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Tony's POV
The accords have been terminated but the rogues are still well rouges and I'm just.... just.. I don't know.

Pepper said that we where an intern short so I just told her 'just pick a high schooler' she did. I checked his IQ and it's not that high, but it's not like he'll do anything except get coffee and order office supplies.


"yes boss?" the AI replies.

"who did Pepper hire?"

"Eugene Thompson. 15 years of age. Father is Harrison Thompson. Mother is Rose Thompson. His family is quite rich."

"Ugh another dumb rich bitch."

"Sir that is quite hypocritical of you, you were the same way remember?"

"Not important FRI"

"Sir, Stephen is walking towards the lab" a couple seconds after FRIDAY had spoken Stephen walked into the lab carrying two cups of tea.

"Tony you haven't slept for 2 days, at least drink something other then coffee."

He walks over to me and hands me a hot cup of tea. I set down my tea and move over to the couch, exhausted.

He sits next to me and I lay my head in his lap without thinking.

Then the world goes black.

I get shaken wake by Stephen.

"Tony, Fury wants to talk to us."

~~~~~ Le time skip brought to you by Le plot ~~~~~~~~~~

Flash's POV (wasn't expecting that where you?)

After school I walk into SI lobby and walk up to the desk.

"Hello sweetheart are you lost?"

"No, I'm the new intern here."

"Ah Eugene, you will be working on level 14 with Sophie Harmon. Sophie will be you adviser. She'll help you get situated today."

She hands me a badge with my name and my level. I pin it to my sweatshirt and walk, no, swagger to the elevator.

"Mr. Thompson, Hello. Level 14."

I smirk at the AI's female voice. 'What was Mr. Stark thinking letting a woman run the company. It's really getting to him.'

The elevator opens and I see hectic collage kids running around in sweatshirts and caring beakers of who knows what to different labs.

I scan and see a redhead smiling at me. I weave my way through the cloud of stress. She smiles even wider once I get closer.

"Hello I'm Sophie. I'll be your adviser. You won't be working in any labs or anything like that because at you age that would be dangerous."

I couldn't care less about the dumb labs. I just want to meet Tony Stark and rub it into Penis Parker's face.

"You won't be going above this level really. You'll just be getting coffee, buying office supplies and cleaning up the small scale, non-chemical messes"

"Wait does that mean I won't meet Stark?"

"No not really. If his coffee machine breaks you might meet him but that's not likely."

'Shit. Wait I can just say I have. Nobody's every met him. So they can't prove me wrong'

Sophie leads me down a hallway to a small, cramped room with a desk in the middle that was surrounded by papers.

"So this will be your office. And if anyone needs anything they'll call you on that phone"

She points at an old land line phone in the corner of the desk.

"Well Eugene, I have a meeting. Make your self at home" she waves good bye while she walks out.

I smile back, then walk over to my desk, pull out a piece of paper and write down some lies about Tony Stark.

Tomorrow's gonna be fun


Peters POV

I'm swinging through the city when I see orange sparks appear beside me. A suit that seems familiar, holy fickty frack it's iron man!

I'm so distracted I almost hit a building but my spidey sense flares up and I flip, letting go of my web, and then send up another that's not in front of a building.

"Hey spidey? can you land on a building or something?"

"No can do Mr. Stark, I really got to get home. Bye bye"

I wave, turn a corner, then land in an alley to get changed. I see him fly over my head but I'm dressed as Peter Parker so he doesn't know I exist. I rush down a couple streets and check the time outside the door 7:36. I was 24 minutes before curfew because patrol was calm and I wanted, no, needed to make sure everyone was safe.

I gingerly open the door and look around. I don't see a psychopath beating a kid senseless so I walk to the kitchen and start the dishes.

A couple minutes later Lyla and Jack (another older kid at the orphanage) came jogging in

"Peter! You have a letter"

"What wa-"

"It's from Stark Industries"

I grab the letter and tear it open

"Dear Peter Parker you have been accepted into an internship program at SI. If you wish to accept this internship then come to the tower at 3:25 on Tuesday. Sincerely Pepper Pots"  I mumble.

I look up, expecting to see Lyla and Jacks mouths hanging open. Instead, I see them smirking at each other.

"What are you two hotshots smirking at?"

They play attack me

"We keep telling you, you're a genius but nOoOo 'I'm not that smart' and here we are and you have a Stark industries internship." Lyla says through a smile.

"Ok ok I get it I'm smart apparently. On an important note have you guys had dinner?" I ask.

"Yes we have dad" Lyla says while Jack snickers. I blush at the new nickname that I know will stick.

"Ok fine then get to your rooms because" I check my watch "Mrs Jenkins will be down in 15 minutes and well the kids should be in bed by 8 o'clock."

I push them out of the kitchen then walk back to the sink and start drying off the clean dishes.

"I'm going to work with a person that attacked me tonight." I laugh in my head at the thought.

'Like he could ever know I'm Spiderman. That wouldn't end well.'

I get through the night with only a minor beating. Probably only a broken nose and more bruises.

'Tomorrow I'm going to go to Stark industries. Yay more Flash because 6 hours of him wasn't enough'
(1034 words)
Good chapter good chapter. I enjoyed it. Well if you want you can tell me how you think Flash should react to Peter being an intern at SI.

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