Chapter 7: princess

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The next morning, I wake up an hour before I usually do, I decide to use this time to make myself a proper breakfast and maybe see my parents, I go downstairs and find my mom in the kitchen writing an email to someone.

"Are you already up already?"

"Well, I'm here am I?" I reply.

I take out a pan and start to make the pancake batter.

"Where is dad?"

"He stayed at work last night, sweetie. He said that he had a lot of things to do."

I nod, it's not uncommon for them to stay at the office all night. I take out the ingredients and start to mix them together.

"So how was dinner with the Thompsons?"

"It was fine, did you know that Sashas aunt is Spanish?"

"No I didn't, and I haven't met any of them Rach." She chuckles.

The phone rings and my mom immediately picks it up. She starts talking to her new client, moving to another room. I cook my pancakes and put the sauces on the table. I get the orange juice carton and pour myself a glass. Once the pancakes are done I put them on a big plate, next to my orange juice. My mom comes back into the kitchen.

"Sorry sweetie, I have to go to work, I'll probably be back later than usually." She looks at me sadly, I know she feels guilty for not spending enough time with me.

I force a smile, "It's fine."

She smiles at me gratefully and leaves.

I eat my pancakes, slowly flavouring them. I scroll down Instagram, then move on to Pinterest to look at memes. I lick my plate clean, call me disgusting but non of my Nutella is going to waste. I wash up and pick out my outfit, once everything is ready, I fall on my bed again, staring at the ceiling.

I should really do something productive.


I continue to stare at my ceiling, the next thing I know, it's 7:50 and I'm late. Putting my bag in my shoulders, I find myself running towards school on the second day of senior year. I arrive at school just in time, that's when I discover that I have a free period.

Oh come on.

I decide to go to the library, then I remember that this school doesn't have one. With no other choice, I start to walk around the halls, whistling to Twisted Nerve from the film Kill Bill, I turn the corner when I crash into someone.

"Ow." I glare at Jack and Nate as they make no attempt in helping me up.

"Looks like you fell.." please don't finish it "...for me." I groan and Jack starts to laugh at his own crappy joke, I can't help but join him.

"So you were the one who was whistling that creepy song."

"Yep." I say, trying not to be offended by the hours it took me to perfect it.

"Aren't you supposed to be in class?" I look at Nate.

"Shouldn't you?"

"Nah, I don't have class now."

"Yeah me neither."

"Great! We should go somewhere!" I look at Jack like he's crazy.

"No, no way."

"Awww, is the princess scared?" Princess? I look at Nate.

"What the hell did you just call me?"

"You clearly heard me"

"And you clearly don't want to take the risk of saying it again." I warn him, he grins.

"I'll take the risk princess."

I huff and realize that I'm still on the floor, I get up. At that moment, Claire and Hanna come out from the bathroom. I hide behind Jack.

He looks at me puzzled, by this sudden position.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm hiding."

"From who?"

"Look behind you. But don't be obvious, I don't want them to see me." I whisper at Jack, and like a bastard he turns his entire body around.

"WHERE?!" Both of the girls hear him and rush toward us.

Good job Jack, good job.

"Hey Jack." Claire purrs, "how are you?"

"I'm fine." He says, slightly irritated.

"You never called me, after the party." She whines.

"I know."

Her face freezes for a seconds, then her features, return to life, "Are you free now? Maybe we can catch on where we were." She suggests. I gag.

Oh dear god, I think I just got second hand embarrassment from that.

Hanna turns to me. "Oh Rachel, I didn't see you there," I roll my eyes, "you know that running once in a while can only do you good. If you continue like this you'll end up gaining too much weight."

One day, I'm going to smash her face with my fist, then I want to see who's running.

"I see you speak from experience." I remark.

Jack and Nate stifle a laugh. Knowing that their comments had no effect on me, Claire and Hanna return their attention to back to the guys.

"So? That offer is still up."

"Well, as much as I would love to, I think I'll pass." He says, as he further distances himself with them.

"You don't know what you'll be missing out. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since you are hanging out with her, tell me, how does it feel to be a slut?"

"I wouldn't know, but how does it feel to dress like one?" I retort smoothly.

Claire lunges at me, I'm ready to beat the shit out of her, but I never feel the first impact. I remove my arms from my protective position and find Nate in front of me, as Claire tries, and fails to get out of his grip.

"Fuck. Off." I find myself flinching at the venom in Jacks voice.

"What about you Nate? You want to have some fun?" Hanna struggles against his grip.

"Sure, but not with you." He snaps.

The girls struggle some more and then realize that they have no chance against them, backing off, they flip me the middle finger. I roll my eyes, how intimidating. Once they are definitely gone, I turn to the boys.

"Wow, well that was fun. Nice doing Jack." I say sarcastically.

"What did I do?" He defends.

"I told you not to be obvious!"

"And I wasn't."

"You screamed, WHERE?!"

"And I regretted it the second I saw who it was."

"Yeah you should." I mutter.

"Can you two shut up?" Nate scoffs.

"She started it."

"Actually, you did."

"Guys, shut up." Nate says angrily. We shut up immediately.

"Finally." He mutters.

"Well said." I approve, he glares at me.

What did I do?

"So which car are we using mine or yours Nate?"


"For what?"

"For our adventure." Jack gives me a duh look.

Oh right, our adventure.

"Where are we going?" I ask, as they drag me outside.

Nates eyes glint with a mysterious emotion, "You'll see, princess, you'll see."

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