[16] Scuba Diving

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The house was rusted from being in open air for too long. The snow from the roof sliding onto my head, as I climbed the stairs. I laughed and ruffled my hair with my hand in an attempt to shake the snow off.

"Nice house" I said, admiring the fine construction.

"Isn't it?" said dad, smirking.

"Whatever I was just being polite. Your house sucks" I said laughing knowing that I totally had him.

He shook his head, arched his eyebrows and walked us into the house. Eveything was made out of wood. The house was three stories just like our house back in Yonge street. The stairs were winding onto all three floors and it made the hluse spacious and free. The whole area screamed sophisticated as I walked by.

"You both, can take the rooms upstairs or if you want you can sleep inside the ship" said dad.

"Ship" I said.

"Room upstairs" said Julie at the same time. Dad smiled.

"Wherever you want to sleep as long as you stay here for most of the day. There are a few poisonous creatures out there. I don't want you two wandering in the night" he said.

I nodded. "Yeah Yeah. We know" I said. 

"Hungry?" he asked.

"Starving. But don't want your island food" Julie said, probably remembering the last time my father tried to cook something new in April.

"I am offended. I have learnt to cook very well, during my time here. Just try this pizza and garlic bread and you are going to be blown away" he said.

"Fine but only because I don't want to die starving" I said.

We sat down at the fir wood table that had numerous carvings on it that I didn't understand, I didn't bother to either, considering how much was on my mind already.

"So...who's this Alaska that you're friends with?" He asked. Julie started snickering and he laughed along.

"Shut up. Both of you. She's just a friend and how many people do I have to tell that I'm not in love with her or something. Cut the shit out!" I said excessively aggravated from the many times the question has repeated itself.

"Okay, Okay fine don't get so defensive over...your girl" he said and they both burst out laughing again with my Dad nudging Julie's shoulder all the time. Stupid Idiots. Me? Love? Nah. Never happening.

"Okay. Can I have some of your obviously terrible pizza now?" I asked after which my father brought a huge pan pizza.

The smell of the all the sausages drifting throughout the entire room. He placed the pan on the table and I started smacking my lips at the sight of the melted cheese and golden crust. Oh, how long it's been since pizza went through my oesophagus. We all had a bite. The taste was luscious.

"I hereby grade you exceptional in the art of cooking pizza. This is so damn freaking good" I said licking all the cheese of my fingers and longing for more.

My father got up, put his hands to his stomach and bowed down as if expecting a round of applause from an imaginary audience.

"Dad. Fantabulous!" cried Julie.

We all had a quiet enough meal. I bid my goodbye and walked back towards the ship where I was to spend my nights. The ocean waves thrashed at the side of the ship and the island and it's roar was rather peaceful. I climbed the stairs onto the deck and lied down on the floorboard gazing at the million stars that shined above me. They were a thousand light years away from here and yet we can see them shining bright in the night sky. They lived with a purpose. I never found my purpose. I wish I was a star. I stared at them until I could stare no more.

Septerra Inframagus: Claim Of the Invictus. [REWRITING]Where stories live. Discover now