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After a while Sean has cleaned up some shit in the garage and had turned off the light for to night, when he made it into the living room Hans has taken the couch as Cassidy and Penny were in the ground. "I thought I'd get a bed if I came here," Cass said jokingly looking up at Sean. "Yeah well I had only really been preparing for one person to come." Sean said throwing a pillow at Cass. "Don't worry, I was gonna get some shit for the guest bedroom tomorrow, by this weekend you'll have mattresses to sleep on instead of a concrete floor. He said walking past them. "For now, try and keep it down," Sean said turning the light off. "Yes mom," Cass said joking as she laid down. "Don't even try that shit, btw if you feel something fall on you tomorrow it's Daniel trying to get ready for school," Sean said before pulling him and Finn up the stairs. (so it was never really stated how old or young Cass, Finn and the rest where but they seemed early twenties which btw makes Sean possibly sleeping with Cassidy illegal, but I decided to make them around the time they met Sean and Daniel in... I wanted to say Haven point but I mean, Beaver Creek, around 18...19, which means by now they are also like Sean around 24/25 so yeah)

Sean opened the door to his bedroom letting Finn in before quickly checking on Daniel who fell a sleep on his desk. Sean chuckled walking in seeing he was doing some school shit. "Daniel...Daniel wake up, you're sleeping on your desk," Sean said helping Daniel up. "No...no I have to finish this," Daniel said half a sleep grabbing a blank piece of paper. "It's okay, I'll help you tomorrow," Sean said helping Daniel in bed.

After Sean closed the door he saw Finn in the bathroom looking at himself more specifically his scare on his hip. "You're always the one talking about how scares are hot," Sean said with a chuckle leaning against the doorframe. "Who said I changed my mind sweetheart," Finn said walking over to Sean. "If you haven't changed your mind about it why are you looking at this one like it's killing you from the inside out," Sean asked stopping Finn from trying to change the subject by kissing him. "It reminds me of a time I wanna forget, memories are just lessons for the future," Finn mumbled walking past Sean into his bedroom.  Sean sort grasped the small scares on the inside of his arm, they were from a time he tried to forget.

Sean's bedroom wasn't anything special it had a queen sized bed in it with one bed side table a chair where his squad hoodie was hanging over and a pair of shoes was sitting under neath the chair, and a dresser with 6 drawers.

"I can take the guest room if you want," Finn said taking off his shirt. "Up to you," Sean said changing out of his black shirt into a dark grey tank top. "Why is this so awkward," Finn asked looking over at Sean who had changed out of his jeans into a pair of football shorts. "What...," Sean sat down on the bed a bit confused looking up at Finn. "W...why does it feel so awkward, it's just 7 years ago I flirted and you... did your thing and we had fun and now, now it's, different," Finn say down next to Sean while talking. "I guess, I just grew up and moved on, I mean it wasn't like I was necessarily free minded back then, it was all about the cops and when were we gonna have to leave, now, I feel more free, I mean I'm still thinking about the cops and everything but just less," Sean felt a hand on his back seeing that Finn was moving closer to Sean.

"Remember what I said back then,"

"well you said a lot of things but yes," Finn let out a chuckle pointing at Sean's chest.

"Normally after they would leave, I would move on, I'd forget about them, just sleep with Hans for a night and all was forgotten, with you, after seeing your eye..." Finn said moving his hand to softly touch Sean's skin just under his black glass eye. (So quick mash up since the game they only allow the Finn Sean relationship unless you agree with the heist.... I decided to change that, Sean didn't a agree with the heist but still kissed Finn so yeah, let's continue) "I felt responsible, you told me not to do it, but I was to fucking stupid, I was blinded by the money, everything I said, everything I did was for you, and Daniel, but that night in the hospital, it never left my mind, it left me wondering if I would ever see you again, to make up for what I did, make up for the time we lost," Sean had never seen Finn this serious before, normally he was also cracking jokes even when it was not the moment for it but, he was drop dead serious. "Those years apart, the days we spend flirting and not acting on it, we will never get back," Sean said with pain in his voice. "But that doesn't mean we can't act on them now," Sean said feeling Finn his hand on his knee as he slowly squeezed it. "You took the words from my mouth sweetheart," Finn said chuckling. Sean just smiled getting up again but being pulled down by Finn. "Not so fast hot shot, you really wanna waste more seconds or can we finally kiss," Finn said with a cheeky smirk on his face. Sean scoffed at the comment and kissed Finns cheek teasing him a bit. Finn stood up and walked to his side of the bed. "You're gonna regret this Diaz," Finn said getting under the covers. Sean grinned getting under the covers as well pulling Finn closer. "Sure I will," Sean said moving closer to Finn. "But let's just wait until everyone is out of the house," Sean whispered hotly into Finn's ear before turning around and turning off the light. "Fucking tease," Finn said under his breath. "You love me for it," Sean said with a soft chuckle

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