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Days into the Apocalypse : 2

They all sat in Uni's living room with mini-meals made from what was in the kitchen and what was less of a mess to clean-up. Jon, Nick, and Ashlie took the couch, Davis in the recliner, and then Dawn and Uni seated at the small table off to the side of the room. Dawn had took the time to question Uni as the others talked amongst themselves, "Do you remember the 'clinical trial' we did at the labs?"

"Well, it was only a few days ago."Uni pointed out as he glanced awkwardly at his recently gloved hands, "What 'bout it?"

"When this whole thing started, I was still down in the labs."Dawn informed, "And, while I was down there, I downloaded the files on the tests they did before I came here."

"You what?!"Uni hissed, almost glaring at the android for his very illegal actions, "If this whole thing wasn't happening, you could've been arrested had you been caught!"

"I had to know what it was."Dawn says rather defensively, "You took part of it, didn't you?"

"Well...yes."Uni admitted with a frown, "It was either that or lose my job, and while I don't even like our company I still very much like to get money. An artist's salary isn't exactly stable enough to rent this apartment, after all."

"Doesn't look like you'll have to worry about rent after all this."Dawn commented dryly. He then ducked his head, lowering his voice as he continued to say, "Apparently our company wasn't the first to do this kind of...testing. They did it at other places too, and all of them had the same results."

"And what exactly were those results?"Uni asked, practically speaking through his teeth.

"The subjects gained traits akin to that of an animal."Dawn answered bluntly, "Usually they end up looking fully like the animal, but just...humanoid."

"Oh...fuck."Uni cursed, "That explains some things. Why the hell would they do that, literally, what was wrong with them? How, even?"

"I don't know, but..."Dawn trailed off,  whispering, "You know the top lab, the one we're not allowed to access? I think the work they were doing was...this, this whole apocalypse-zombie thing..."

Uni groaned into his hands at the sentence, "I fucking knew there was a reason I'd hated working there."

"They also paid us poorly."Dawn pointed out.

"That too."Uni agreed as he thought back to their paychecks.

"What are you guys talking about?"Jon suddenly called from the living room, catching their attention.

"About how much we hate our jobs."Dawn informed, "And how, if this is the apocalypse, we would no longer have to go into work anymore."

"Where do y'all work?"Ashlie asked curiously, munching on some chips.

"Unit Pharmaceuticals."Uni answered with a sigh, "Real prestigious company that loves to get its money more than anything."

"Oh, I've heard of that place!"Nick recalled, "Don't they have a bunch of scandals for human testing?"

Dawn looked awkwardly to the side while Uni visibly winced.

"I'll take that as a yes, then..."Davis slowly decided, based off of their reactions, "You two didn't, like, do any of that, right?"

"No, no, only the head scientists could do that."Uni waved off his concern, "We were just the-...."He cut himself off and frowned again, settling with answering with, "We didn't conduct any human experiments. Even if we wanted to do something as terrible as that, we wouldn't be allowed it. We weren't allowed to talk about it due to legal reasons, but basically everyone knew that the head lab was conducting human tests."

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