•End it.•

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Peters POV

The phone just keeps ringing and I don't dare pick it up because heck if I know why he's calling. Also he's expecting Aunt May. It's goes to voicemail and I hear Tony say.

"Um hey May this is Tony. Tony Stark. Uh Peter hasn't showed up for his internship so I was wondering if he's ok? If you could call me back that would be great thanks. *click*"

I blink. May won't call him back. She can't call him back. She's gone. Reduced to atoms (see what I did there?) I'm just standing there. I can't answer him but there is no way I'm facing him in person with my injures.

'God, Parker luck just fuck you.'

I think over and over again. It can't be to late because my internship would have started a couple minutes ago.

'What to do for like 3 hours. Maybe get some food? No money. Wade? Yeah, I'll eat with Wade. Where though? It's Wade, so burritos obviously.'

I walk out of the building and text Wade telling him to meet me at our spot. I struggle to climb the side of the building one handed but I do it. I sit and wait for him to get there. While I'm on the roof I stand on the ledge. I look down at the street miles below me. I look down and watch cars of all colors flash by in a blur. I let a single tear fall.

Am I actually thinking about this? Considering this as an option? I mean what more it there to life? What more could I give with my worthless life.

I inch closer to the edge

I only do worthless things. Spider man doesn't actually save anyone. He's useless. The world would be fine without him. The neighborhood would survive.

Even closer

MJ: Hates me. Ned: mad at me. Aunt May: dead. Uncle Ben: dead. Mom, dad: dead. All because of me.

I put one foot over the edge.

It would be better this way. I see my family and..and no ones around to miss me.

"PETER!?" Someone yells. It shakes me out of my downward spiral.

I really wanted to but realized that it was only like 360 word so I will continue.

Wade runs at me and envelope me in a hug. MJ is standing on the other end of the roof awkwardly. She stares at me with hurt in her eyes.

"P-Peter you w-w-weren't actually thinking about doing....jum- that where y-you?"

I smiled sadly at Wade.

"Why Peter! But why?!" He seemed to sorta break before me "Peter yo-y-you can't." Tears start to form in his eyes. I'd never seen Wade like this. It hurt to watch him cry.

"Wade" I say sadly "I'm fine."

"Peter you literally almost killed yourself. That's not fine." MJ tells me.

"Why are you even here MJ?" I say a little harshly.

"I came to apologize. I've been a dick and I want to be a better person and your friend if that's okay with you."

"Thanks MJ. Yeah, friends" I say sticking out my hands for a handshake.

She grabs my hand and pulled me into a hug. I wince and Wade finishes whipping tears away and asks,

"So Pete, why aren't you at you're internship?"

"I wasn't feeling up to i-"

"Where'd you get shot?" He interrupts a little exasperated.

I take of my sweatshirt exposing a shirt with a little blood on the shoulder. I take off the gloves I was wearing to expose a blood cover bandage.

"Then my leg" I say quietly.

"Jesus, Peter. I'm getting the feeling you might not want to live" He says and I can't quite tell if he's joking or not.

"I hate to say this but you need to go to the hospital baby boi."

"Oh COME ON!" I yell. "Can we get some food first Wade."

"I'm reasonable Pete so yeah. Burritos!" He declares and I smile and walk down the stairs with him out onto the streets.
Ok so before you killed me I already said I'm sorry but I'm sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *death breath* *hehe pjo reference* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo SORRY!!
Also if MJs not doing something like her I'm sorry! I just needed her to be like that Alright!
Don't kill me!!

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