[12] Sleeping Inside A Pool

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The next day, we met up at Readers Café yet again. I brought Julie there too. We ordered our drinks and walked upstairs to the history section. Aaron pulled up a few books related to disappearances. I explained my notes to Julie. I hadn't shown them to her before. After a while, Alaska called me to look at and read a book. The disappearance of the girl in the book, as Aaron said before, happened on a different date. After an hour of reading in silence, Julie talked.

"Okay so now what?" she asked.

"Now, we plan our entrance. We include some of the factors we just studied about and then devise an experiment. See if it works. Y'all are in?" I asked.

They nodded. We drew up the plan and then took our leave from the Café.

At around 11:30pm, I texted my team.

"Julie, Alaska. Are you guys ready. Do you have all the things we need?" I asked.

They both replied with a thumbs up emoji on the Instagram group.

"Aaron, it's almost time. We need to leave before 12! " I shouted.

"I'm ready bro. Let's leave. The girls there yet?" he asked.

"No they aren't, they said they were leaving now" I replied.

We took our bags, and silently walked out of our apartment doors. We're not allowed to leave our dorms after 11:00. That was our curfew. So, we sneaked around the watchman and started walking towards the pool. There, Alaska and Julie were standing next to each other, waiting for us. Those two had become really good friends. So good, that sometimes it seemed like Aaron, Alaska, and Julie were spending more time together, leaving me out. But it was silly, and I had more worse things to be worried about at the moment. We walked towards the pool. The lights were still on amd luckily no one was inside the pool.
We positioned ourselves in a line next to the pool.

"This is the most stupidest thing I've ever done" said Alaska.

" Copy that" said Aaron.

"I hate chlorine..." said Julie.

"What now?" Julie asked.

"We wait until 12 'o' clock and then jump" I said.

I agreed with what Alaska said. This is the most stupidest thing I've ever done. But I need to find my mom. I need to find her and if this works I can see her again. I can find her again. I can listen to her voice and lie down in her lap. She can hug me and we can play the hide and seek game together. The way she would squeal in happiness after she found me, the way she said I was her home and how I said she was mine, I could hear all that again. I could touch her. She'll be alive and we'd be together. I smiled to myself.

"Peter there's ten more seconds" Aaron said, and I jumped back into the real world.

"Five more..." said Alaska.

Then, we counted down from three and jumped into the water all at once. The water rushed through my hair again. The cold water hitting my face and spreading chills across me as I went deeper. I hoped. I crossed my fingers and hoped, that I'll go there and see my mother again.

But it didn't happen.

I didn't see her. I opened my eyes. I was inside the same pool of the same apartment of the same city. I tore at my hair, then at my skin in anger, my nails digging deeper and deeper into my skin and I kept doing it till the only kind of pain I could feel was physical. I swam quickly to the deeper end of the pool away from everyone else. I hurled myself deeper into the pool into the corner and sat tyere holding my breath. A part of me thought, if I stayed here for a little longer I could die.

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