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Hei: "You look terrified"

Yin: "Y-Yeah... W-Why did... You..."

Hei: "Save you?"

I slowly nod, still in shock.

Hei: "Well... You see... You used to be my partner, but it was getting too dangerous for you to carry on and the organisation was after you... So I erased your memories and left you in Maos care, he's also my partner"

My eyes widen to his words. I used to work with him? With The Masked Man? And Mao is working for him right now too? But... Mao acted like he had never seen The Masked Man... Hei... Before...


I had healed up and I was all better now, except my brain hurt from how much I had been thinking recently. It was starting to get too much for me.

Mao: "Yin!"

I jump as I'm awoken to reality once again. I spin around and stop in my tracks, I was leaveing Heis home.

Mao: "How are you feeling? Hei told me everything"

I stare at Mao with a emotionless but distant look on my face. I was in no mood what-so-ever to be talking to this guy. My whole life with him was a lie. He knew Hei, he knew my past and yet he kept me in the dark like a little kid!

Yin: "I'm late for work"

I turn and begin walking on some more, though I wasn't heading to work, I was really going home to do some reaserch of myself, to see if what Hei was telling me was the truth.


Yin: "Nothing... Does this mean he was lieing? ...Was he really telling me the truth... I don't know how much more of this I can take... First the encounter at the park... Then the explosion... Then falling off the roof... Then the Shrin... Now all this... ... ...The Shrin..."

I sit up fast as my eyes widen.

Yin: "He must of been lieing! He's tried to kill me multiple times! He's threataned me! He's... What if... Mao is in on this... What if they're trying to bring my guard down so they can kill me and if so... Why?"

I find myself frowning, the thought of Mao tricking me like that hurt, really bad. Suddenly there was a knock at my door.

Yin: "Comeing!"

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