So It Is True (Eps 3)

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For the People who saw the original post of Eps 3. I felt like I pushed it too far and want to Keep going from where I am now.

So thank you and I hope Ye enjoy.

P.S. What do you think about the music on top, because I like it.

Time Seemed to slow down around Us as we stared at each other.

Her Red eyes Staring at mine lovingly.

I am Confused.

I'm not Dense in the slightest, but she never showed any signs of emotion.

I'm so conflicted on this.

But I've never truly felt love before...

So why did those three words make my heart skip a beat...




I looked at her in wonder and Uncertainty.

She only Smiled and Hugged me tightly.

Isabelle:"Y'know Master....I've always wondered why I could never show my true emotions..." She Said as She Nuzzled her head into my Neck.

I couldn't urge a single word to her. It was like I hadn't spoken a single word in my life.

I...I just don't know what to say to her right now.

My Heart Longs for Someone to Care Love. May it be Family, friends or Lovers. I just want to feel...Happy.

Isabelle looked up at me with a Smile.

Isabelle:"I always had that Expressionless face because you were bottling your emotions in. You were only angry. Sad. Or Emotionless. And now that you're free. Your finally kind of feeling...Positive"

(Y/N):"So your emotions Are kind of Bound to mine?" I Uttered out Quietly as she nodded.

(Y/N):"Huh. That kind of makes sense...Im guessing that this is due to my Sacred Gear." I told her.

Isabelle looked down.

Isabelle:"You want to know what's funny?" She Asked me as I just nodded unsure of what to do.

Isabelle:"You're the First Holder of This Sacred Gear and I..." She Tried to talk to  me in a Sad, Hesitant Voice as I intently looked at her, not caring about the Comment.

Isabelle:"I wasn't sure what to think of you at first. Useless...Worthless...but then I Saw what You went through all of your life that changed...You unlocked me when you were 10...And I just saw them....Beat You...It made me angry and....I....I Didn't want you to suffer because of me so I....I tried to Separate from you...But I felt as if You'd die if I Left You there...I know Im a Terrible person for my actions and thought, but I just want-"

My Lips Connected with hers Silencing what she was going to say.

It Lasted only for a Few seconds before I Pulled back from her and stared at her with a Small Smile.

"It doesn't matter now Issy"


"No buts. After all you've done for me...I think it's time I've done something for you. And That is to say I Forgive you." I told her looking into her eyes.

She only Stared at me Wonder.

Isabelle:"After everything you've been through....Why are you still the Same?"

I only frowned as she said that.

(Y/N):"......If only you knew Issy...If only you knew"

As we sat there in silence we finally decided to get up and Await Michael's return.

A few minutes later. Michael had Arrived With a Blonde Haired Woman. The Woman had Beautiful Bright Blue eyes along with a voluptuous Figure that Many Men Would Die to see. She Had Unarguably the Most Beautiful smile that I Had Ever Seen...But I Really don't care for her looks...or anything about her at that matter.

Michael looked at us and smiled.

Michael:"(Y/N). This is Gabriel. She is The Current Leader of The Angels." He Told me as She Walked up to me with a Smile and her Hand out.

Gabriel:"Hello (Y/N). It's nice to finally meet you!" She Happily Told me as I Accepted her handshake and Nodded in approval.

"Leader...?" I Quietly Muttered as I Observed her.

If there are Devils and a Satan Who was Killed. Then wouldn't there be Angels and a God? Hmm...I'll observe them for now.

I only nodded and Accepted her Handshake as Her Smile Widened.

Gabriel:"(Y/N). I need you to Expose your Neck to me." She Said as I looked at her with an Eyebrow raised.

This action caught her attention as She Giggled.

Gabriel:"It's to get the Tracker out of you Silly!" She said as She Jokingly Tapped my nose.

I just gave her a Soft Glare and Looked Upwards. Leaving My Neck Exposed.

Gabriel then walked up to me and Put her  right Hand On My Neck.

Her hand Started to Glow a Bright Green. After a Couple of Seconds I felt a Slight pain in my neck and then...Nothing.

Gabriel:"You Can Look Down Now. I Have Gotten it out." She Calmly Said as I Looked down to See a Small Black Microchip that was Glowing a Bright red light in the middle of it.

Gabriel quickly Crushed it and Then Burned it.

Michael:"They've most likely been tracking you for A while, but the Chip was too far for then to Track your exact location." He said While Moving a Strand of hair from his face.

Isabelle:"It Could be likely, but i don't see them finding us Up Here. It would be impossible for them to Track My Master from hell to Heaven Within The 5Hours that we've been gone." She Calmly said as she looked at me.

There was a Mild Silence between the four for a Couple of Minutes untill Michael Whispered something to Gabriel.

They Stared at the Two for a Moment Until Michael Opened his mouth.


The Two Angels looked at each other for a Moment then back at the two.

Gabriel:"(Y/N). We Need to tell you the...Truth of why we Had to Save you...Save You from the Fate you were Going to Have." She Said as Michael turned away from them.

"What Do You Mean?" I Asked As She Looked at me with a Sad Smile.







Gabriel:"You're the son of God"

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