☆ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 13☆

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~*Sakura's POV*~
I couldn't remember much from last night, but I do remember that I feel asleep in a random bedroom. I feel a source of warmth from my back side, I move a little but too see what's causing the warmth. To my surprise it was Itachi! I fell off the bed, blushing a crimson color. I'm pretty sure I woke him up.... though I do admit, it was rather pleasant to wake up by his side.
~*Normal POV*~
"Erm... Sorry sleeping beauty, you can go back to bed". Sakura said nervously.
"Hn. It's morning, and I'm not a lazy person so I might as well get out of bed now". He replied, stretching his arms with a yawn.
Sakura giggled.
"What's funny dear?" Itachi said.
"Your hair! It's free and loose! You have bed-head hair!" She giggled some more.
"Hn." He grouched.
"Oh it's okay Itachi, no one will know that you look so cute when you sleep!" She paused, realizing what she just said, she called itachi cute! Dear Kami-sama..
"Is that so Sakura-chan ? You find me attractive? Either way, right back at ya." He winked then smirked when he saw Sakura blush crimson.
"W-Whatever..." she said looking away.
"Eh... Itachi? Could you show me the way out your house? It's like a maze". She pleaded.
"Oh course, but I insist that you stay for breakfast, and your regular clothes should be dry now.... wouldn't want to go out in public wearing only undergarments and an oversized T-shirt... now would you?" He asked smirking.
"No..." was her response, looking around the room.
"But I do admit, my family's company's logo suits you well. Don't you agree?" He asked. She didn't respond, she just blinked and blushed at him.
Then he started to change, starting to put a shirt over his head, that's when Sakura realized Itachi was shirtless the whole time. He was moving down to change into his pants but she stopped him before he could.
"Woah woah woah buddy! You could've at least told me to turn around!" She said.
"You could've done so without my request, but you where still lookin." He snickered.
"Aa. Pein is right, you are to innocent for this world". Itachi said.
"Who says I'm innocent?!" She blushed furiously.
"Are you saying that you aren't?" He retorted.
" Maybe I am or maybe I am not! That's for me to know and for you to find out!" She huffed and pouted her lips.
Next thing you know, Itachi picks Sakura up and throws her on his bed, smirking he leans closer and he's now on top of her, about to put his lips on her neck then she stubbles out of bed, falling off of course, blushing like there was no tomorrow.
"W-what was that f-for!" She blushed furiously.
"You told me 'it was for me to find out', so that's what I did. I've come to the conclusion that you are innocent." He smirked.
"Whatever you closet perv! Finished getting dressed so that I can! And when I do NO peaking!" She huffed.
"Of course my love." He winked and got dressed into his regular attire, then Sakura got dressed.
They were walking around the halls, while walking down the stairs, they heard someone shout out to Itachi.
"Yooo Itachi!! It's me!! Shisui!!!" Shisui yelled running down the hall, catching up with Sakura and Itachi.
Sakura observed the boy, he was tall and lean, muscular, black hair just like Itachi's and Sasuke's, as well as those same coal black eyes. Must be in the family genes, Sakura thought to herself.
"Good morning Shisui, it's very pleasant to make your acquaintance this lovely Saturday." Itachi said.
"Itachi I thought we had a talk about this before! You don't need to be formal in speech all the time!" Shisui rolled his eyes and huffed.
Itachi's reply was a 'hn.'
"My my my.... Itachi who's this lovely lady!?" Shisui asked, eyeing Sakura.
"That's Sakura, a soon-to-be Uchiha wife." Itachi smirked.
"What? I never agreed to that!" Sakura huffed.
"Pleasure to meet you Sakura! You look absolutely gorgeous!" Shisui said kissing her hand, making her blush.
"Now if you do plan on becoming a future Uchiha wife, I better be a candidate for the husband you'll be marrying! Remember I'm an Uchiha too!" Shisui smirked.
"Erm... that's nice...?" She said unsurely.
The group was now walking to the kitchen, were the chef was already working on their meals, Sasuke came down soon after.
"Ah good morning my dearest sunshine!" Sakura snorted when she greeted Sasuke.
"Ah good morning my lovely soon-to-be Uchiha wife!" He smirked, pulling up a seat next to Itachi.
"Whatever..." she huffed.
"Hey Sakura?" Shisui asked.
"Yeah?" She responded.
"Are you looking for an easy way to earn money?" He said with a smile.
"If the job is what I think it is... I'll pass". She said with disinterest.
"No no no not a job like 'that', I'm a photographer, well a newbie at least. And I have a chance to work with a big company, but they require me to send in some random shots I've done with people or just places. So I was hoping, if you'd be my model for my photos?" He asked nicely.
"Mmmm I don't know....? A model...? I don't think I'd be good for that." She said looking around the room.
"It's quite easy, and with your beauty, you'll be a natural with the cameras! Oh please say yes! I'll be paying you after all!" Shisui said pleadingly.
"Sure I guess, give me your phone number? Then call or text me when you need me?" She said, pulling out her phone, handing it to Shisui who was already dialing his number down.
"HAHA! SASUKE?! DID YOU ACTUALLY SEND HER A PHOTO OF YOU DOING A HEART WITH YOUR HANDS?!" Shisui was dying of laughter, showing the screen to the people at the table, (itachi, Sakura, sasuke, and himself).
"What the heck Shisui! I gave you my phone so you could put your number in! Not so you could go through it!" She yelled, taking back her phone.
"Hehe... sorry! But answer my question sasuke!" Shisui said, still laughing.
"Yes foolish brother, enlighten us." Itachi said chuckling.
"I suppose I did, there's nothing wrong with showing my future wife affection." He grumbled.
Before Sakura could answer, the food was served. Blueberry muffins, pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice.
They said their 'Thanks' and began eating, they finished about 45 minutes later.
"Oh that was delicious!" Sakura said, flashing a smile.
"Mmm maybe if you were to live here with us, me especially, you'd experience fine dining everyday my dear." Itachi said.
"You had me at food!" Sakura jokingly said.
"Anyways...? Who will drive me back to school campus?" She asked, getting up from her chair.
"Oh also Shisui, how come I don't see you around school?" Sakura asked.
"Well I take a lot of advance classes, and extra classes, and on my spare time is when I'm a photographer." He answered, Sakura nodded her head in response.
"I can drive you too if you want Sakura-Chan!" Shisui said with a smile, it made Sakura's heart skip a beat but she would never admit that to anyone.
"Sure let's go!" Sakura said, dragging Shisui by the hand out the door.
"Bye guys! See ya soon!" She yelled out to Sasuke and Itachi, both nodded their heads.

Shisui's black and green Lamborghini, soon pulled up to the school's campus. He stopped the car right in front of the building so Sakura wouldn't have to walk much.
"Thank you so much Shisui!" Sakura smiled.
"Of course, anything for you!" He said with puppy eyes, that again made Sakura's heart skip a beat.
"We'll see ya around!" She said, giving Shisui a kiss on the cheek, then hopping out the car.
Shisui paused for a moment before bidding a farewell to her, touching his cheek where she planted a delicate kiss. He smiled.
"Well that wasn't fair." Sasuke said from the back of the car.
"Agreed." Itachi said.
"What are you guys doing in my car?!" Shisui yelled.
"Just making sure that Sakura got back safely." Sasuke grumbled.

"Sakura-Chan!!" Naruto yelled, running down to her.
"Where were you?! I was so worried?! Why didn't you come back last night!?" Naruto asked.
"Oh sorry I worried you, I stayed last night at the Uchiha's because I feel asleep in a random room, but I'm fine! No need to worry! Now how about you and I go walking to my dorm?" She asked sweetly.
"Right let's go!!" Naruto said taking her hand. He always loved the feeling of her hand in his, they fit perfectly together, much like puzzle pieces. He swore that one day, she'll be wearing a ring that he will give her, she'd be his, his wife, and they'll have a family together, he dreamt many times of her accepting his proposal, her last name becoming Uzumaki instead of Haruno.
Then the duo made there way to Sakura's dorm, and hung out together, along with Neji or who Sakura liked to call "my wifey".

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