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Chapter 24

Blaine's POV

I was crazy nervous because today I was finally introducing my boyfriend to my family.
After a few terrible pick up lines and persistence Maddox finally gave into my charm and I could never be happier.
But it took me seeing a side of him I never wanted to see and him leaving for years for me truly understand how I felt about him.
Even after all these years just seeing him made my heart skip a beat.
Old and new feelings rushed in and I always feel a bit overwhelmed especially when he is around me.

But one thing was for sure. I was still crazy in love with him if not more and this time I was not going to allow him to leave me again.
Even if he had his flaws I still loved him.
Even though everyone else was afraid of Maddox i saw another side of him.
He was sweet and caring and just a huge ass puppy. I loved seeing him smile because it made me feel all warm inside.
I loved how he kissed me and made me weak in his arms.
My needs were important to him and he always did everything to make me happy.
I was crazy in love because I had found my one and only and he made me feel like it was all meant to be.

None of my family had met him and I was a bit nervous.
Even after all these years I never once mentioned him until last night and my mother immediately said he should join us for dinner tonight.
I honestly wasn't ready to introduce him in person yet but I couldn't come up with an excuse to delay their meeting.
I hope they like him. He should be arriving soon for dinner by our house.

Maddox will be here soon. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves.
There was a knock by the door but Lucy beat me to it as I trailed behind her.
She opened the door revealing my gorgeous boyfriend. He really looked like the perfect man and even if I knew how he really was I even questioned the facts sometimes.
When we were together he seemed ike a totally different man and since he got back from military school and service there has been no sign to the angry teenager I saw when he almost beat than man to death.

"Hello. You must be Maddox. I'm Lucy" she said.
"Hello Lucy. Blaine was wrong when he told me you looked pretty because gorgeous would be a more appropriate word" Maddox said and my little sister blushed. He was always such a charmer.
She invited him in before giving me a thumbs up with a grin on her face.
"Damn Lain he is HOTT" she whisper screamed in my ear when she was close enough.
One down. Three to go.

"Hey baby" Maddox said before he kissed me on the lips as soon as Lucy went into the next room.
I smiled at him and blushed before greeting him back. He always took my breath away. I held his hand and led him through the house.
Mom had just finished setting up the dinning room table with food when we entered.

Authors POV

"Mom, dad and Blake this is my boyfriend Maddox. Maddox these are my parents and older brother" Blaine introduced.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you all" Maddox said with a bow.
"Its good to finally meet you. Blaine wouldn't stop talking about you" Blake said as he shook Maddox's hand giving him a serious look as he leaned closer.
"Hurt my little brother and you're dead" he whispered so only Maddox would hear.
"I don't plan on hurting him. Don't worry" Maddox responded and they gave each other looks of agreement.

"Its nice to meet the young man who is trying to steal my son from me" Mr Simmons gave him a stern look.
Blaine found it funny how his brother and dad were all trying to look intimidating.
"Oh honey stop trying to scare the boy. Welcome Maddox please do take a seat" Blaine's mom said with a smile. His fathers face immediately softened and he smiled.
"Thank you Mrs Simmons" Maddox said with a bow returning the woman's smile.
"No just call me mom" she said as everyone settled down.
They sat around the table in this order. Mr Simmons, Mrs Simmons, Lucy, Blake, Maddox and then Blaine.

Blaine was glad his whole family were accepting Maddox. Everything was going so well. Nothing could go wrong as they all had casual conversation.
"So how did you two meet?" Lucy asked with a smile.
"We met in highschool" Maddox responded with a smile remembering how Blaine used to flirt with him.
"Highschool? So you two have been dating since high school?" Lucy asked confused.
"Not exactly. Maddox left before anything could happen" Blaine mumbled but everyone heard his bitter tone.
Maddox held in his laughter at his boyfriends childish behaviour as he took in everyone's confused expressions.

"I have always liked Blaine but...when we were in high school I...got into big trouble...and so I was sent to military school and went through military service straight after. I got back a few weeks ago" Maddox explained 
"Thank you for being honest. I'm sorry but I have to ask what sort of trouble this was. Considering that you are dating my son I would like to know what type of person he is involved with?" Mr Simmons asked.

"I beat up..."
"I was attacked by some drunk guys who almost gang raped me and Maddox beat them half to death and he got arrested. It happened. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys and please don't ask about it" Blaine cut him off and the couple shared a look as everyone else went silent.
"At least we know Lain is well protected" Mrs Simmons said breaking the silence.
They all asked Maddox different questions as he happily answered them and complemented on how great the food tasted.

"Daddy please pass me the salt? Blaine said but both his father and Maddox reached out for the salt.
Maddox immediately pulled back scratching the back on his neck as only awkward silence followed.
Blaine just wanted to crawl into a hole and hide forever.
Okay. So maybe this didn't go as smoothly as planned.


What would you have done in that situation?

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