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Chapter 3

Maddox's POV

"I can't believe we are really going through with this" Tyler said as he took one look at his reflection one more time.
We had just arrived at our new school but were a bit hesitant to step out of the car.
It's breaks my heart but my mother forced me to trade my precious Harley for a Honda. It broke my heart into tiny unfixable pieces.
She said I had to totally get rid of my bad boy image and that included using transportation like any other normal teenager instead of looking like I'm part of a bike gang.

'Just one more. I just have to bear one more year' i chanted over and over in my mind as I calmed down.
"I don't know about you guys but I think I look pretty good" Leo said as he took a selfie in the back seat of the car. He was back to his natural blond. No highlights or crazy hairstyle.
"Is there anything that genuinely upsets you?" I asked Leo but he just laughed in response because you rarely see him mad. Even the biggest insults don't faze him, but just hurt his friends or family and you're dead.

"Lets do this" I said before taking a big breath. We all walked out at the same time immediately catching the attention of students around the parking lot.
We might have been looking like a bunch of nerds but I had to agree with Lay. We definitely looked good and the looks all the girls and some boys were giving us proved that fact.
We could never reduce the handsome even if we changed a lot. Tyler hated his plain black hair but his ocean blue eyes just seemed to pop out even more because of it. Even his poker face just seemed to make him look more handsome. Leo had light brown eyes and a charming smile that will definitely get some hearts skipping a best. He looks like a happy warm guy but we knew how bad he got when he unleashed the dragon. I was a brunette but more on the red side. The problem is that I was the tallest and obviously the biggest out of the three. Mom got me clothes that would somehow cover the muscle since I liked to wear tight shirts and show them off in the past. But the looks the ladies were giving us was proof that we weren't as invisible as we hoped.
So much for keeping a low profile.

After collecting our schedules we headed to our class. We were all studying the same subjects which were all AP classes.
Our parents thought it would be best if we were always together and helped each other stay out of trouble. Hopefully we wouldn't encourage each other to cause mischief like we did in the past.
Everyone was already seated when we arrived so all attention was on us.
"Good morning. You must be the new students I was told about. I'm Mrs Han your homeroom teacher. If you need any help, have problems or questions my door is always open. Please introduce yourselves to the class" she said with a smile.

I honestly didn't not want to do what she said. Every part of me was fighting to just ignore her and take a seat but Tyler slightly knocked his shoulder onto mine.
I straightened up and forced a smile as I faced the class.
"Hello. My name is Russo Maddox. I'm 18 years old. Please take care of me" I said and gave a bow in the end.
"Hello. My name is Marsh Tyler. I'm 17 years old. Please take care of me" he also bowed in the end with a forced smile. I was so used to seeing his pokerface and struggled to hold back a laugh.
"Hello good people. My name is Cirillos Leonidas but all my friends call me Leo. I'm 18 years old. Please take good care of me" Leo said with a bow and genuine smile.

I know you are wondering why we are sharing our names considering  we are well known trouble makers. Well we are well known by our nicknames.
I'm called Phoenix because of the tattoo I have which goes from my left shoulder all the way down my back. Some people knew me mostly as Maddog because I was crazy and unpredictable.
Tyler is called  Breakerbecause when he punches you something has got to break. If he leaves you with just a shiner it's your lucky day. He loved to leave his signature shiner after every fight if nothing is broken.
Leo is called Leonidas because...well because his just Leo. Also he shares the name with the king of Sparta. Enough said. But you see him smiling you would never suspect he is as dangerous as the rest of us. Persians beware.

Mrs Han seemed satisfied with our introduction and set us on empty seats all around the class.
I wasn't happy that they had separated us but they was nothing I could do.
"Hello" I turned to face my desk mate who had just spoken. He was a short guy with a pretty face and heart shaped lips.
"Hi" I said but I didn't smile. I didn't have to be nice to everyone I met. As long as I stayed out of trouble with the teachers I didn't need to tolerate people and pretend to be friendly.
I think he got the message because he went silent.

I felt someone tap my shoulder. I looked back to see an even more gorgeous boy who had pink hair. He smiled at me and winked as he bit him bottom lip, before he turned back to the teacher as if nothing happened.
I was a bit taken back and just silently turned back to Mrs Han as the lesson resumed.


First day seems good so far. Will it stay that way?

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