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A couple of weeks had pasted, Hannah, Cassidy, Penny and Finn were all still with the two brothers, luckily Sean had brought some furniture including three beds, it wasn't exactly what he had in mind for the guest bedroom, but it was better then letting his friends sleep on the floor. Even tho Cassidy and the rest explored more and more of the town and stuff, Sean and Finn could both see Cassidy felt trapped.

"Cass are you okay," Sean asked handing her a beer. It was the end of the day Sean had closed the garage early today cause he was exhausted from the sudden work over load since Finn and the gang had gotten here. Cass and Sean walked out fo the house together joining at group on the beach, Daniel had taken out his speaker and was blasting some music on it not that Sean minded, it was kind of fun, it reminded him of there time at the farm. Cass and Finn sat down in the sand still keeping a reasonable distance so their conversation couldn't be heard by the others. "You know me Sean, I am never the one to stay in places for long, I'll feel trapped again, and, I don't wanna feel like that, not again, but I can't leave Hannah, and since Penny joined the group I can't leave him either," Sean listened quietly, a soft smile appeared every time Cass talked with her Texas accent, it would bring him back to when they first met in Beaver creek, eight years ago. "Cass, I think you should just talk to them, and I don't mean argue, just tell them how you feel, it's what I did with Finn and look where it got us," Sean said happily looking at Daniel trying to splash Finn with water as they were running to the water. "Maybe you're right not such a city boy anymore huh," Cass said laughing taking another sip of her beer. "I'll always be a city boy, but I can't lie, apart from all the gangs, Puerto Lobos is pretty amazing," Sean said taking out a cigarette. "I told Daniel I would stop," he mumbled with a chuckle. "Then try to," Cassidy reassured Sean with a soft smile. "Not now, to much going on," Sean said lighting the cigarette and taking a hit. "Thanks for the talk Sean, I think I'll join the rest," Cass stood up and walked over to Hannah and Penny watching as Daniel and Finn joined them as well. Sean looked down at his beer when all of a sudden something or better said someone blocked his sun. "You're blocking my sun," Sean said in a fake annoyed tone when he saw it was Finn. "I'm sorry sweetheart, this better," he said getting on his knees in front of Sean still blocking a bit of his sun. "Perfect," Sean said as he could look straight into Finn's eyes. They both started laughing as Finn sat down in between Sean's legs with his head against Sean's chest hearing his heartbeat as his head slowly moved with Sean's chest up and down. Sean laughed at Finn's clinginess sometimes as he placed his arms on Finn's shoulders letting his hands rest in Finn's chest. "Couldn't have at least dried off before you came here," Sean said looking down at Finn. He softly nodded no hugging Sean's arms tightly. Sean couldn't help but smile and press a kiss on Finn's head.

"What were you and Cassidy talking about earlier," Finn asked after a little while of silence. "She wants to leave again, a...are you thinking of... going with them," Sean asked a little scared not wanting Finn to go. "Remember my dream, I told you about," Finn said looking at Sean face by letting his head fall back. "Uh, yeah," Sean said a bit unsure. "I don't care if it's Costa Rica or Puerto lobos, it took me two years to find the courage to write you, I ain't leaving sweetheart," Finn said holding Sean's hands which had come together on Finn's chest. He gave Sean's hand a quick kiss before turning around feeling Sean's body relax again. "I know it will sound selfish but god am I happy to hear you say that," Sean said giving Finn a kiss on the top of his head. "You know they are busy, we can Uh...," Finn said smirking at Sean. Sean just chuckled, while they had there occasional fun they had never actually done it. "If Cass decides to leave with the group, we'll have full days for just a two of us," Sean said whispering the last bit hotly in Finn ear. "If you want me to wait you gotta stop teasing," Finn said bitting his lip. "You know you love it," Sean said chuckling.

In a swift motion Finn turned around pinning Sean in the sand. "Who said I didn't," Finn whispered in Sean's ear turning him on. "Fuck," Finn breathed out feeling Sean hard cock against his thighs. Sean just let out a chuckle. Before the two could kiss they heard someone wolf whistle. When they both looked up Cass was in the sand laughing while Penny joined her as Hannah was in her knees whistling at them. "Oh my...," Sean didn't finish his sentence while he covered his face with his hands that Finn let go. "Still so quickly embarrassed," Finn said laughing standing up and holding a hand out. Sean quickly took it as he got pulled up by Finn the second he took his hand. Finn pulled Seen up into a passionate kiss. "You take care of that sweetheart," Finn whispered in Sean ear before he turned around to the group.

2 days later:

"To our last night together," Finn said raising a glass with some captain Morgan in it mixed with cola. Sean smiles raising his glass as well before Finn sat back down on the couch leaning against Sean who had his hand on the back fo the couch. Finn grabbed Sean's arm pulling it against his chest before focusing on the rest of the group again feeling Sean press a kiss against the back of his head. Daniel slept over at a friends house so it was just the five (five, hold on... Penny, Hannah, Cassidy, Sean, Finn... 1,2,3,4,5, yeah five) of them all together. Daniel had already said his goodbyes before he left for his friends house as the group would leave tonight.

After some drinking everybody said there goodbyes and you know there were tears involved. Finn was hugging everybody while Sean was just looking at them. "You are always welcome here," Sean said hugging them goodbye watching them as the walked off the beach to their cab. As Sean was looking at them Finn pulled him inside. "As sad as I am that they're gone, I am so happy we finally have some alone time again." Finn pushed Sean against the wall pulling his shirt up very eager to get some action. "Let's just go up...," Sean didn't get to finish his sentence because Finn kissed him. Sean moaned into the kiss jumping up wrapping his legs around Finn's waist as his arms wrap around Finn's neck. "You think you can lift me up the stairs," Sean asked in between moans feeling Finn's xoxo (for some reason my autocorrect made xoxo from cock... yeah, just lemme...lemme fix that) Sean asked in between moans feeling Finn's cock against his ass. Finn didn't respond as he just pulled Sean from the wall up the stairs into their bedroom putting him down on his dresser.

Sean's legs still wrapped around Finn's waist he felt Finn's hands trial under his shirt, the cold touch of his hands made Sean shiver as he still moaned feeling Finn's growing bulge and his lips on his neck. Sean held Finn by the back of his head feeling his shirt shaved head. He slowly pulled Finn away looking at the sight of Finn with his dreads all back. "God I forget how hot you were with your dreads," Sean moaned pulling them in for a heated kiss, if was rough, full of lust and a bit messy but neither of them cared, they just wanted to feeling each other's bodies. Sean wanted to feel Finn's cock inside him as Finn wanted to feel Sean's tight ass around his cock. Finn looked at his fully clothed boyfriend as he smirked. Finn slipped his hands under Sean shirt again pulling it over his head immediately kissing his chest and sucking his nipples, Sean threw his head back in pleasure while grabbing some of Finn's dreads slowly tugging them. Finn only getting more eager with every moan escaping from Sean mouth he quickly took off Sean's belt and pants while Sean pulled up Finn's shirts.

Sean slipped off the dresser onto his knees looking up at Finn who's eyes where filled with lust seeing his not so innocent Latino boy on his knees in front of him made him fight so fucking hard not to just rip off his own pants and boxers and face fuck Sean until he came deep down his throat. Sean slowly took of Finn's pants leaving his boxers on smiling at Finn, Sean slowly got closer to Finn's still clothes Dick placing kisses on his dick looking up at Finn seeing the pleasure in his eyes, Sean felt Finn's hand tangle in between his hair as he kneeled down as well. "No more teasing," Finn said placing a soft kiss on Sean's cheek. Sean pulled down Finn's boxers seen his big, thick, cock jump up into his face. Sean grabbed it slowly jerking Finn off. Finn got on his knees again caressing Sean cheek. "You don't mind if a bit more...rough do you," Finn asked making sure Sean was 100% okay with it before he did anything. "Of course I don't mind," Sean said curious what Finn meant. (don't worry it's not gonna turn all bdsm, the most bdsm this that will happen in this book is probably Finn tying Sean's wrists with like a piece of clothing maybe a belt and dirty talk)

Finn got up again pulling Sean with him making sure he wouldn't hurt him too bad. Finn wrapped his arms around Sean's hips grabbing his ass firmly while he backed them up towards the bed pushing Sean down softly.

(Btw if you haven't already noticed this is mostly just gonna be smut and there isn't really gonna be a story line) (little note, changed my mind)

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