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Chapter 6

Maddox's POV

The rest of the day went on smoothly.  Paxton tried to get me to talk but I didn't say much.
I tried to be nicer since he was my deskmate but I didn't entertain too much conversation.
I tried to ignore Blaine's constant gazes in my direction and the more I caught him looking before he looked away, the more adorable he was to me.
Honestly he wasn't the type of guy I was into. I liked my twinks badass and rebelious but for the first time I could make an exception for Blaine.
Too bad I wasn't looking for a relationship. I had to focus, stay out of trouble and graduate.

"Wait up Maddox" the now familiar Angelic voice called out my name as I headed out the school entrance.
I stopped walking when he stood in front of me blocking my way. I gave him time to catch his breath.
"Soooo...There's something wrong with my mobile" Blaine said as he passed his phone to me.
"What's that?" I asked.
"It doesn't have your number in it" he said as he smiled. I couldn't help but smile back. He was so forward but so adorable I couldn't deny him anything.
I put in my number and saved it as Daddy Doxx before passing it back to him.
He looked at the contact and screamed with excitement.
"I got it. I got his number " he screamed as he ran to his friends.

"He so head over heels for you its crazy" Tyler said as he popped up next to me.
"I could say that about you two and his friends"  I smirked as both my friends blushed.
"Lets just leave. I need to release the stress of the day" I said as we headed to my car.
I opened the drivers seat only for it to be slammed shut. I turned around to see who would dare disrespect me like that.
There was a half chinese male standing in front of me and he had a grim look of his face which I already wanted to beat to a bloody pulp.
Couldn't I just go just one day without running into trouble.

No one spoke for a whole minute as we glared at each other but then I decided to break the silence as I adjusted my glasses.
"How may I help you?" I asked as I forced a smile.
"You can help me by staying away from my baby Lain" he spat before he pushed me against the car.
Tyler and Leo were about to step in but I signalled them to stay back.

This guy had five other guys with him which we could easily take but I had to stay calm. We had to stay out of trouble and so we were going to handle this like civil people.
"Sorry your baby Lain? Do you mean Blaine?" I asked pretending to be a clueless.
"Yes. Simmons Blaine.  I can see you and your friends are new here and so let me break it down to you" he said as he pulled me by the collar.
If I wasn't trying to be good his arm would already have been broken in more than one place. I was even taller than him but he still thought he was intimidating.

"Blaine is off limits. He is mine so stay the fuxk away from him" he said before punching me in the gut.
I groaned in pain as i bent over. I have had worse but that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
"Next time I see you with Lain I will make sure you can't walk" he said as he turned to leave with his friends.
"What's your name?" I asked looking up to him.
"What did you say?" He turned looking at he even angrier than before.
What I despised the most was bullies. I needed to know the name of the boy who I would one day bash for this disrespect.

We were on school grounds right now but if he was unlucky and met me outside the school gates I was definitely going to return the favor.
"I just want to know the name of the guy who has made a claim on Blaine" I said with a smile but it obviously infuriated him even more.
"Its Huang Braden. You better remember it because it will be the name you will be calling when you're begging me to spare your life" he said before turning away with his friends.

"Maddox are you okay?" Leo asked and he and Tyler came closer to check if I was okay.
"Why did you stop us? Why did you allow him to hit you? That asshole deserves to be beaten so bad his ancestors will feel it" Tyler lashed out.
"I feel the same way Tyler but I'm not going to get us expelled on our first day. If we mess this up remember they are sending us straight to military school" I said in response as I straightened up.
"Fine" he said as he got into the car as Leo and I did the same.
So much for a good first day.

When I got home I changed and went straight to our home gym in the basement.
My dad had built and fixed it up when he was still alive and most of my training had happened here.    
I missed him. If he was still alive I wouldn't have turned out so broken and rebelious.
Now I came down here on my own to train or let out frustrations.
Today I was angry about Huang fuxken Braden. If he knew who I really was he wouldn't have dared approach me.
I put on my boxing gloves and let out all my frustrations on the punching bag.

"Calm down or I might have to buy you a new punching bag again" my mom called out and I immediately stopped.
I was panting, exhaused, sweating and my arms hurt. I might have gone a little overboard but I felt better. 
"I guess your first day wasn't so great" she said as she passed me a bottle of water.
I took off the gloves and received it before taking down half the bottle.
"I didn't get into trouble. That's all that matters"  I said and she decided to let it go. She knew I wasn't in the mood and I was thankful for that.

I was about to walk out when she held my hand.
"I know its been hard but we can get through this together" she said and I smiled in response.
"Now go bath you stink" she said and we both laughed.
I'm doing this for my mom. Just one more year and I can do whatever I want. 


What do you think about Mrs Russo? What do you think about Braden? How is the story so far?

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