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Chapter 9

Maddox's POV

It took all my will power to keep my fists glued to my sides.
Just seeing Brad made my blood boil and I wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp by the way he talked to me. If he knew who I really was he wouldn't be so disrespectful.
I took a deep breath as I remembered my promise to my mother before giving Leo and Tyler a signal to stand back.

"What the hell is going on here? Didn't I tell you to stay away from what's mine" Brad lashed out as he pushed me. The impact almost making me fall.
"Stop it Brad. I'm not yours. You're an ex for a reason"  Lain said but I could see his words only made Brad more angry.
"Lain shut up I will deal with you in a minute" Brad said and I hated the way he addressed Blaine like he was some object. Like he didn't have a mind of his own.
"You can't talk to me like..."
"Lain please give us a moment" I cut him off as I turned to face my adorable little puppy.

Brad was obviously an aggressive kind of guy and I didn't want Lain near him or his friends. I'm actually shocked they dated but anything was possible with Lain.
If he only knew that I was the biggest bad boy ever. I guess bad boys were his type even if he was dating one unaware.
"Tyler and Leo please take Lain and his friends for ice cream or something. I need to have a word with Brad" I said giving them a serious look.
Mathias and Liang got the message and dragged Lain away.
Leo and Tyler reluctantly left. They knew I was playing with fire staying alone with Brad and his gang but I wasn't going to get them involved.

I also didn't want to reveal my true nature to Liang, Mathias and especially Lain. Now that the little puppy was in my heart I didn't want to scare him away with my aggressive side.
I turned back to face Brad who was still red with anger. We were in public and there was security all around so I hoped he wouldn't try anything.
Heaven knows I was struggling to keep calm as it is. In a normal situation they would have all been laying on the ground moaning in pain by now while security was still deciding whether it was a good idea to approach me in fear that they would fall victim to my wrath.

"I really don't know why we are having this conversation. Lain is the one pursuing me and he told me that you are nothing but an ex boyfriend who was never up to standard" I said pissed off he had ruined our date. My first ever perfect date.
"You really have a death wish" Brad spat out. I know I was playing with fire but if I couldn't beat him with my fists i guess words will have to do the trick.
"Actually its the other way around" I said as I took off my glasses and ran my fingers through my hair before glaring at him.
He seemed a bit shaken by my change in aura but he quickly composed himself as if he wasn't bothered.
His friends were a little bit slow in hiding their fear and I knew I was doing the right thing.

"You don't know who I am or what I am capable of. Lain is mine now and I would advise you to back off unless you want to end up in hospital" I said taking a step towards him as I folded my arms.
There was a moment of silence before Brad burst into laughter.
"Are you threatening me?" He asked also taking a step towards me.
"I'm just giving you advise" I responded.
"It seems I have been too soft with you. Today your going to learn who I really am" Brad said turning serious as he instructed his lackeys to grab me.

I didn't fight them as they led me to the back of the amusement park. I was pushed against the wall, two big guys holding me in place as Brad punched me in the gut.
When I get my hands on him he is going to need to have reconstructive surgery when I'm done with him. He threw multiple punches to my gut and all I could do was groan in pain.
"This is your last warning. Stay away from Lain. Next time I won't be so forgiving" he said before taking a few steps back.
"This is my gift to you. Its the best way to get a message across. Boys don't kill him okay" Brad said as he smirked and disappeared back into the amusement park.

The guy on my right let go of my arm and I took that as my cue to take action.
Turning and grabbing the guy on my lefts neck I pulled him down, my knee crashing into his gut before I elbowed him in the face.
It took a few seconds for them to realize what had happened but my fist had already connected with the other guys nose breaking it instantly.
While he was still crying over his broken nose I pulled him by his blond locks smashing his face against my knee causing the damage to be worse.

I was fuxken pissed off and since Brad had got away I way going to let out my anger on his lackeys.
Another guy locked my arms from the back while another tried to beat me from the front.
I kicked him in the face before smashing the back of my head with the other guys face. I grabbed his arm and twisted it before kicking him, instantly breaking his arm and as he screamed in pain.
The last guy looked at me in fear and decided to run but he never expected to meet Tylers fist which instantly knocked him out. Thats definitely going to leave a shiner.

"Aww...we came too late" Leo said as he looked at all the damage I had caused.
"Tell me you got that asshole Brad" I lashed out.
"We decided to wait for you by the parking lot but when we saw Brad rush out on his own we knew something was up and came looking for you"  Tyler said as they approached me.
"Fuxken shit" I cursed as I kicked the guy I had kicked in the face again but aimed for his gut this time.
"That asshole made me break my promise" I said.
"No one has to know about this" Tyler said as he smirked and looked at the injured boys who looked back in fear.
"Right" Tyler said raising his eyebrow and they all nodded in fear.

I grabbed the one with the broken arm and pushed him against the wall with my hand around his throat.
"I don't care what bullshit story you come up with but if I hear my name is involved in this mess next time I'm going to break your neck" I said with a menacing glare and he nodded his head in fear.
After we were sure the idiots would be quiet about me beating them up we headed to the car park.

I wiped the blood on my hands before I brushed my hair with my fingers before putting my glasses back on as we approached our dates.
"Oh my gosh Doxx are you alright" Lain said as he rushed to me and checked if I had any bruises or injuries.
"I'm good baby. I told you we just needed to talk" I said with a smile and he looked shocked but relieved.
I guess Brad had beaten up too many of his love interests in the past.
We went out for dinner on a triple date but Lain didn't seem as happy as he was before.
When we got back to my house he walked me to my front door.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault things didn't turn out as planned. I would understand if you didn't want to see me anymore" he said with a frown which broke my heart.
I never wanted to see my puppy unhappy.
Wrapping my arm around his waist I pulled him closer. He looked up in shock but before he could say anything I kissed him.
Biting his bottom lip he gasped and I dipped my tongue in his mouth. 
I placed my other hand at the back of his head tilting it as I tilted my own head the other way deepening the kiss.
My other hand went lower as I grabbed one of his soft delicate butt cheeks and he moaned in my mouth.
When I broke the kiss we were both breathless.

"You don't have to apologize. This was the best date ever and don't worry I'm here to stay. I don't scare that easily" I said and he revealed his box smile that I now loved a little too much.
"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asked and bit his bottom lip anticipating my response.
"Yes" I said and he screamed so loud I think the whole neighborhood heard him as he jumped into my arms.
He wrapped his arms around my neck and legs around my waist as we kissed.

"Gosh these teenage hormones. Lets keep it PG13. We have little children in the neighborhood" We quickly let go of each other at the sound of my mothers voice.
"Hey mom" I said with a smile. She has caught me in more compromising positions so I had nothing to be shy about.
On the other hand Lain had turned bright red in embarrassment and he half hid behind me.

"Hello. Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?" She said as she smirked.
"Mom this is Blaine Simmons. He is my boyfriend. Lain this is my mom" I said as I moved aside to give Lain the spotlight.
"H-ello M-Mrs R-Russo" he stuttered and just looked more I adorable. I could see my mom thought the same.
"Oh isn't he just adorable" my mother said as she pulled Lain into a hug "You are staying for dinner and I'm not taking no for an answer. Gosh you are so pretty. So gorgeous" she kept on talking and complementing Lain as she led him into the house.
I just laughed as I followed behind. If Brad thought I was going to let go of Lain he had another thing coming.
I was going to show him the full wrath of the Phoenix if he tried to come between us again.


Brad got lucky this time? What do you think about the new boyfriends?

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