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Chapter 14

Blaine's POV

Before we went out on our first date Maddox told me he wasn't a good person. I thought he was joking and the worst I could imagine him do was skip on a parking ticket.
Thinking Maddox was the baddest guy in town was for from my mind. But come to think of it I don't mind. He is working on being better and staying out of trouble and that's enough for me.

I can't believe he told me he loves me. I can't stop blushing. Right now we're are cuddled up by the sofa watching TV.
I wasn't really watching. I was admiring him. My awesome boyfriend.
"Maddox" I called his name and as soon as he faced me I kissed him. His kisses were so addictive. I couldn't get enough of his lips.

He took over and deepened the kiss with one hand by my waist and the other holding the back of my head.
A few minutes later I had straddled his lap and we were full on making out. My hands were on his shoulders as he lowered his hands before grabbing my ass making me moan in his mouth.
"You amazing baby boy" he said with his deep husky voice which sent shivers down my spine. His lips moved down to my neck were he kissed, nipped and sucked until he got to a certain spot.
"Ahhhh yes daddy right there" I moaned. He was making me feel so good and I was more than willing to take this further.

But then we heard someone clearing their throat. I turned away from Maddox in shock and came face to face with his mother. I knew I was blushing as I hid my face on his chest.
"I'm sorry Blaine to interupt you guys but Daddy knows he is not allowed to conceive my grandchildren in the living room" she said making me even more embarrassed.
She heard me moaning and calling him daddy. Oh my gosh how will I ever face her again.

"Mom I heard the chance of conception is higher in the living room. I just want to make sure we get it right the first time" Maddox said.
"Stop trying to deflower Blaine and come and help me with dinner. You're welcome to stay if you want Blaine" she said before heading to the kitchen.
"Maddox I think I should..."
"Please stay. I will drive you home after dinner" Maddox said before kissing me.
"Okay" I responded because I couldn't deny him anything.
He went to the kitchen to help his mom and as soon as my face returned to normal I joined them and helped out.

After dinner Maddox drove me home and kissed me good night by my doorstep.
That night I had the sweetest dream about me and Maddox and slept with a huge smile on my face.
The next day I was extra happy and nothing could spoil my day.

I saw Paxton at the end of the school passageway and was about to call his name but he disappeared by the corner.
I decided to run and catch up with him.
I was a bit worried about him. Ever since Maddox and his friends popped up he hasn't been himself.
I think he feels left out because we are all in relationships while he is still single.
I need to convince him to date someone but no one seem seems to interest him.

It might sound crazy but I have always thought that Paxton and Brad would make a sweet couple.
Brad was mean and all but Paxton was the tough one in our crew and everyone was scared of him when he was pissed off and in devil mode.
He is definitely the type to set Brad straight. Maybe I should hook them up. Like lock them in the same room for an hour to bond. Maybe Brad might finally let me go.
Not that he can have me now that I'm in love with Maddox. Also Maddox said he would totally kick his ass if he bothered me again.

I was in an empty passageway when I was about to give up on finding my friend when I heard his voice from one of the empty classrooms. I was about to enter when I heard another voice.
"What do you have for me today?" Is that Brad. I wonder where he has been. He wasn't at school the whole of last week.
"Tell me what's been happening since I was away" Brad spoke again. I didn't want to easedrop but I just silently stood by the half closed door.

"There are still together Brad. They have been flaunting their stupid relationship all week. I thought you had a 'talk' with the new guy" Paxton said confusing me. Are they talking about Maddox?
"I did and I told my boys to teach him a lesson but next thing I know they suddenly call me from the hospital saying they were beaten up by some thugs. Which was all just a bunch a bullshit. I don't know who this guy is but Lain is mine and I'm going to make sure I deal with him fully this time" Brad said.
"Just tell me what you need me to do and I will do it. I'm so tired of them and we need to break them up" Paxton said and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Before my tears could fall I ran away from that spot to the school grounds where no one would find me. I even turned off my phone.
I couldn't believe it. I thought we were best friends. So all this time when I thought Paxton was on my side he was going behind my back and making plans to ruin my relationships with Brad.
I don't know how long I cried but at the end I was tired and had a killer headache.
I went to the nurse' office and when she saw me she took me straight to bed and I slept. She wanted to call my parents but I assured her I just needed pain killers and a good rest.

As soon as the school bell rang signaling the end of lessons the nurse woke me up and I walked out of the school building.
I saw Paxton, Liang and Mathias standing next to Mathias's car by the parking lot.
"Lain" Maddox called my name and I turned to face him. He was closer to the school entrance with his friends and ran towards me.
"Baby are you okay? Where have you been? I looked everywhere for you and I even tried to call you" he said but I silently looked away.
"Lain baby were you crying?" He asked as he held my cheek to face him.
"Who made you cry?" He asked in a soft tone but I could see the anger in his eyes.

I pushed his hand away as I headed for my friends my eyes locked on Paxton.
"Lain"  Maddox called me again and I think he was following me but I didn't stray from my mission. All the sadness was replaced with pure anger. I have never felt so betrayed before in my life. How could someone I considered my best friend do this to me.
"Hey Lai..." before he could spit any more lies I punched him straight in the face sending Paxton tumbling to the ground.
He sat and looked at me in shock.

"Lain what the hell" Liang and Mathias spoke at the same time. By this time Maddox, Tyler and Leo stood by the side also in shock.
"How long?" I asked.
"What has gotten into you Lain?" Paxton asked as he stood up but I pushed him back down.
"How fuxken long have you been plotting and scheming with Brad behind my back" I lashed out and his eyes popped out in shock.

"Lain I..."
"Don't fuxken lie to me. I heard you and Brad in the morning. Is this what you have been doing with every single guy that approaches me. How could you do that? Are we not friends? Why the fxck would you do that?" I screamed in his face catching the attention of other students.
Paxton seemed to have recovered from the shock as he stood up quickly and glared in my direction.
"I have my reasons" he said and that made me reach my limit.
"Fuxk your reasons. Who does that to their best friend?" I said before pouncing on him.

This time he fought back. I punched him in the face and he punched me in the stomach. Ignoring the pain I tackled him to the ground as he pulled my hair and soon we were rolling on the ground.
I was on top of him but before I could punch him again hands wrapped around my waist pulling me away from Paxton.
"Let me go" I screamed.
"Calm down Lain" I heard Maddoxs voice knowing he was the one holding me.
He turned me around as he hugged me tight. I stopped struggling before bursting into tears.
I couldn't believe that one of the people I trusted so much would do this to me.


Do you think Lain was right to beat up his friend? Do you Paxton had every right to do what he had done? Is this the end of their friendship?

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