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I couldn't gather up the courage to say it to his face, so I texted him.

Y/N: G... I'm breaking up with you. I'm done acting like I'm okay when I'm not. You're hurting me more than you know, which makes me stupid for admitting, but it's true. I hope you finally notice who you are when you're drinking, because it's not the guy I agreed to date.

I sent it, and he read it, but didn't reply.

That scared me, but I felt relieved.

Tomorrow was the award show and I don't think I'm ready for that... I'm scared out of my mind to possibly see Lauren and Camila.

"Hey, calm down. You'll be fine." Demi spoke, she had finally told the girls what happened and Dinah even went out, and beat the guy up.

Of course I didn't just let it happen, but 5 against 1 isn't a fair fight.

"Mommy!" I smiled immediately at the sound of the twins.

"Babies!" I hugged them both.

"How was it at Grandma Clara's house?" I asked, lifting them up and bringing them into the kitchen for their snack.

"It was fun! Chris played guitar!"

"Ooh, Ooh! And Tay Tay let us swim!" I smiled.

"Be more specific, Becks. Where did you swim?" I asked, smiling at the girl.

"The pool! Tay Tay let us swim in the pool!" I smiled.

"Good girl." I pecked her forehead before giving them their animal crackers.

"The table or couch?" I asked and They both ran to the couch, making me laugh.

I helped them open the plastic packages and sat with them on the couch, watching tv.

Soon enough the girls joined in, making me smile.

Demi sat Emera on her lap and bounced her.

The choreographer came at 4 o'clock to go over choreography with me for tomorrow.

I'd make a small performance for my album.

It wasn't that much choreo, it was just going to be aesthetic.

I smiled at her and nodded, the female dancer doing her part.

Our only problem was timing.

"Okay, that was good, do it again." She said.

We did it once more and got it perfectly.

I smiled, hugging the girl before they left.

I had the paint cans ready for tomorrow, my all white outfit hung up.

"Momma! Are you excited?!" I smiled and lifted Becky.

"I am, my munchkin!" I twirled her around.

"Where's your sister?" I asked.

"She's with Auntie Ally, making cookies." I smiled.

"Alright, why don't we go help them?" She smiled and nodded, running off to the kitchen with me behind her.

All three of us helped Ally make a batch of cookies for all 8 of us.

When we had finished I knew I'd have to give the twins a bath.

I laughed as Emera sneezed, the flour all over her nose.

"Aww, baby." I said, lifting her up and grabbing Becky's hand.

"Come on, bath time." I said, making them both get excited.

Ever since they were little, they hated baths, so every bath time I'd bathe with them to make it better.

Now they love bath time.

I smiled and brought them into my bathroom, filling the tub as I undressed the two.

"Momma, can I pick the bathbomb this time?!" Emera spoke.

"No! You picked last time!" Becky groaned.

"Nah ah. Lets let the chart choose." I said, looking at how many stickers each girl has.

"Becky picks the bathbomb, Emera picks the bubbles." I said, making them both get excited at the thought of doing something so important.

I helped Emera put the bubbles in and she watched, amazed as they formed.

I smiled and dipped my hand in, making sure the water wasn't too hot.

"Alright, in we go princesses." I said, lifting them individually before putting them in the tub.

I undressed and got into the tub with them, smiling as Becky dropped the bath bomb into the water.

I washed their hair individually and smiled when they got together to do mine.

I laughed when Emera struggled to open the bottle of shampoo and helped her.

"All clean!" They smiled at me and soon snuggled into me, enjoying their bath.

I smiled, rubbing both of their backs.

We soon got out and I dressed them in their pjs, getting dressed in some shorts and a shirt.

We went downstairs for dinner and I looked to see which twin would say it first.

"Puedo tenor mas?"
(May I have more?)
"Good job, Emera!" I smiled and put some more on her plate before putting a sticker on her chart.

We are happily, and soon I tucked them into their shared bed.
I sang them their nightly lullaby, which consisted of any of my songs.

"Goodnight babies. I love you both." I smiled, giving them both kisses before leaving their door cracked.

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