Chapter 32

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Goodness, this bathing suit is making me a little uncomfortable but let me just say that beauty is pain. Bitch I look good. This bathing suit is doing my boobs and my butt some justice. Just by looking in the bathroom mirror, I could see that the twins are popping and the cheeks look like they are bigger than they actually are.

"Jess, are you rea-." A shirtless Tyler stops talking just as he opens the bathroom door. Grabbing my ponytail holder off of the counter before turning towards Tyler.

"I just need to get my cover-up." I smile but Tyler isn't looking at my face. His eyes are trailing up and down my body, lustfully. 

"Yes, you do." Tyler swipes his tongue out, wetting his bottom lip. Walking past him, I walk over to my bag intentionally bending over for Tyler to get a good view of my ass.

"You know," Tyler trails off. I could hear Tyler's footsteps getting closer to me while I'm searching through my bag for one of the coverups that I brought from work. "Maybe we could stay in." I could feel Tyler's presence behind me. "Lounge in the bed and order room service."

"Nope, I wanted to get in the pool plus I was hoping to go out to dinner tonight." Finding my black net coverup. It didn't cover up much but it'll go amazing with this bathing suit. I stand up straight just as Tyler's arms wrap themselves around my waist pulling me, leaving me stumbling into him. "I'm ready." I tell Tyler, sliding the coverup over my head. 

"Do you not know what time it is?" Tyler asks. "You've been in that bathroom forever flat ironing your hair when it was gonna get wet and curl up anyway. Then you had the nerve to squeeze your ass into this." Tyler spins me around so that I'm facing him. "I don't think that you wanted to go to the pool anyway." Tyler smacks my ass, weaving his hands through between my thighs so that he's holding me securely enough to pick me up.

"No I ac-actually," Taking a second to clear my throat. "Wanted to go to the pool." My breathing becomes shallow as Tyler bends his neck so that he can drag his tongue along my skin. 

"Jump." Tyler mumbles against my skin, giving my thighs a little tug. 

Being the good girl that I am, I followed my baby's command. Wapping my legs around his waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. I could feel his hard on pressing into my crotch leaving me panting in anticipation.

"Now how about we stay in tonight in be-." Tyler's cut off by someone knocking at our hotel room door. "Damnit." Tyler groans letting me down, putting me back on my feet before taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

With a heavy sigh, I run my fingers through my hair trying to make it seem like I was not just about to give my virginity to Tyler a couple of seconds. Walking over to the door, I take another deep breath before opening the door.

"Welp I guess I don't have to ask. I was coming to ask about going to the pool, but I see that your aready dressed." Willies eyes trail up and down my bodyas he takes a step across the threshold into the room. Hoping that Tyler couldn't see from the bed how Willie is looking at me. He wouldn't like it at all. 

"Yeah we'll be down in a minute." I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of Tyler's voice booms behind me. Tyler wraps his around my waist protectively, pulling me back into his chest.

"I didn't know that you were in here." Willie takes a step back across the threshold. 

"Yeah well, we'll be down in a few minutes." Tyler says leaning foward and closing the door in Willie's face before he could reply. 

"You are so rude." A smile finds it's way onto my face.

"He was too damn close for comfort. Why was he even trying to come in for?" Tyler spins me around so that we are chest to chest. "Now let's go down to the pool. I can't wait to see you get wet in that suit." 

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