Day at the beach

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I was getting dressed since Lauren and Camila would be here in a bit to take the twins and I to the beach.

"Hey, Y/N- woah...." I heard Camila's voice and saw both girls staring at my tattooed body.

"Don't you guys knock?" I asked, putting my clothes on.

"Damn..." Camila mumbled as she looked me up and down.

I saw the dent in her jeans and laughed.

"Camz, calm your dick." I said as I brushed passed both girls to see if the twins managed to get dressed on their own.

"Look Mommy! We did it!" Becky said, showing me how they actually got dressed in their bathing suits.

"Good job babies!" I said, scooping them up and hugging them.

I grabbed my sunglasses, sunscreen, tanning lotion, the girls' floaties, and put them in my bag.

Lauren grabbed the ice chest with ease and I buckled the twins into their car seats.

I sat in the front with Lauren in the back with the twins.

Camila drove us to the beach, it was secluded and barely had any people.

We set up the canopy and I took off the twins' clothes, leaving them in their swim suits.

I overheard Camila and Lauren's conversation.

"I just wish I was there to see their first steps and everything... Y/N seems to have done it all by herself...." Camila spoke.

"Maybe if and when we get back together we can talk to her about having more kids.." Lauren replied with.

I stripped from my shirt and shorts, feeling eyes on my body.

I swam with the twins, watching them and making sure they didn't go too far out.

I swam with the twins, watching them and making sure they didn't go too far out

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"Mommy, Mommy!" Becky squealed as she splashed in the water.

"Hace frio!" Emera said, squealing.
(It's cold!)
I smiled. "Sticker for you, Em when we get home." Becky pouted, slapping her sisters shoulder.

"Hey! Becky, what did I say about hitting! Do you need a spanking when we get home?" I asked, sternly.

"No Mommy! Lo siento!" I nodded.
(I'm sorry!)
"Apologize to your sister." She looked at Emera and apologized.

"Good girl." I said and we continued swimming until we came out, sitting with Camren.

I helped the girls make a sand castle.

Lauren and Camila helped us, adding some shells and rocks for decoration.

"Y/N, that guy keeps staring at you." Camila said, annoyed and I looked over my shoulder, seeing a good looking guy around my age.

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