"Why are you doing this? Please stop!! It hurts. STOP!!!", shouted Meera pathetically. But he was not moved at all, all he saw was red. He was furious because he himself was hurting too. He viciously grasped her chin and said, "So now you know what...
Today is the promotion of the movie where Meera debuted as the second supporting role.
Meera's look for the movie promotion👇
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Chic and sexy.....
Meera's POV :
"Earth to Meera!!! Why are you looking so restless tonight ? " asks my manager/best friend Ria swirling her champagne glass.
" Oh sorry Ria! I was a bit distracted. So what you were saying?"
"First tell me what were you thinking about and why so nervous?" said Ria and comes really close to me thinking that I'll tell her some secret.
" Nothing just some family problem. Masi{Maternal Aunt} is really tensed about di."
" What on earth happened to sister Ganga??? " shouted Ria totally forgetting that we are in a movie promotion. I put my hand on her mouth for her to stop shouting as she was really loud and afraid that it will attract people's attention. I pulled her in a corner.
"Shush!!! Are you mad? There are so many people but you're screaming like a mad woman. And most importantly it's Gracy not Ganga. Di will be really mad if she hears you calling her Ganga. She doesn't like it. Only masi and masa ji{maternal aunt's husband} calls her that."
She scratches her neck akwardly and says," Sorry babe!!! I got really excited but it is not my fault to call your sister by her real name. So what did she do this time? "
I sigh and say," What else? Di again broke up with her boyfriend . Masi was really happy with her bf this time but even after being together for 6 months she broke up with him. Though I am not her own sibling, di loves me very much. We were really close in high school but after that I don't know what happened and she became a little bit distant. Though we talk and all, something doesn't feel right. It seems like she is hiding something or feeling guilty on top of that changing bf for no particular reason. Ufffff!!! I feel like I don't know anything anymore. "
" Stop blaming yourself and also stop over thinking. Maybe there is nothing and even if there is something it's not your fault babe. So cheer up!!! " said Ria and started making funny faces.
I laughed but stopped immediately when I heard her." By the way where is your billionaire husband? Do you even know that he is back from USA? When I heard from my paparazzi friend that he went on a business trip, I was like who does that right after marrying. "
My heart immediately started racing but I tried to remain calm and told her with a straight face," Shush!!! What husband!!! We aren't legally married. It is just a fake marriage. It is just a facade and btw the one I am married to is brother Veer. So stop assuming things."
Though I love her to death, Ria is one of the most stubborn girls in the world so she kept speaking. " What fake husband babe? You two literally married each other following every customs and rituals though his face was covered with sehra. On the other hand you and veer are only married legally. Actually according to me you and Veer are not married at all because he is in coma and Mahi(Mahendra's nick name is Mahi)signed the marriage certificate in place of Veer with you. Only the sign is Veer's name. So you tell me how can you be married to a freaking comatose person??? " says Ria a little bit agitated.
The after party had started while we were talking so I hurriedly went to the changing room and changed into my black cocktail dress. Though I don't like short dress like this one but what to do. When you are an actor / actress, there are thousands of eyes on you every moment scrutinising your dressing sense, behavior and what not.
Meera's look for the after party👇
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Imagine her as Meera❤️❤️❤️
Inside the changing room:
I know that Ria is right and wants the best for me. Hell!!! Even I think the same as her. But sometimes love is a really complex feeling that makes you feel happy and sad at the same time. Because even though I am really close to him, I can't touch him, can't tell him that I am in love with him for 8 years. So I just put on a brave front in front of him and pretend that I couldn't care less.
Getting ready for the party I told her, "Ok... miss all knowing Ria plz forgive me. You are right. But it's too late to cry over spilt milk. Anyways I don't want to talk about my non-existent marriage as well as Mahi. Because he is the last person that I can think of marrying. "
I was just finishing my line when Ria started coughing loudly and hinting me to look back. I felt a gaze on my back and shivered a little. I decided to calm myself and look back. But what I saw shook me to the core because it was really unexpected. Never have I thought that after 2 months I will meet him here. My heart started fluttering.
When our gaze collided, I again felt a shiver dowm my spine. I shuddered but nonetheless greeted him by bowing my head a little. His eyes were as usual ice-cold and he didn't even bother to acknowledge me. Instead he laughed ruthlessly and said to the producer of the film that to stop inviting useless people to the after party. The producer threw a sharp gaze at me and apologised to him and invited him to the VVIP lounge.
I laughed despite the pain in my heart and thought "Now he doesn't even want to look at my face. What a great achievement Meera!!!"
Ria pulled me closer and hugged me. " Don't be sad babe!! There are many good man out there. So cheer up my beautiful angel."
I smiled a little and said, " Don't worry Riu! I'm fine and why will I need men when I have you my darling. "
At this we both laughed really hard and decided to eat something as well as leave after asking the director as now I was not invited to the after party.
Thank u for your support. You may feel free to imagine the characters of your likings. Please vote!!! Comment how it was!!!