Chapter 6: bon appetite

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After detention had finished, I had sprinted out of the room, not looking back. I arrive home out of breath. I decide to look for a gym, since I had finished all of my homework in detention. After some research on the internet. I start making some calls, crossing out my list of numbers one by one.

I groan in frustration when I cross out my last number. Each gym is either too far, doesn't have a team or doesn't have any place on the team. I kick the sofa in anger, instantly regretting it the minute my toe makes contact with the cold metal.

"Fuck!" I screech. Hopping on one foot for a good 5 minutes, I decide that until I find a solution, I will train alone the best I can. I pick up my phone and call coach Lorenzo. Hoping that for some reason, he is awake.

"¿Hola?" (hello?) I sigh in relief at the sound from the other line.


"Oh Rachel! How are you?"

"I'm fine, but I can't find a gym so I thought that I would try to train alone somehow until I find a better solution. I was wondering if you could um...send me a training?"

There is silence a moment of silence.

"Of course, I'll send you a new training each week ok?"

"Really? Each week? How much should I pay you?"

"Nonsense, you are not my student anymore."

"But you are still training me."I say confused.

"I know, I'm doing this because I don't want you to waste you potential Rachel. This is nothing, really."

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

He hangs and I do a little victory dance, at least I'm succeeding in something today. I decide to go for a run, putting on shoes and sweatpants I lock the door behind me and start running, I pass past a house when I see Sasha calling me, flaying her arms around, trying to get my attention. I run towards her.

"Hey Rach! I saw you from my window and I thought I would say hi." She confesses sheepishly.

"Oh haha, okay."

"Hey, would you like to come in? Oh yeah, your running.."

"Oh that's fine I'm about finished anyway." She grins at me and leads me into their home. Their house is about the same as ours, it's slightly bigger, but also slightly older. I look around, it's well kept, giving it a cosy look. Our house in the other hand is filled with stylish, new objects, making it somehow feel cold and empty.

"Sasha where are you!" A woman comes in sight, she has long silky brown hair and soft brown eyes.

"This is the friend that I was talking about tía (aunt)!" I give Sasha a questionable look, she gives me an I'll-explain-later look. Sashas aunt smiles at me.

"That's great! Sasha has been talking about you since she saw you on Friday." She laughs wholeheartedly.

"Rachel is going to stay here for a bit is that ok?"

"Of course, I was just making some food." Suddenly her eyes fill with excitement "would you like to stay for dinner?!" She grins.

"I'll have to ask my parents ma'am, but I think it would be okay with them." I smile at her.

"Oh please, call me María." I nod at her and call my mom, and she says it's fine. I follow Sasha up to her room.

"Your Spanish?!" I ask.

"Oh no! Only my aunt." She explains.

"Do you speak it?" She shakes her head.

"No, but I understand it." I nod wisely.

I look at her room, it's plain, a white fuzzy carpet is on the floor, a desk, chair, wardrobe and only one picture of what I guess is her parents are the only things decorating this room.

"Dinners ready!" We hear Marías call and go to the kitchen, where beautiful plates are exposed on the tables.

"Woah!" My mouth fills with saliva.

María smiles at me, then looks at Sasha. "Where is that cousin of yours?"

"I don't know."

María sighs."Well, let's start eating!"

We eat in silence, everything is delicious and I make sure to tell her that, many times in fact. Suddenly the door opens.

You must be kidding me.

Nate is standing in the kitchen, he looks at me puzzled.

"Look who decided to show up." María chides her son.

"Lo siento mama. (I'm sorry mom)" he replies in Spanish. Damn that was kind of hot. He takes a seat

and starts to get some food.

He looks at me. "What are you doing here." His expression is cold.

"I'm friends with Sasha." I mutter.

He looks at me some more, Sasha squeezes my hand from under the table, noticing my sudden discomfort by his gaze.

"So tell me Rachel, what do your parents do?" I look at María, who's obviously trying to ease the tension.

"Well, both my parents are lawyers."

"Oh that's great!" I chuckle at her enthusiasm

"Have you met my son Nate? He's also in your grade." She points to Nate

"Yeah...we met." I mumble, feeling his gaze on me.

"That's nice."

I guess...

I help clear out the table once we finished, I hug Sasha goodnight and start to walk home. A car black car pulls up next to me, my heart starts to accelerate, but I'm caught of guard when I see Nate in the drivers seat.

"Get in." I do as I'm told.

"Where do you live?" I tell him my address. He nods and starts to drive.

" was your day?" I ask.

I want to slap myself.

He looks at me weirded out, "It was fine." He pass for a moment. "You?"

I think for a moment, "I guess it was fine, I mean, I did get detention on my first day, but hey! it's good to live a little. Or something like that." I mutter under my breath.

The rest of the ride is silent.

"Ok that's me." I point to the white house. He stops.

"Thanks for the ride." He grins at me."No problem."

I start to get out when he stops me.

"Hey, thanks." He says it so quietly that I think I imagined it.


"You heard me." He glares.

"For what?"

"For being friends with Sasha." I smile at him.

"Of course, I mean, I only just met her, but she seems like a nice girl to me."

His eyes soften. I look at his face, his soft hair, green eyes and sharp jawline. I notice a small scar on his left eyebrow. I smile.

"Good night Nate."

"Night Rachel."

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