Before we start. Just letting you know that this will be a Timeskip to When Asia Is Revived By Rias.
It has been 2 years in the story so you are 20.
By the way. Only Follow or Vote if you Truly like and enjoy the chapters in my Books.
But other than that i Hope You Enjoy.
In Kuoh, Japan
January 1st, ????
(3rd Person)
It was a Cool night in the city of Kuoh. The streets were silent and unpopulated as the moon shoned down upon the dark Road.
As quiet as it was there was a Woman in a pure black suit wandering the town, as if she was looking for someone.
As the Woman looked over the town She spotted a Church that was emitting a red glow from somewhere in the building.
The Woman then called someone on her phone.
And after a couple of rings someone answered.
???:"Smith It's me Charlotte"
Smith:"oh? Have any news on where Asia is?" As he asked this The woman known as Charlotte went silent for a moment.
Charlotte:"if what I think is happening right now...She may have just been turned to the other side"
Smith:". . . Get a closer look. If it's true then He will have much more work to do." As he said that her face saddened.
Charlotte:"He already works to hard up there...whatever. I'm going in for a closer look" She irritatedly said as she hung up and slyly moved towards the church to get a closer look.
She was more noticeable than others due to her Pure white hair and Red eyes, so she needed to be careful.
As the Rounded the perimeter of the building she noticed that the light was Coming from below.
Charlotte:"When did this place have a basement...This Isn't looking good..." She Muttered as she cautiously entered the building.
As soon as she entered she heard what sounded to be the piercing of skin and the dropping of a body. She could only listen in silence as she heard the Yelling of a boy and a Small Rise in power.
Charlotte:"I need to Cloak myself" As she said this her whole Body turned invisible as she slowly went into the basement.
As she went downstairs the smell of fresh blood filled her nose. Though it didn't bother her it made her...hungry.
The first thing she saw that she wasn't happy to see was the dead body of Asia, lying on the ground. She wondered how this happened and saw The Annoying fallen angel Raynare Couched near the body terrified as a Brown haired boy Stood over her Angrily.

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]
Fantasy"Did you think after everything you have done to me i would come back?" "All the Pain and Suffering you let them do was Inconvenient for you." "Because you aren't aware of the killer you made." "And i promise from the bottom of my Broken Heart, Fr...