Chapter 1

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It was cold in the hospital room. The pale, white surroundings making me feel nauseous. I could hear the faint beeping of a machine, not being fully awake yet yet I didn't really know my potential status. Vision soon coming clear, I realized I was left alone in a hospital bed cluttered with sympathy gifts. My memory was failing me, having no clue of the past events that had occurred the night before the reason of me attending the ER. I tried to lift myself up, wincing as a sharp pain shot throughout my whole body. "Wouldn't try that and do that if I were you". I heard a voice clearly speak. The voice had a heavy accent, something of the Australian origin. I tried to turn my head to examine the male who had spoke but sudden pain shot through my neck and my head fell back on the pillow. The figure approached my bed, features coming more clear. Blonde hair, stunning ocean blue eyes. I watched in awe of the beautiful creature standing above me. My dark waves flowed over the pillow, the man stoking his fingers through my long locks.

"Wh-what happened? Why am I here?" My mouth trembled as I spoke. He stared at me for a few moments before replying. "You had an asthma attack", he spoke whilst rubbing my cheek with his thumb. Confusion spread over my face. Where is my family? Do they know I'm ok? "I'm Dr. Hemmings, I'm a Pumonologist. I specialize in respiratory diseases and stuff like that", he spoke interrupting my train of thought. Questions littered my mind all jumbled up. "Where is my family?" His gaze met mine, my eyes getting lost in his. He motioned his head towards the downstairs direction. My head flooded with relief. "I'm going to take care of you, make sure nothing happens to you. I wouldn't want such a beautiful soul to be harmed." Redness danced across my face.

He was very attractive. I felt as if I had known him for my whole life. He mumbled something bringing me out of my intense daydreaming and headed out of the room and down the flight of the stairs. A couple of minutes later my family appeared at the door including Dr. Hemmings. They discussed about my stay at the hospital for a while until it was time for them to voyage home. Soon I was left all alone with my doctor.He slid a chair across the floor to the bedside. Grabbing my hand and laying my head down, he asked me to tell something about myself.

Hours had passed of our never ending conversation, our fingers still inter twined. Soon the night fell, I asked him if her had to go home but he said he'd rather stay here with me. I fell asleep to him stroking my dark waved and humming softly in my ear. Images of his beautiful blue eyes littering my dreams.

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