Letter 3

142 8 2

Still Tuesday February 25th, 1987

After a little more time talking with Katie, I realized I have to do my Chemistry test. So I run as fast as I can to class, and see everybody already prepared, I apologize for my delay and take the free seat, casually, behind Lucas. As you know, I share Biology and Maths with Dustin, but I share Chemistry and Physics with Lucas instead.  Fortunately I have studied the whole weekend, I like organic formulation, so I hope I can get a great mark on this exam. The teacher gives a lot of sheets at the people of the first row and they start passing them back until Lucas gives one to me. I can see his frightened face mouthing "help me". I nod as discreetly as I can and pass the rest of the exams to the girl of behind. Turning back to mine, I see a chart with a lot of compounds we have to name, and vice versa, so I start filling the gaps. It's not that complicated, you just have to be really focused on it, but now I have to pay attention to any signal Lucas gives to me, and as I see him reaching a pen that "accidentally" falls to the floor, I raise my head and whisper all the answers I have by the moment, the teacher is checking other documents so he doesn't see us. When I look at the clock again, we just have ten minutes left, and I'm almost done. That's a good thing. Also, we had two sheets per person, and I didn't use one, so as soon as I finish my exam, I copy all the answers on it, kick my classmate's chair, wait for him to notice, and quickly give him the paper. The tension I'm breathing is undescriptable but when the bell finally rings, I stand up, give the teacher my exam, and wait outside. After five minutes, I feel two arms wrapped around me, and because of the surprise, I get away as soon as possible, but then I see Lucas and relax a bit

"Dude, I owe you my life"

"I owed mine to you too, we're now quits, so everything's fine"

"Thanks very much Byers, I really appreciate it"

"Don't do a thing. I was just being polite, and returning the favor of Friday night"

"Anways, let me thank you. This exam was important, and I didn't study at all, just a bit this early morning"


"The whole weekend, I've been hanging out with Balmer, y'know, to check on him and being sure everything was definitely okay"

"I get it... and...?"

"Well, he's not good, but not that bad I guess. The more he has company, the less he thinks about his problems"

"That's great, I mean, not great but, at least is something... isn't it?"

"I hope so, he must be on class with El and Xine right now"

"What about Mike?"

"Mike had Economics, the girls had Latin... I think"

"I thought they were in the same class"

"Yes but Mike had to make up one Economics class because of one day he skipped it"

"Oh, alright. We should go and get the girls then"

"Sure. Are you going home with El today?"

"No, my brother's picking me up, but I need her notes to do Spanish homework"

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