His Touch

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Jungkook was hiding his face in Jimins chest as he heard thunder and lightning. Jimin rubbed his back and whispered, "Shh~. Don't worry baby I'm right here~." He could feel how Jungkook shook. He was shaking violently and this made him sad.

Jimin knows how much Jungkook hates thunder and lightning. He wishes he could do something to stop it all but he can't. Jungkook let out a tiny squeak when he felt Jimin suddenly squeeze him. He blushed a deep red and covered his mouth.

Jimin chuckled lightly before squeezing him again. Jungkook squeaked again and complained, "Hyunggggg!! Don't do that~." Jimin, being the person he is, didn't listen and kept squeezing him. Jungkook let out squeaks with a blush which spread across his cheeks.

Jimin eventually stopped and asked him, "What do you wanna do tonight~?" Jungkook shrugged and replied, "Maybe we can... you know~." Jimin pulled him closer by the waist and whispered into his ear, "What a cute little Jungkookie~."

🌺A while later... 🌺

Jungkook was resting his head on  Jimins bare chest. He was listening to his heartbeat (MY HEARTS ON FIRE FOR YOUR LOOOOOOOOOOOVE) with a smile on his face. Jimin was staring out the window with his hand on Jungkooks butt.

Jimin was massaging Jungkooks butt because after what just happened Jungkook seems like he needs it. The younger male had his eyes closed as he let Jimin massage his butt. (I'M SURE WE CAN ALL AGREE THAT JUNGKOOK IS THICC!!! Oh mah boiiii! Oh mah boiiiii baby!)

Jimin smiled as he kissed Jungkooks shoulder and whispered, "Your skin is as soft as a babies... I love that~." Jungkook blushed a deep red and mumbled, "It's not that soft Jimin." Jimin overheard him and replied with, "Yes it is~."

Jungkook smiled shyly and responded with, "Why don't you keep on massaging me instead?" Jimin kissed his cheek before continuing to massage him. Jungkook whined softly when Jimin massaged a little too hard.

Jimin apologized for what he did and asked him, "Why don't we... go take a shower? Hmm?" Jungkook thought about it for a few minutes then replied with, "Sure~ but I'm in my lazy bunny mood~." Jimin chuckled and asked, "Would the little bunny prince like for his hyungie to bathe him~?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and replied, "I'd like for Jiminie to bathe me~. Maybe even give me kissies and drink some wine?" Jimin nodded as he lifted up Jungkook and carried him to the bathroom in their room. Jungkook was placed onto the counter and he screamed.

Since he was already undressed the cold counter made his butt feel like he was pressed against ice. Jimin quickly made the water warm and placed Jungkook
into it. Jungkook sighed in relief and said, "Thank you hyungie~." Jimin nodded as went to open the cabinet under the counter.

Jungkook giggled as he saw Jimin pull out some wine glass and different wines. Jimin got into the tub with him and asked, "What kind of wine would my little bunny like~?" Jungkook closed his eyes and pointed at a random wine.

Jimin smirked as he realized Jungkook had chosen vodka instead of wine. Oh well~. Jimin served him the "wine" and have it to him. Jungkook smiled at him and drank it. It tasted weird to Jungkook but he asked for more.

One cup turned into two which turned into three. Those three cups eventually turned out into a whole bottle. Then two bottles and three bottles. Let's just say Jungkook got completely WASTED because of the "wine." When Jungkook tried to get out of the bathtub, he tripped.

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