[2] Visting The In-Laws and Not So Shocking News

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Today it's our last day before we head back to Devildom, so I and Lucifer thought it was finally time for Lucifer to meet my father and big brothers. I hummed and played with Lucifer's hair as we sat on the train, that was nearing the station.

"After three years of dating and now we're newlyweds, it's okay to visit your family now?" Lucifer looks at me, with his head on my lap.

I nodded. "Yeah, they can't demand us to get a divorce," I said, smiling at him.

"I am still unclear on why they wouldn't want us together in the first place." He muttered.

"Oh, heh... You'll find out soon..." I mumbled and ran my fingers through his silky, black hair.

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"Yes. One hundred percent, yes." I said, but then I felt the food that I ate earlier coming up. I put my hand on my mouth and rushed up, and ran to the nearest trash, I got down onto my knees and threw up everything in my stomach.


I felt Lucifer run over and put his hand on my back.

I coughed and held my hand out. "C-Can I have a napkin?" I asked and glanced at him.

He nods and quickly grabs a napkin, and puts it in my hand. I used it to clean my mouth and threw it into the trash can with the vomit. I sighed and sat back on my butt. "Are you okay?" Lucifer asked.

I nodded. "Yeah... I think I'm just sick, maybe something I ate." I said. He sighs and rubs my back, as I lean against him. "I'm feeling sleepy, just help me over to the bed..." I muttered. He nodded and picked me up, and took me over to the bed. He laid me down, then laid down next to me. I laid my head on his chest and closed my eyes, quickly falling asleep.


"Are you ready?" Lucifer asked and looked at me, as we stood in front of the front door. I nodded, "yeah." I said.

"You aren't feeling sick or anything, right?"

I smiled and nodded. "Yes! Don't worry!" I giggled and knocked on the front door.

"Who is it?" The familiar voice asked behind the door.

"Your sister!"

"(Y/N)!!!" The voice screamed before the door was suddenly pulled open and I was lifted up into the air.

"Little sister!"

I smiled and looked at my big brother, Kuki.

"Kuki!" I cheered happily.

My brother puts me down on my feet before wrapping his arms around me and hugging me.

I hugged him back.

"Ugh! I missed you!" He said, squeezing tighter.

I giggled. "I missed you too!"

We then parted ways. "What finally makes you decide to come home?" He asked.

I smiled, sheepishly. "I'm only visiting..." I told him.

"Huh?! Visiting?! Are you living somewhere else?!" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah..."

"That makes no sense! First, you disappear for... Three years! Then, you just show up out of nowhere!" He huffs and shakes his head.

"L-Look, Kuki, there's no reason to start lecturing me now, okay?" I said. "The reason I'm here is that... I got married..."

His eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "M-MARRIED?!?! TO WHO?!" He asks.

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