The awards

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I had tweeted about the break up and it was all over the news.

People talking about G and I.

And they even blamed me for it. So I did what I had to do, tell them that abuse wasn't right and they all made speculations about G being abusive.

I just rolled my eyes as the hair and makeup crew did mine, the twins', and Demi's makeup and hair.

"Mama you look so pretty!" The twins gushed as they saw my white outfit.

I'd change right after the performance, since I'd be covered in paint.

"Thank you Mija." I smiled at her.

The people i was going against were on stage first and that was when I saw that I was going against Camila for one of the awards.

We were escorted to our seats in front row and I stiffened up when I saw Lauren in the row behind us.

I sat Emera on my lap, Becky on Demi's.

The curtains opened showing Camila in her beautiful pink gown.

She searched the crowd and when her eyes landed on me and the twins her lips formed a small, loving smile.

She sang her song.

I watched as a tear ran down her cheek and stiffened up a bit.

Soon enough Lauren was on stage and Camila was changed and sat in the same row as Lauren.

I watched as the scenery changed.

Lauren was wearing all black, and I listened to each lyric intently.

I was confused until it clicked in my mind.
When I realized Lauren knew, I didn't stop to think how much she was hurting as well...


It was my turn to go onstage and I did the choreography.

The lights dimmed and I was rushed to get washed and changed.

Lexa tried to get the paint off me but struggled.

"Y/N, just strip. It'll be easier." She said and I blushed, taking off the clothes, being left in a towel. She hosed me off.

"Just showering at the award show, no big deal." I laughed and they got me dressed, doing the makeup real quick.

When I walked to my seat, pictures were taken.

When I walked to my seat, pictures were taken

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