The truth

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Two weeks later...

Gerold and I were officially dating...

It was mainly for sex and I knew that, but when I caught him with another girl, that surprised me.

I was currently walking out of his house, until he grabbed my wrist, slamming me against the wall.

I winced.

"Where do you think you're going? Huh? You're mine, remember?" He spat at me, his breath smelling like alcohol and weed.

"I'm leaving! Let me go!" I shouted at him, struggling to get out of his grasp.

He slammed his fist against the wall beside my head, making me whimper and flinch.

"You're not going anywhere, do you hear me?!" He shouted, making me nod in fear.

The girl was long gone as he dragged me to the bed.

(Skip Cuz I am not about to get triggered)

I laid there, silent.

That was it. He used me once again.

I was his "toy", as he would call me.

I got up when he fell asleep, covering the bruises with makeup.

I let a tear fall but quickly wiped it away.

I won't cry over this. I will not let him see me weak.

I couldn't do anything about the busted lip I had and just went home.

I was bombarded with questions as to what happened, but I ignored them all, just wanting to see the twins.

"Hey princesses!" I smiled, playing with them.

They were getting so big.

Their third birthday coming up soon.

We just passed Halloween, and now they're going to experience a thanksgiving they'll actually remember.

Emera was talking about her favorite Kim Possible show while Becky talked about Dora and Boots.

I already had them potty trained, they've been for a while actually.

Emera was the outgoing one while Becky was shy.

I smiled at the two, laying in bed with them as we watched cartoons.

When they fell asleep Demi walked in.

"Are you going to tell me what happened, or do I have to go ask Gerold?" Demi spoke, making me sigh.

I knew she wouldn't let this go, so I gave in.

I brought her into the bathroom with me and wiped off the makeup covering some of the bruises.

"Shit, Y/N..." she whispered.

"You cannot Tell the girls about this, okay?" I told her, seriously.

"Did he do this?" She asked, tracing her fingers over the hand print around my neck.

"I walked in on him with another girl.. and I was going to leave but he threatened me... and I gave in..." she looked at me skeptically.

"What do you mean, "gave in"?" She asked, making me sigh.

"He told me he loved me, Demi... and that he'd hurt himself if I left..." I said, looking down.

"You don't hurt the ones you love, Y/N." Demi shook her head.

"You don't cheat on them, either." I sighed.

"It's fine, Demz. I can handle this." She shook her head.

"You clearly can't, Y/N... you're letting him hurt you..." she said, looking at my body once again.

"Please... just trust me." I said and she sighed, nodding before hugging me gently.

I got dressed and covered up some of the bruises again to avoid the questions of the other girls.

I laid down with the twins, smiling when the got closer to me.

I held them close before taking a nap myself.

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