☆ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 1☆

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Sakura groaned as she heard her alarm clock go off. She had stayed up all night to study for an upcoming biology exam! Finally turning off the alarm clock with a heavy sigh, she began with her day. She went to go take her morning showering, using shampoo and conditioner that smelled like olives and cherry blossoms, then using her body wash that smelt like cherry blossoms and strawberries. Once she finished her shower, she stepped out and wrapped a towel around her naked self, and went to her bedroom. When she arrived, she started getting dressed into her Otogakure uniform. After, when she was all dressed, she dried and styled her hair, then putting on a little bit of mascara and lipgloss on. She made her way downstairs to her kitchen to get something to eat. When she got down there, she just looked at the clock and she was going to be late! She hurried to grab a granola bar and her keys and yelled, " Goodbye mom and dad! I'm gonna be late now!!". In response she received two sleepy "ok's". Satisfied with those responses she made her way out the door, grabbing her bag of course. She arrived to the bus at the nick of time, and found a seat near the front. When she sat, she started munching on her granola bar then shoving the wrapper into her bag. She arrived to school early and made her way into home room class and found her seat next to her friends Ino and Hinata. As soon as she made it to her seat, she plopped down with a sigh.
"A-are you Alright Sakura-chan..?" Asked hinata's delicate voice.
"Yeah forehead, what's up with you..?" Ino asked alongside hinata's question.
"Oh, I just woke up late and didn't get a good breakfast. Not to mention I stayed up all night to study for the biology test." Sakura said at last with a sigh.
"PSSH... NERD!" Ino practically yelled into Sakura's ear.
"Hush pig, I'm not in the mood to argue and I don't wanna listen to you screaming into my ear!" Said Sakura, ending her sentence with a displeasured grunt.
"Yeah yeah yeah, whatever you say billboard brow." Ino ended the conversation, and started a new one with hinata.

Before Sakura knew it, school was already halfway down! 'Thank Kami' she thought to herself. Today Ino wouldn't be joining Hinata and Sakura at lunch because her fashion club was having a meeting or something like that... Sakura wasn't really paying attention to her reasoning. She went walking to hinata's last class before lunch when she stopped dead in her tracks at the sight in front of her. Hinata was being bullied. Her best friend. No. Sakura wouldn't let that happen, she recognized the girl making fun of hinata as Karin Uzumaki. The 'queen' of the school. Before Sakura could even processed what happened, she dashed in front of hinata, shoving her lightly to the side, and started beating the absolute shit out of Karin.

Then she ended up in the principals office, however Sakura wasn't really regretting her decision on fighting that tramp. When she entered the room she saw headmaster, Orochimaru and vice principal Kabuto.
"I expect you to know why you were called here Sakura..?" Orochimaru said breaking the silence.
"Yes sir." Sakura said nervously.
"Karin has to go to the hospital because her wounds were very serious. Unfortunately, while you may be a straight A student, we do not tolerate that behavior, therefore you are EXPELLED from Oto-high school." Orochimaru said.
Sakura sat there, confused. God her parents were gonna kill her!!
"Kabuto here, was able to switch you into a new school, at Konoha high school, conducted by my own friend Jiraiya, and you'll be starting next week. The school has dorms for the students to stay at, so you have to pack up your belongings when you get home. We contacted your parents already, and they agreed to send you to this new school." Orochimaru said, with a little pity in his voice because he'll be losing a straight A student.
"But Orochimaru... Isn't the trip to Konoha MILES AND MILES AND MILES away!!??" Sakura practically yelled.
"Yes. And your parents agreed to send you there. With that fight on your record it was hard finding a good school who'd accept you in Oto. Luckily for you, I have a friend who owns a school in Konoha and you'll be living in it's dorms. Sorry Sakura. This is all we have to offer." Kabuto said, answering for Orochimaru.
"I understand... thank you. And goodbye..?" Said Sakura , getting up from her seat and walking towards the door.
"I guess so, bye Sakura-Chan. Do good in the next school" said Orochimaru waving bye.
"Unfortunately, it is goodbye. Good luck Sakura." Kabuto said.

She walked out the office, and went to her locker to get her belongings. Then she realized. How was she supposed to tell Ino and Hinata! Quickly thinking, she wrote them both separate notes and slide them into their lockers. Then she made her way out the school, taking one last look at it. "Goodbye Oto- high." She said grimly.
When she arrived home, her parents weren't mad, just disappointed. Then they all started packing her stuff together. She had to start her new school on Monday, and today was Friday. They spent the rest of Friday and Saturday packing her stuff. Then on Sunday, Sakura and her mother were going on a plane to Konoha. Her mother would simply be leaving her there. To fend for herself. Pity. It took a whole day to get to Konoha, so when they arrived it was already Monday. They took a taxi to the school and bid their farewells. Sakura stepping out of the car with her luggage's in hand, leaving her weeping unsure mother behind. "Goodbye mom!!" She yelled waving as the taxi went further and further out of sight until it was finally gone.
She went walking up to the school and stopped dead in her tracks and stared at the large sign that read "Konaha's all boys high school!!".
No this couldn't be right!! This was the exact location but it couldn't actually be here! Could it!? She started freaking out mentally, and running her hand thru her unique pink colored locks. Not noticing someone was watching her.
"Um excuse me..? Are you lost?" A boy with ocean blue eyes and blond hair, with a sun kissed skin tone asked her.
"Um yeah.. I'm not sure if I have the right school." Sakura answered handing the boy the paper Kabuto gave her before she left.
The boy skimmed through the note, and stared wide-eyed at it.
"Come, I'll take you to headmaster Jiraiya. He should know. I'm Naruto Uzumaki by the way." He said, taking the Pinkette's hand into his own.
"Oh um.. thanks. I'm Sakura Haruno!" She smiley sheepishly at him.
Naruto saw her smile and couldn't help but let a small blush appear on his cheeks. On the other hand, Sakura noticed the boys at the front of the school was watching Naruto drag her inside the school. Whispers and rumors were starting to go out now. However she and Naruto ignored them and made their way to see Jiraiya. When they entered they say their headmaster having a conversation with the head nurse. When Naruto and Sakura stated the incident. There was a long argument between Jiraiya and the nurse named Tsunade. Long story short, it was a mistake however they were going to let her stay and study her until she graduates.
"Now you'll have to pick your dorm-mate! Here's a list!" Jiraiya said handing the girl the list. Sakura thanked him and walked out the office with Naruto alongside her. 'Good luck Sakura, at this all boy high school!' Tsunade inwardly groaned, wishing the best luck for the poor lucked beauty.

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