ahora mismo." (Listen here girl if you don't want me to send you, you know where you tell me what happened this instant.)

"Uhm Mrs. Mikaelson I can tell you what happened."

Alondra looked to her right to see Xavier St. John , Bonnie's and Enzo's son who also happened to be Alejandra's soulmate.

The whitelighter looked between the trio and she connected the dots.

Hope was Xavier's other soulmate.

"Everyone back to your classrooms" Alaric told the group then Alondra looked at her daughter and her niece?

"Alejandra go get cleaned up and go to my office when you're done."

Then she looked at Hope was with Hayley and Klaus.

"Can you three follow me please."

But Hayley glared at her "No. We are leaving and you better control your little wrench of a daughter."

There was a growl and they looked to see Elijah glaring at Hayley making her shrink back shocked to see her boyfriend looking at her that way.

"Don't. Talk. About. My. Daughter. That. Way."


Michael Evans Behling


Xavier St.John


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