Part two

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Destiny laid back in her boyfriends bed flipping through her delias catalogue. Danger zone loudly played in the background allowing her to bob her head to the beat. Days like this were the best to her cause she could spend time with her boyfriend and embrace her inner introvert. She glanced for a second at the mullet wearing boy smiling to herself.

Steve sat at his desk flipping his pen between his two fingers. This is it, he thought, don't even stress it Steve it's just one little question she's gonna say yes. He ran his fingers through his soft brown hair before adjusting his jean jacket.

Destiny furrowed her brows peeking over her magazine. Ever since she asked him out a week ago Steve's been acting a little strange. Well, as strange as things could get in Hawkins. "Something on your mind Stevie boy?" She pestered.

"Um, yeah actually," he spun in his chair to face his girlfriend. "We've known each for awhile and I know we're already going steady so," destiny couldn't help but giggle at his choice of words.

"Yeah, all true so that means you should feel comfortable saying whatever. Spit it out." She grinned resting her head in her hands.

"Will you go on a date with me tomorrow night?" He stood up deciding not to let the nerves take over. I mean he was only asking one of the most beautiful girls he ever laid eyes on on a date, no biggie.

"Mm it depends where to?" She teased enjoying the red blush on his face.

"I was thinking ice skating and baking Christmas cookies afterwards." He sat down on the bed in front of  her.

"Sounds fun, I can jive with that." She smirked.

"Jive? What that's like your new thing or something?"

"Yeah jive. Now come here." She gently pulled his collar to her.

"Aye-aye captain." He smiled against her lips.

The lights fluttered on waking me out of my memories. Maybe I missed Steve more than I was letting on.

Word count: 340
Not edited

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