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~One Year Later~

It has been a year since the disappearance of Jungkook. Jimin has had dreams of Jungkook screaming for him. It's always the same dream. The nightmare...

It's as if his nightmare from long ago is coming true. What if by the time Jungkook is found... it's too late? No! No no no... he will be okay.

Jungkook will be brought back and he'll be fine. They will be reunited and Jimin knows it. The day his baby is brought back he will protect him. The guards are still searching along with the police.

They've gotten closer to finding him. It's only a matter of time. Jimin wishes he could reset just to stop Jungkook from ever leaving.

Jimin wants his baby back. He wants to hold him in his arms. To cradle him and kiss him. To cuddle him all day and all night. All Jimin wants is to have Jungkook by his side again.

Jimin has a feeling that it will be very soon. Jungkooks necklace was found in a forest recently. That was amazing news because they could possibly find him soon.

Jimin held the necklace close to his heart. It had Jungkooks scent which meant it was dropped not that long ago. Jimin knows Jungkook is still alive.

The question is... where is he? I mean he must be near. All the clues which have been found point to the forest. The woods.

Jimin can feel Jungkooks touch. When he closes his eyes... he can see Jungkook in front of him. His cute bunny smile. Beautiful doe eyes.

Jimin can hear Jungkook whispering in his ear. He hears Jungkook tell him that he's okay. That soon they are going to be reunited. Jungkook always whispers the dates, 8/25 and 8/23. Those dates are very close.

It's just three days away. What could happen on those days? Jimin has hope that the dates are the days they might be reunited. Jimin can't wait to see his little bunny again.

Jimin smiled to himself as he opens the door and steps out. Taehyungs eyes widened as he asks Jimin, "You finally came out of the room, huh? Nice seeing you out again." Jimin rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen.

Jimin grabbed a carrot then went to the couch. He sat down and turned on the TV. "365: Repeat the Year" is on... Jungkooks favorite drama. Jimin ate the carrot as he watched the show.

Once it was over he turned to his left. The spot where Jungkook always sat. He smiled as he felt a light kiss being pressed onto his cheek. Jimin knew that Jungkook was trying to tell him he was okay.

Jimin swore that he heard Jungkooks laugh echo inside the mansion. Jin ran out of the kitchen and asked, "Did anyone else hear Jungkooks laugh?!" Jimin smiled fondly and replied, "He's trying to tell us something."

Everyone gathered up in the living room and sat down. Jimin told them about what has happened to him lately. About feeling Jungkooks presence, the kisses and the whispers. Everyone agreed that they felt his presence too.

Jimin smiled with tears in his eyes as he said, "He misses us... just like we miss him. He has whispered in my dreams the dates: 8/23 and 8/24. What could that mean?"

Namjoon heard a knock at the door and went to open it. On the other side stood a police officer. They said that they found a cottage in the woods.

Namjoon asked, "Could Jungkook be there?" The officer nodded and replied, "We will go on the 24th to ambush it."

August 24,2020

Jimins P.O.V

Today is the day. I'm with the officers getting ready to ambush!! I have a feeling that Jungkook is in there. The officers slowly made their way to the front door. I followed them. I want to see him again.

I want to make sure he is okay. The officers knocked down the door and ran in. My eyes widen at what I see. There is a LADY who is gripping Jungkooks wrist.

Jungkook looks the same... nothing had changed about him. I scream his name and run to hug him. Jungkook looks over at me and he begins to cry. I engulf him in a hug and cry with him.

The lady makes a run for it but I don't care. He's back in my arms. I won't let go of him ever again. I heard him whisper, "You're here... you're actually" I smiled fondly as I replied in a soft voice, "Of course I am~."

Jungkook whimpers softly and I move away instantly. There are chains on his neck, wrists and legs. I waste no time and look for a key. Jungkook looks down and whispers, "S..she took the key... it's no use."

I glance at him and look for a different way to get him out of those chains. Jungkook sits down on the floor and gasps. I immediately look at him and asked in a worried tone, "Are you okay?"

Jungkook nodded making me sigh in relief. He made grabby hands in my direction and I knew what he wanted. I hugged him tightly and asked, "Was it you who sent those messages? We heard your whispers, laugh and felt your touches."

Jungkook smiled and replied, "Y..yeah! The reason I kept saying 8/23 and 8/25 was because that woman was planning on selling me. Since I'm a bunny hybrid she could sell me for a lot of money."

I hug my baby tightly and inhale his scent. He still smells the same. I feel tears in my eyes as I hold him in my arms. Jungkook was ripped away from me.

Torn away. Separated from me for over a year. I promise to keep him safe. I will never let him leave the mansion alone. We hear voices and screaming.

I look up and see the woman. She was caught and tried to escape again. Jimin kissed Jungkook softly and Jungkook gladly kissed back. Jimin pulled away and placed his forehead against Jungkooks.


It's been so long~. ㅠ-ㅠ
Anygays~, how is everyone? I hope you're all happy~. I hope you are all safe!

If you need someone to talk to ever, my DMs are open!

If you wanna chat with me my Instagram is p3ar1.th3.potato

DM if you wanna chat about anything. I'll listen and give advice~.

I love you all~.

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