Hoi. I'm Back with another Chapter.
I've got nothing to say so just Enjoy the Chapter!
_________________________________________"I'm the Son of....God?" I Asked. Looking at them With Doubt.
Gabriel only nodded as Michael Narrowed his eyes.
Gabriel:"I Know It Doesn't Sound Believable, but You Have a Powerful Aura. Something that Could Even Rival those above us. And we Could Prove to you that You have inherited your fathers Power." She attempted to Convince me as I thought about it.
God's Son Huh?
If it's true that I actually am his Blood Child. That is amazing.
But we will see if she Proves it.
"Sure. I'll let you Give your theory a Try." I Told her as She Nodded Happily.
She Looked at Michael and he Closed his eyes and Nodded to her as He Summoned a Spear Of Pure Light.
Me and Isabelle looked confused. Why would he summon something like that.
Wait a minute...
"Are You Going To-" I Couldn't even Get the Sentence out as I Saw the Spear coming straight at me.
I didn't even have time to react as It Was Inches away from my Eye.
I was Frozen in shock. I didn't know what to do.
I could only look at the Spear.
Suddenly the Spear fully seemed to Stop in its tracks.
I looked at it in Confusion.
And as I looked around it was Wierd.
Everything was Purely Grey.
What was going on?
Gabriel:"Does This prove to be enough?" She asked me as she Approached me.
"Wh-What's going on!?" I Exclaimed in panic as Everyone was just....Frozen. Even Isabelle.
Gabriel only Giggled and Gave me a Side look.
Gabriel:"You Forcefully Stopped time due to the Danger you were in. And I'm Surprised. You were powerful enough to Freeze Michael As well." She Said looking at the Other Angel.
Stopped time?
What Type of Gameish Bullshit is this?
"Wait. Then how are you not Frozen." I asked. Genuinely confused on How She is Still Talking to him.
Gabriel:"I'm a Very Powerful Being (Y/N). Since I Am Strong Enough, I can't be Contained in it. You Froze time with Your Holy Power that has Quietly been Emitting inside of you. The Power Is Finally being Put to Use. And Plus. Only Angels and Dragons Can Fight through You Freezing time. It's quite Hard though." She Muttered.
As I tried to move. I....Couldn't.
"W-Why can't I move?" I Said looking at her.
Gabriel thought for a moment and then looked up at me."
Gabriel:"It is Possible that You Were not ready for Your Power To Flow Yet. It Could be possible backlash for the Surprising surge in power." She Said.
"That seems like a good theory."
Gabriel:"But I Must Warn you." She Muttered as I looked at her with full attention.
Gabriel:"After Time Flows once again. Your power will be felt by everyone. Even the Devils that held you." She Told Me with Slight worry. I'm guessing she's worried on how I am going to act.

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]
Fantasía"Did you think after everything you have done to me i would come back?" "All the Pain and Suffering you let them do was Inconvenient for you." "Because you aren't aware of the killer you made." "And i promise from the bottom of my Broken Heart, Fr...