Hey Everyone. Toru here with another chapter.
The beginning may be a little rushed so sorry for that.
Now I got business with all the hater I currently have running in my pms.
I won't say nothing, but i will let y'all have a video to reconsider everything I want to say in my mind.
This video is the most respectable way I express this.
For the haters...
Only Follow or Vote if you Truly like and enjoy the chapters in my Books.
That's it and I hope you enjoy.
It had been a couple of hours since I had the talk with Erone about the Supernatural and the Sun began to rise putting light in the sky.
I had thoroughly checked The plants and found none that looked dead or hurt. I couldn't think of anything to currently do so I decided I would go to the school early to prepare for the day.
As i entered the premises I noticed a familiar Silver haired woman who looked over to me as i entered.
It seemed we were the only ones here currently. I only wonder why she is here so early.
She smiled and waved at me.
Rossweisse:"Hello There Jesus. What are you doing here so early?" She asked with a gentle smile.
I approached her with a small smile as I gave a small wave of my own.
"Hey Rossweisse. I'm just coming in a little early to prepare for the day. And what about you?"
Rossweisse:"I'm here for the same reason. My kids in 3-B are intelligent children, but they're very troublesome as well" She reminisced as I nodded in understanding
"Would you like to come with me to talk before we go our separate ways?" I offered as she looked at me for a moment before showing off a very Beautiful smile.
Rossweisse:"Why yes. I would love to Jesus" She said with a smile as we entered the school together.
It was a peaceful walk for the most part. As we approached my classroom door I suddenly stopped.
"Hey Rossweisse" I muttered as she looked at me with a smile. I could tell she was uneasy as she may have felt my power.
So she is that Rossweisse. Heh...that was the test.
"Tell me" I said as i stopped in front of her as she looked up at me with a neutral expression.
"How's Odin doing?"
Her eyes widened as i said this and she backed away from me.
Rossweisse:"How do you know of this!? I had a feeling there was something wrong here! Who are you!"
I only cracked a smile and looked her dead in the eyes.
"(Y/N) (L/N). The son of God"
Rossweisse:"Son?....Y-You're....Gods son?!" She exclaimed as i nodded.
"I didn't expect you to believe it that quickly." I said with a sigh.
Rossweisse:"I can sense how much holy power you're hiding within that bracelet" She said pointing at my Bracelet.
Rossweisse:"And Odin knew of Gods child, but he kept it a secret for your safety"
I hummed and opened the door to my room
"You're smarter than others...I like that.....but I didn't expect to find you here in Kuoh. Aren't you still a Valkyrie of Odin?"
She looked down in shame as I looked at her patiently.
Rossweisse:"He...Let me go"
"You were released By Odin?" I asked with dissatisfaction.
Rossweisse:"Oh heavens no! I did something that I shouldn't have and he decided to just Keep me away for a while!"
i looked at her for a moment before I sighed.
"The man always was a difficult one to befriend and talk to" She suddenly looked at him i interest.
Rossweisse:"How do you know so much about Odin anyways?"
"We were training partners a year ago when Gabriel was teaching me how to break my limits"
Rossweisse:". . . Eh?"
Rossweisse:"You trained with Odin!" She exclaimed in surprise as I nodded in confirmation.
"Yeah. He taught me many things in the small time we trained for. Though hes annoying and...Perverted he taught me how to use something special that even he doesn't have."
Rossweisse:"And that is?" I was silent for a moment before I looked her straight into the eye.
"Look into my left eye Rossweisse"
Rossweisse:"...Your left eye?"
She as she looked into my eye her eyes widened.
Rossweisse:"Wh-What's going on? What's moving inside of your eye?" She asked bewildered as I smiled.
"This is known as the [Omnipotent Sensor]"
Rossweisse:"Omnipotent....Sensor?" She Chirped out as i closed my eyes with a smile.
"Yes. It allows me to Sense the power of anyone or thing no matter how strong or weak they are, but it also allows me to Sense when someone or something is around me no matter how hard they try to hide themselves. This also allows me to see 5 minutes into the future at will. It is also my Power Seal which my father used as well to Hold in most of his power" I Factually said as I opened my eyes.
[Omnipotent Sensor] looks to be a blue magical ring that moves in a circular pattern withing the eye. Though if you look closely there is a Cloudy outline of small Magic particles that are closely formed together making a purplish red color.
"The only reason I have this Power active right now is to make sure nobody hears this discussion."
She nodded in understanding and looked away from me.
Rossweisse:"So you're stronger than what i'm actually sensing?" She asked as I simply nodded.
"Yeah. I'm currently sealing off 90% of my power" As I said this Rossweisse's eyes nearly blew out of their sockets.
Rossweisse:"9-90%!? So that's only 1-1-10 Percent of your full power...?" She asked as I calmly nodded.
"Precisely.....hn....I would love to talk more, but We will talk later as I Sense a Devil approaching. Farewell Rossweisse" I casually said as I quickly walked into my class and prepared for the day.
[Rossweisse POV]
Now i know most people wouldn't sense the power radiating off of this man. Nor would they even know what I see.
This man...
The Massive aura she saw radiating off of the boy filed her mind once again.
He's beyond dangerous

"That All You Got?" Male Reader X Highschool DxD [Season 1]
Fantasy"Did you think after everything you have done to me i would come back?" "All the Pain and Suffering you let them do was Inconvenient for you." "Because you aren't aware of the killer you made." "And i promise from the bottom of my Broken Heart, Fr...