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What do you guys think about the story so far? I'll really appreciate some feedback! I have longer chapter's that's coming, I just needed to get the story started and get into it. Enjoy the reading, I hope you'll like it!!! All the love.


The car ride was quick and in a few minutes we rolled up to the parking lot outside my dorm. I open the door and step out of the car. "Thanks for the ride" I say smiling.

"No worries, love" he reply sending me a smile.

"Goodbye Harry"

"Goodbye Emma"

And I close the door to his car and begin to walk towards the entrance of the building. As I'm walking upstairs I can't escape my thoughts. How did it come to this point. I spent the night with Harry, told him about my ex, fell asleep in his arms cuddling him, I fucking kissed him twice. Well, technically he kissed me twice but it wasn't like I didn't kiss him back, because I certainly did. Shit, this won't end good. My mind started to take over and I couldn't help it. I couldn't help my thoughts of him. But all the things he told me? I never let anyone wear his clothes, yet I've already wore them twice. He also said he basically wasn't the relationship type of guy, which actually didn't suprise me. But why didn't he try anything with me then? I know for a fact that guys like him don't have girls staying over to just sleep. At the same time it's not like we, or I, had much of a choice other than staying the night with him. But he asked me about Jake, why the hell would he ask me about my ex? My toughts were eating me from inside and out at this point.

I finally reached the door to our room. The door was locked so I knocked before seeing the door being swung up open. Infront of me was a extremely tired Caia, guessing she just woke up. "What's the time?" Caia speaks rubbing her eyes, and I check my phone that's in my hand, "It's almost noon" I reply with a laugh. She immediately crawles back into her bed and I step into the bathroom to take a shower. "You're going to tell me every single detail when you're done!!" Caia shouts with a tired groggy voice. Again I couldn't do anything but laugh at this girl, "Yes Caia!" I shout back, "And oh, Caia?" I continue. "Fuck you for leaving me" I say playfully.

Yea, yea.. you're probably thanking me now so shut up!" she laughs back.

I undress myself and step into the shower. I stand in the shower for a while and try to get my thoughts away from him. When I'm finished I put on a comfy pair of sweatpants and a large tshirt. As I'm laying in by bed scrolling through instagram, Caia speaks "So?"

"Soo..?" I say questioning.

"Tell me everything stupid! I wanna know every single detail!" she says with an amused smile spread across her face. I immediately starting laughing at her enthusiasm and then began to tell her everything from the beginning. When he said he wanted to get to know me and how he kissed me. When he offered me to spend the night as we realised they'd already left, how he doesn't like people wearing his clothes and yet he has let me wear them twice and every single detail in between.

During the time I was telling her everythin a few "No way!" "What!" "Really!?"escaped her lips. When I finished off Caia looked shocked.

"I think he likes you Em, you know like likes likes you!" she spoke.

"No Caia.. He literally said himself he's not a serious guy and his rumour isn't telling any different either. Plus he laughed it off when I'd say something about all the other girls. Guys like him knows that all the girls are running after them."

"Yea I get it Em.. but he literally said he wanted to get to know you and sure, he kissed you but he didn't even try to do anything other than that with you and he was sharing a bed with you the entire night. I don't think guys like him would basically cuddle with a girl, kiss their forehead, ask about their ex and giving them nicknames just like that" she explained with a shrug.

"Yea I guess so.. but either way I'm not falling for his bullshit. I'm not going to be just another girl that he sleeps with, and if he wants to play a game I can play it to. Like I told him and as you know, I don't want anything after Jake anyways. I just want to have fun now and not let any guy turn my head around, I don't have the energy for that shit anymore" I sighed.

"I know, I get it just be careful with him. You know that I will always support you no matter what, right?"

"Yea I know, same goes for you Cai" I reply smiling.

"Good! Okay, so what do you wanna do today?"

"I don't know, I'm kinda' sleepy still and I have to prepare for my classes tomorrow"

"Me too" she sigh, before she continues, "let's get ready for our classes tomorrow first and then we can order some pizza and watch movies?"

"Yea, sounds good!" and she nods in respons. I pull out my computer and start preparing for tomorrow.


I woke up the next day early to get to my first class of the day. Yesterday me and Caia pretty much spent the entire day on our computers before we got tired of it, and ordered two pizzas and watched the first three movies of Harry Potter and ultimatly dozed off to sleep.

Monday felt unusually long and I was happy to be back in our dorms after classes, before I buried myself in my all assignments.

The days went by pretty quickly thankfully, and I'd managed to keep up with my homework and assignments. It was now thursday and tonight Caia suggested we'd go to a bar downtown that supposedly had amazing food.

I was standing by the closet trying to find something to wear since we have to leave in 30 minutes. I picked out a black pair of skinny jeans along with a plain white long sleeve tight shirt. I quickly changed and went into the bathroom where Caia was standing putting on her makeup infront of the big mirror. I took out my makeup bag from the cabinets and joined her. We both finished and my makeup was lightly made along with my hair that I'd straightend. Caia curled the end of her hair and her makeup was flawless. She was wearing blue skinny jeans along with a black blouse.

We walked downtown and it only took a few minutes before we entered the bar. We were greeted by the waiter and he walked us over to one of the tables and we sat down. Shorthly afterwards he came back to get our orders, I let Caia pick out the food for us as I ordered our drinks, I went with coca cola for the both of us. As soon as he walked away Caia went ahead "He was totally checking you out!" smiling.

"No, he wasn't?" my brows furrow together.

"Yes, he was!" she states. "You're just to unbothered to notice" she continues with a lingering smile.

Was he really checking me out? He was cute actually, he had light brown hair, almost blonde, it was short and freshly cut. I noticed his bright blue eyes as soon as he'd walked up to us. He wasn't to bad looking honestly and it looked like he was about our age, or maybe a few years older.

He then came back with our food and drinks that we both happily enjoyed. Caia was right, the food was delicious. As I was eating and having a full-on conversation with Caia, I couldn't stop myself from glancing over at the blue eyed man from time to time and our eyes would occasionally meet. It didn't take long before the both of us finished our plates, and as I leaned back placing both of my hands to my now full stomach when I saw two guys entering the bar. It was Harry with a friend of his. I quickly leaned forward to sit up straight and instantly looked straight into Caia's eyes "Harry's here, he just walked in with a friend" I whispered under my breath. Her eyes went big as I continued "Don't l-" before her head flew around to look in their direction. At the same time Harry's eyes quickly roamed over the bar until our eyes suddenly met, I watched him as his lips curled into a smirk.

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