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Barbara and Adam had gone back to the attic, leaving Charles and Delia to spend some much needed time together in the living room. Adam worked quietly on his model whilst Barbara read in her favorite rocking chair. That is, until a question about Lydia potentially being unable to see them popped into Barbara's mind. She placed her favorite bookmark in her book, closed it, and focused her attention on Adam.

"Adam, honey?" she asked nervously, directing his attention over towards her. "What would you do if Lydia was suddenly unable to see us?"

"What would I do?" Adam responded, putting down a paintbrush and walking over towards Barbara. "Well, for starters, I would wait to talk to her when she apologizes to us for spending less of her time with us. Would you, Barb, honey?"

"Yes, I would," was Barbara's response.

Adam caressed her transparent cheek and went back to working on his model. Barbara went back to reading.

Neither of them really wanted Lydia to be unable to see them. They hoped it would never happen. They didn't know, and weren't prepared for, what would happen if Lydia was suddenly unable to see the two of them.

Lydia was hungry. Careful not to disturb Betelgeuse, who was currently in the middle of inspecting an insect Lydia had captured from the backyard of the house and was now keeping as a pet in her bedroom for some odd, and apparently unknown, reason, she quietly crept out of her bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen to grab herself a snack and a drink.

In the living room, she saw her dad and Delia sitting together on the couch watching the tv together and she decided not to disturb them either. She quietly turned and tip toed into the kitchen.

Creeping back up the stairs to her bedroom with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk in her hands, Lydia carefully set them down on her bedside table and went to close her bedroom door. She looked around for Betelgeuse and saw him in the exact same location and position as he was earlier, still looking at Lydia's pet bug. Lydia coughed to grab her best demon friend's attention and he turned to look at her.

"Lyds?" he asked. "Where'd you go? I turned to ask you a question about your insect and you weren't there."

"Downstairs, getting myself a snack," was Lydia's immediate response. She sat herself down on her bed and grabbed herself a cookie and her glass of milk. "What was your question, Beej?"

"Why does your insect have no wings or legs?"

Lydia rolled her eyes. "Because it's a worm, Bj. Worms don't exactly have wings or legs. They're like Sandworms...but smaller."

"Okay. So do normal worms eat...ghosts?"

"No, Beej." Lydia let out a sigh, then a laugh. "Normal worms do not eat ghosts."

Charles turned off the tv and went to work in his office for the time being, leaving Delia to do her own thing. The Life Coach noticed that the pantry door was open and went to close it before going upstairs to her and Charles's bedroom to find something to do.

"Note to self," Delia quietly told herself as she headed up the stairs. "Remind Lydia to close the pantry door the next time she gets herself a snack."

Lydia did not know this, but Charles and Delia had heard her getting herself a snack from the kitchen.

Adam finished his current work on his model of Winter River and he and Barbara went downstairs. They were initially surprised to find the bottom floor of the house empty, no sign of the Deetzes or Betelgeuse anywhere, so they shrugged it off and went to find at least one of the three currently living members of the family or Betelgeuse.

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