I dare Hiccup to make Astrid jealous

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Astrid and x are already seated. Hiccup has not arrived
X:welcome! today's dare i-
*Hiccup walks in*
H:I'm breaking up with you Astrid.
A:*jumps up* What?!?!?!?!
X*leans back a bit on my chair with a bowl of popcorn* don't mind me! I'm just here for the show!
H:Astrid. we are no longer together. *a girl walks in and Hiccup kisses her. *
A: *stares dumbfounded and in disbelief*
H: this is MiLady, Mia.
A: *starts turning red*
Mia: Hi!
A: *Pulls out axe and flings it across the room* YOU JERK!! YOU NINNYPOOP! YOU! YOU! YAK NOG UGLY!-
X: She's so lost and confused and angry she can't even make sense.
A: *throws knife at xycodie and xycodie ducks and falls of chair and popcorn spills* SHUT UP!
X: Hey! that was my popcorn!
H: *turns to mia* were breaking up mia.
*mia leaves bawling her eyes out.*
H: *carefully walks up to Astrid*
A: *just stands there ready to strike if needed*
X: *whispers staring at this scene* carefully Haddock, your treading on dangerous waters. Your on thin ice.
*says to audience*
Lets see if the great haddock can tame the wilderbeast. *points to astrid.*
Who knows what will happen. see how he approaches her?
*Hiccup sprays zippleback gas at xycodie to make her shut up and xycodie starts having a coughing fit*
H: Astrid. can you be my girlfriend.
H: walks up to her and hugs her*
A:*No response*
X: *after zippleback gas fades*
*says a bit loud* GREAT HADDOCK YOU BROKE HER!!
H: Asttttrrrriiiddd *waves a hand in front of her face*
A:*still doesn't move*
X:she's in overdrive.
H:*what am I supposed to do??
X:*gives haddock a look* SERIOUSLY?!?! KISS THE GIRL!!
H: *kisses Astrid*
A:*After a little Astrid slowly kisses him back*
*Hiccup breaks the kiss*
H:You okay?
A: I don't know what just happened. I need to go lay down. *walks off with Hiccup.
X: umm... I guess that's it. More dares?

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