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I didn't know what to respond, so I just returned a soft smile and squeezed his hand ligthly. We then kept walking in silence with our hands laced together. As soon as we made it through the entrance and I saw Caia and Chris, with their backs facing I let go of his hand. Our feets made their way over to stand with them in line.

"What movie are we watching?" I ask.

"We were thinking the new Lion King movie"  Chris answer and I nod in respond.

I couldn't care less about what movie we were about to watch, all I could think of was what happened only minutes before. Harry was actually jealous because that waiter made a move on me, and he didn't fail what so ever with showing it. The only thing that was in my head was how he pinned me to the wall in the middle of the street, and the sparks going through my body. How he said that he want things to himself, or me to himself. The things he does to me creates goosebumps just thinking about it. How can he have this effect on me? It's been a long time since someone made me feel like this, I mean of course it was, in a way, similar to the things I'd felt with Jake. But yet this was so different. I was very in love with Jake, I really was, but this boy was already making my head dizzy. And it's been what? A couple of days? Not even 2 weeks? I can't deny it, that I won't do because that would only be stupid of me, to act like something is other than what it really is. But what I can admit is that I won't fall into another trap again, I'm not playing the game anymore.

The movie is about to begin and we're sitting at the very back, which actually is really nice. I don't know how I ended up sitting next to Harry but I certainly did now. Chris was sitting beside him having Caia on the other side. Everybody sat in silence watching the movie, except for one person, Harry of course. He would whisper comments during the entire movie and I smacked his arm numerous of times in failed attempts of getting him to shut up, until I had enough.

"Harry there are people here actually trying to watch the god damn movie!" I spat quitley with annoyance looking him dead in the eye.

"You're even more sexy when you're angry" he replied way to amused by my anger, completely turning it around.

"Shut up Harry! I'm being serious!" I whined.

"And now you're just cute" he continued grinning.

I smacked his arm once again, harder this time.

"Shut the hell up!" and the annoyance took over my face. I leaned back in my seat rolling my eyes.

Finally the movie was over, thank god for that. As we walked out we agreed on walking back to the bar where Harry's car was parked. The entire walk back Caia and Chris were laughing at Harry and I, who were playfully arguing about his incapability of watching a movie and be quiet.

We reached the car and Chris jumped into the passenger seat with me and Caia in the backseat. The car was filled with a comfortable silence with music playing on the low, until Chris spoke to break the silence, "There's a party at hour frathouse tomorrow, you should come!"

"Yea sure, we'll come!" Caia replies.

"Try to make it before 9 because it'll probably be crowded with people later than that!" Chris continues.

"We'll try, if Emma doesn't take forever to get ready like usual!" Caia jokes and I turn to Caia in shock.

"Do not!" I say in defense and everyone's laugh except mine fills the car. I glanze at Harry to see a smirk playing across his face as our eyes meets in the rearview mirror.

Harry pulls in to our parking lot and pulls the break as he stops the car.

"Wait, how do you know where they live?" Chris say in confusion.

"He offered a ride home last weekend after one of your party's" I quickly spoke, saving both me and Harry. Chris then sends me a simple nod.

Harry hadn't told him about how we spend the night together to his closest friend. Was it a good or bad thing? I don't even know. Thinking about the girl's he's been with it shock me too much, I mean I'm pretty certain that he's not telling Chris about every single girl. Right?

We jump out of the car and say our goodbyes. When I was about to close the door Chris spoke, "Call me tomorrow, yea?"

"Yea, I will!" Caia said in agreement before closing the door.

A soon as I saw them leaving the parking lot I turned to Caia with a smirk, "He's really into you Cai!

"I guess.. I mean he doesn't look to bad and he's actually really nice!" as her cheeks blushed.

"Wow! Is a boy turning Cai into a softy? I joke back raising my eyebrows.

"You know what, maybe! You should try it sometime Em, you know.. get to know someone, open up a little.." she mocks me with a proud smile.

"Get to know someone? Open up? Hmm.. never heard of it! I'm to unfamiliar with anything like that, I wouldn't even recognize it from a far!" I say sarcastically with both of us cracking up.

The rest of the night I just catched up with some homework, and Caia did the same before we fell asleep like babies.

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