I didn't have a picture so here's a puppy ^
As I finally opened my eyes. I saw that we were floating.
I would've freaked out....if i actually cared.
As i looked around myself i saw Clouds and a Golden gate.
"So Heaven Is Real" I blandly said.
Michael:"I thought you would be more surprised." He said With a Small laugh.
"After going to hell. Im not surprised there's a heaven" I Muttered out with a Small Smile.
Michael looked at me in Concern as we approached the Gate. There were many Guards with Pure White wings patrolling the area.
As They Spotted us...More like Spotted Michael they opened the Gate, Bowing in respect.
As we walked through the gates to be honest. It felt Peaceful...like I would never get hurt here. Unlike hell.
It feels Weird to be Safe now. I am unsure of what will happen, but I feel as if I can Trust this Man.
Michael:"You know we knew you were there for years (Y/N)" He Sadly said as I turned to him with an eyebrow raised.
"If you knew i was there. Then....why didn't you save me Sooner" I asked Curiously.
Michael:"They were always Checking up on you, and Plus The Security there was Hard to get through without fighting. Of we Rescued you earlier. Another War Would've possibly happened." He Said as I Tilted my head In curiosity.
He noticed my expression and Gave off a nervous laugh.
Michael:"I forgot you're a Human. Im Guessing they wouldn't tell you about it." He Said getting a Nod From me.
Michael:"Well. Let me tell you the Tale of the Great War, and the Great Power Y o u Possess" And He Told Me Everything. From all of the Factions to The Formation of Sacred Gears. All the Knowledge i got Sickened me.
"So all of this time. The reason i was Sold to Those devils. Was because I have a Powerful sacred gear?" I asked anger Slowly rising inside of me.
Michael looked at me and Gave me a Slow Nod.
I Gritted my teeth in anger, But chose not to Act on it.
Because what would be the point right?
I only sighed and Kept walking looking at everything around me.
Now im not gonna lie. I feel Really Cautious around Michael. Whether it be the fact that I have trust issues or im Just Paranoid. Something doesn't feel right.
Who just saves you for YOUR benefit.
There's something up and I'll find out what it is.
Michael:"(Y/N). Are you Alright?" I looked at him to see that he was looking very concerned about me.
"You just told me about a Power I Possess and haven't unlocked. And the Fact that I was Sold By it Pisses me off Even More" I Said Calmly which Concerned Michael even more.
Michael:"I-I Know it Pains you to hear it, but Your sacred gear is very powerful. Its quite Obvious that those....Devils would Try to get you at any costs..." He Quietly said as I looked at him in Distress.
"I Hate Them...Those Devils Will Get What's coming to Them. Sooner or later." I Angrily said as my Emotions started pouring out of me.
Those Fuckheads will Pay....but not now. Only when im fully prepared.
Michael:"Do You Even know what your Gear is?" He asked as i Shook my Head.
Michael Just Laughed a little and looked at me.
Michael:"It's called The Divinitive Spirit." He Muttered as i looked at him intently.
Michael:"It's a Sacred Gear that allows you to Summon Spiritual Entities or...Ghosts as humans would call them. You can summon anything you'd want. Simply by imaging it in your mind." As he said this my Eyes widened.
Could Isabelle be! Part of my Semblance!?
I want to test this theory.
I quickly thought of Isabelle and as i did She Appeared with her signature Poker Face.
Michael:"Wh-Who is that (Y/N)?" He Asked as i Looked at him Suprised.
"You can see her!?" I yelled in Shock.
Michael:"Yes. I'm Guessing She's a part of your Sacred Gear. I can See Her Since I'm Strong enough. You can also let people see them." He Said With a Smile.
I Just didn't think about it and looked over at Isabelle.
"Isabelle" I said as she looked at me.
Isabelle:"Yes Master?"
"Are You....Part of my Sacred Gear?" I asked her as Michael looked at her. Examining her.
Isabelle:"Yes master. I am the Manifestation of your Gear. When you first though of something It was me. And I will forever be with you. Body and Soul." She Emotionlessly said.
For the First time in Years.....I smiled. Knowing that even though she's only Part of my Sacred Gear. She still cares for me.
I said nothing and Walked up to Her.
She looked at me with a Raised eyebrow.
Suddenly her eyes Widened as i Hugged her.
And the only words i could utter out were...
"Thank You"

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]
Fantasy"Did you think after everything you have done to me i would come back?" "All the Pain and Suffering you let them do was Inconvenient for you." "Because you aren't aware of the killer you made." "And i promise from the bottom of my Broken Heart, Fr...