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Months went by and not a lot happened Sean was working his ass off in the garage while Daniel has school. Over the years Daniel has gotten better at Spanish but he wasn't nearly as good as his brother. Sean heard Daniel talk to someone as he walked into the garage. "Sorry for my brother he is... well a bit weird," Daniel said making fun of Sean. "Hey," Sean said slowly tapping Daniel his ankle with his foot. Sean rolled out from under the car standing up seeing a tall Mexican boy stand in front of him. Sean greeted the boy as he smiled at Daniel. "It's nice to finally meet you," The boy said holding his hand out. Sean took it with a smile on his face. "I'd say the same but Daniel never told me he had a friend," Sean answered putting his tools down. "It doesn't matter, I have to get back to work it was nice meeting you tho, try and keep it clean up there," Sean said the last part looking at Daniel. "Yeah we will," Daniel said before grabbing the boy his wrists wanting the conversation to be over so they could hang out. Sean chuckled walking over to his phone dialing Finn his number again. Nothing, Sean has been trying to reach Finn but he never picked up the phone. It was almost November 1st "Día de Muertos," Sean mumbled looking at a picture of his father in his wallet. It was the one day he felt like he could cry, that he could mourn his loss. It was also the one tradition Sean really did something. (not try to shame any Mexican holidays or traditions)

Sean didn't really have a veranda set up but he'd always have a painted picture of dad in the living room. Sean knew it would only work with a picture or so it was told, but he didn't have a picture of his father he lost it at the farm with Merrill before he passed out plus's he wanted to have a picture of his dad smiling not being serious, that's not how he wanted to remember his father.

It was the end of the day and like always Daniel and Sean were silently sitting across from each other eating. "So, you wanna go to the cemetery for día de Muertos," Daniel asked knowing it was a sensitive subject. "I don't know Daniel, he doesn't even have a thumb stone, it would just be weird, let do it here this year again," Sean said not looking up from his plate. "Come on, you haven't been outside since your call with Finn, and I mean in the town, not the beach," Daniel said trying to cheer up his brother. "I know enano, I'm sorry it's just hard," Sean said standing up from the dining table. "You can't just wait all your life for Finn, come on we managed for 6 years without him, I know you want him but can't we just have fun, we'll drink a beer laugh...party," Daniel said the last word a bit unsure. "Si hemano party," he said reassuring Daniel he didn't make a mistake in his pronouncement. "Okay... so let's...," Daniel got cut off by a knock on the door. The brothers looked at each other as Sean put his plate in the sink quickly. "Daniel do the dishes and stay here, I'll see who it is," Sean was a bit cautious cause they barely had anyone over and the garage was already closed at this time of day. Sean slowly opened the door as he felt air skipping from his lungs when he saw Finn standing in front of him. He was about as tall as Sean he had a bit of a tan but still, his pale face broke through the tan, as his tattoos were all still there (duh) alongside some new ones as his dreadlocks were gone and replaced with soft brown hair falling over his shoulders. "Hello, sweetie," he said with his normal grin on his face. When Sean heard Finn speak he just hugged him. Finn pulled his bag from his shoulder hugging Sean back. "I missed you," Sean mumbled. He looked up from Finn's shoulder has for a change he didn't smell like sweat, cigarettes, and weed.  He looked up seeing Cassidy behind him alongside Hannah and Penny. "W...I thought," Sean was confused as he looked at Finn. "We made up," Cassidy said before Sean hugged the rest. "Uh, Sean is ever...Finn," he said with a big smile on his face. "hey little dude," Finn said hugging Daniel. "so are we allowed to come in," Cassidy asked patting Sean's shoulder. "yeah of course, sorry, some of you will have to sleep on the couch or floor we didn't expect so many of you," Sean said walking inside while Daniel and Finn were just chatting like always ( I hate my life).

Sean has grabbed some pillows and sheets and made up the couch same as a few sleeping bags on the ground. "I know it's not perfect, but... well you all came a bit unexpected," Sean said looking at the group who was sitting on the couch. Finn chuckled at Sean stumbling over his words. "You sure didn't grow out of that Diaz," he mumbled making Cass chuckle. "You mind if we smoke," Penny asked politely. "No go head," Sean said walking to the kitchen. There whole house was looking more like a garage then a house. Walls were just dull grey cement as the floor was the same, but the two brothers made it work putting down some rugs and actually cleaning up the place putting some decorations on the walls and of course there furniture.

Finn saw Sean walking over to the kitchen with his head looking at something he was holding in his hand. "You okay pup," Finn asked sitting down on the bar chair in the other side of the kitchen island. There kitchen wasn't very big but like always they made it work, they had bar chair against the kitchen island to use as a dining table and come counters and cupboards on the wall. "Uh...what," Sean mumbled turning around. "Are you okay," Finn asked again. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine, just a bit confused why you showed up now after months and with all of them, not that I care..." Sean said trailing of not realizing he was speaking Spanish. "Okay, backtrack that hot shot, from the beginning now in English," Finn said as a cheeky grin appeared over his face. "Why come now," Sean asked leaning against the kitchen counter looking straight at Finn. "You look good," Finn said trying to dodge the question. "Finn, I haven't seen you in years that doesn't mean I don't know when your avoiding a question," Sean said with a serious tone as he brushed his hair out of his face. "When you called, I was working at a farm... a pot farm, but this guy was way worse then Merrill, he'd abuse his workers in ways I wish I could forget, I didn't know how to get out, for once in my life I felt trapped again, I didn't know how to get out without getting my name out there again, so I stayed, until Cass and the rest came along, when I saw them, I told them to get the hell out of there, I was scared what happened to the people before me would happen to them, and you know Cass the has a big mouth, so I knew it would happen, they didn't believe me so I decided to try and convince them, after we made up...we got the hell out of there, I told them about you, that you survived the massacre and the border same for Daniel, and that I was gonna go that way, they decided to come with me, and well, you know Cass, she is determent when it comes to her friends,"
Sean had a weak smile on his face. "Why didn't call me sure you had some time," Finn got off the bar chair and moved around the kitchen island towards Sean. "I wish I could have, but you called when I was working, the broke my phone and..." Finn slowly pulled his shirt up showing a bit scare. "They up...shit happened," Finn cut it short walking away from Sean again. "What about your dreads," he asked trying to lighten the mood. "Prison happened, got shaved bald," he said a bit sad. "Well I know a good hair dresser so let's get you your dreads back, and I'm sure I have some shit to decorate them with, I got some beer caps, and I'm sure Daniel got some shit as well," Sean said with a smile on his face. "Seems like an idea to me sweetheart," Finn said before walking into the he living room again.


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