Chapter 2

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Olivia looked at Fitz message and smiled. *Why, are you smiling? Are you crazy? She was thinking." Olivia had a plan in mind. She will tell Cyrus that she has clues to where Fitz is... but... she will give the wrong clues and then pretend she was kidnapped by Fitz, with that, she can buy time to talk to Fitz and think about how they will act.

Olivia went to Cyrus and suggested a place where Fitz could be. A place very far from the real shed. Cyrus sent all the policemen to this place. while Olivia went to the shed to find Fitz.

When she arrived, she made a noise... Michael ran and pointed a gun at her "Every time I get here, will you point that gun at me?" she asked ironically.

Michael laughed. Katy asked, "What is this woman doing here again?" "I'm the one who called her..." said Fitz.

Olivia started explaining the plan to Fitz... "I sent the cops to the wrong place. they're looking for you too far away from here... and... I need you to record a video with me... as if I've been kidnapped by you... so... I can buy time. Except I'm going to have to stay here with you for a few days... it's too risky for me to go and come back every day. If the information you have about Adam is true, I'll help you. I promise..." she confessed.

Katy soon shouted "What? you're staying here? I mean... sleep here? there's no place for you here. this is not a five-star hotel... this is an old shed. we've separated some spaces for me to sleep alone, Michael sleep alone and Fitz sleep alone. only if you sleep standing..." she mocked.

Michael said, "Katy, be quiet. no jealousy scene now..." "She... can... sleep with me..." said Fitz.

Olivia and Fitz looked at each other and she agreed.

They recorded a video of Olivia tied by ropes to make it look like a kidnapping. Michael sent the video to Cyrus in a way that wouldn't have been possible to track them. with the wrong clue Olivia passed and the kidnapping video. they'll have plenty of time to keep Cyrus away.

The shed was pretty big so Katy tried to stay on the other side all day. so as not to be near Olivia, she was very jealous. "Michael, I bet Fitz will fuck her. It's not fair. I love Fitz, I've been with him all this time, I'm his best friend... he lied to me saying he doesn't want romantic involvement with anyone, but he keeps admiring Olivia." "Katy, Fitz just wants you as a friend... understand that and don't complicate our work with your jealousy..." said Michael. -- Olivia and Fitz were alone in that part of the shed. Fitz hadn't been able to smile for a long time. Since his father was killed, his mother has been very ill and she is in a clinic. "Is there a shower here for me to take a bath in?" she asked. Fitz started laughing. The first sincere smile he gave in a long time. "No, here in the shed we heated the water in a pot, in that fire there... and then we took a bath.". "Okay" Olivia did what he said and took a shower.

Fitz lent her a shirt of his. "Do you mind sleeping with me? we brought some things... we got these mattresses. but they're not too big... if you want I'll sleep on the floor.". "No, of course not... the mattress is yours... I don't see any problem sleeping with you." The weather started to get hot... and they couldn't stop looking at each other.

They lay down together on the tight mattress...

Fitz was hypnotized by Olivia beauty. He couldn't stop looking at her... "You're a very brave woman..." he said. "I became a police officer to do justice and I will always fight crime... even if the criminal is my boss..." she replied. *You're not feeling anything for her. no romantic relationship... forget her... Fitz was thinking.

The sexual tension was too great. Olivia decided to pretend she was sleepy and soon after the two of them slept.

In the middle of the night... Fitz had a nightmare remembering his father being murdered in front of him. he woke up screaming and scared Olivia. "What, it was... Fitz?" she asked. "Nothing" he lied. "I know we don't have intimacy, but... you've already realized that you can trust me... so... talk...". Fitz looked into her eyes and started talking. he told her everything. he told her that his father was murdered in front of him... he started crying desperately... "I am not a murderer, I had never killed anyone... I killed Adam's son, because his family murdered my father. they destroyed my life and that of my mother, who is now in a clinic and sick." Olivia was shocked by his revelation. Fitz couldn't stop crying... "Can I give you a hug?" she asked. he nodded, saying yes. she hugged him very hard. she touched his face and started to dry her tears... they stood facing each other, their lips were very close... they almost kissed... when they heard a noise. they soon lay down and went to sleep.

It was just another day.

Olivia and Fitz were getting closer and closer. Michael was starting to trust Olivia and Katy is still jealous of Fitz.

Fitz told her everything... Michael told her about the information he got from hacking into Adam's company. "When I hacked Adam's cell phone, I saw that he gets messages from someone inside the police... someone who gets money to hide all of his crimes," said Michael.

Olivia began to think and she imagined it could only be Cyrus. considering that he ordered Fitz dead and not alive to give his testimony. "As soon as I get back to my job, I'll investigate and find out who Adam informants are..." "Will you be able to help me prove that Adam is a drug dealer and a murderer? Just like his son..." Fitz looked at her and she saw his blue eyes full of tears. "Yes... Fitz. I promise I'll help you. but we need a lot of evidence against Adam. only then will we be able to knock him down." "Katy, go there with Michael to get the food... Michael friend who is helping us with the food. he already texted us. I'll stay here with Olivia waiting." said Fitz. Katy made an angry face and went. "It seems your friend Katy... doesn't like me very much," she said ironically. "She's jealous of you," he said. "Jealous? why?" Olivia pretended not to know why. "Nothing. Forget it..."

Katy and Michael were out of the shed. Olivia and Fitz were alone and the sexual tension was getting more hot.

Fitz got up to get some things and ended up hurting his arm in the old shed's iron. "Let me take care of that... there are some things in my bag." Fitz took off shirt so she could clean the bruise. they got very close.

Olivia cleaned the wound. "Thank you..." he said. "You don't have to thank me..." "Thank you not only for the injury. Thank you for helping me and believing my story..." Olivia and Fitz eyes were mesmerized by each other.

They were sitting... their lips were getting closer and closer... they both closed their eyes at the same time and touched each other's lips.... The kiss started soft and slow. They were feeling the taste of each other's mouth... when they started a faster kiss with tongue and bites on the lips.

Fitz pulled Olivia into his lap she sat facing him and continued the kiss. her hand went down into Fitz abdomen and he squeezed her ass.

When Michael and Katy came back. they made a noise and the two of them separated the bodies and pretended that nothing had happened there.

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