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Janus' P.O.V

"Shhhh, it's ok" I tell Virgil as he calms down. "M-mom... who were they?" Virgil asked. "Well...They're the new sides" I said. "Oh?..." Virgil says like he's disappointed.

"Are you ready to go back out there, Virge?"
"Umm... S-sure". I carefully set Virgil down and we start walking
back to the others

Virgil's P.O.V

Do I really want to meet the new side's? No
Was I anxious? Yes
Was one of them kinda hot? Maybe...

Me and Janus got back to the living room and one of the boy's shouted "Hello!" I hissed and hid behind Janus. It was the boy in the red...

After all that cringy introduction stuff, I went back to my room but of course I was gonna be bothered by something, it's mostly just my anxiety

Janus' P.O.V

After we showed the boy's around it was time to them to go sepret ways, we tried to reassure them that they'll see each other again. It didn't work

After what seemed like hours we finally got them to stop crying and they both feel asleep. We decided to let them stay together for the night

Me and Patton were cuddling and then Virgil came in looking uncomfortable. "Mom I have this weird feeling in my stomach" Virgil said. "How do you feel?" I ask. "Well, it feels like... umm, it's hard to explain... it's just something that I've never felt" Virgil replies. "Come here honey" Patton says

Virgil's P.O.V

I come towards Patton and he cups my face and starts to read my emotions, since he's in the core of a lot of Thomas' feelings he has the ability to read other people's emotions

Patton's eye's lit up like the night sky, he seemed so... excited. "My baby boy is growing up!" Patton whisper screamed. "Excuse me...what?" Janus asked visibly confused. "He's in love" Patton said

No way...I don't want to love, love is scary. You just end up with a broken heart. That's how love go's. It's Horrible, horrifying, a mistake. Love is not something that is happy and all sunshine and rainbows , it's something that will end any last mental stability you have...

"N-no way" I respond. "To who...?" Janus questioned. "To who do you have feeling for Virge?" Patton asked. "It must be one of the twins, is it not?" Janus asked. "I-I t-th-thin-think I-It-it's th-the o-one i-in gre-green, umm R-Remu-Remus I be-beliv-believe h-his na-name w-wa-was" I silently curse myself for stuttering

The room was silent for a bit, everyone was processing the moment

"Wow what a show"

We all quickly turn around, which caused Patton to fall off the couch.

It was Remy...

I ran up to him and hugged him. He was my best friend, but I call him my big brother. "So baby bro has a crush on someone" he said taking a sip of his coffee, I honestly don't even know how he could drink that crap. "O-oh you he-heard that..." I say intensely blushing. "Yes I did babes, now who is this Remus guy". Oh dear...

"REMY WAIT UP!" we heard someone scream, it sounded like Emile.

Remy's P.O.V

Ugh it was just getting interesting. Emile burst trough the door out of breath, Critic came in behind him. "I told you not to run off like that again" Emile said. "But mom, you know where I'm going" I say. "Still, you could have gotten lost" Emile replied. "Mother, dear, I know this mindscap more than I know the back of my hand. Oh also I don't care if I get lost". Emile let out a sigh. "Just please don't do that again." Emile said. "Well I can't promise" I say

"Ok how about we forget this ever happend" Virgil chipped in. "Let me think about it, umm no" I say.

Virgil's P.O.V

I hate my life...

This could only end one way, and that was badly. My wondering was cut off by a hug, "bye babes" Remy says. "Bye big bro" I replied

After Emile apologized a million times they left

"Well that was unexpected" Janus said. "Yea... whatever" I say. Ugh why... I have to explain this to Remy tomorrow

Patton kept talking about this for hours, litterly. It was about 3 in the morning and Patton was still talking soon enough though Janus whispered something in Patton's ears. I don't know what he said but it seemed to work because Patton was a bright red and stopped talking.

I wonder what Janus said...

Whatever that's not important. I went to my room and collapsed onto my bed. I hugged my stuffy that Remy gave he once and drift away to a slumber

Hello fellow living creatures, yes I finally updated... This was still really short but I just wanted to update. Also this was almost all written in one day, my Exuse. I just really wanted to update. Not much happend in this chapter but umm... yea. Well have a great day guy's gals and non-binary pals ❤💙💚💛💜

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