Chapter 1

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Hi! Thank you for reading this! I hope you enjoy it! :)

10 years ago...

"Mommy! Can we go to the park?"

My mom had just finished recording some stuff because she is a musician. She put away her notes and looked down at me. "Yes of course we can (Y/N)".

"Yay!" I yelled, running to the door to put on my shoes, my mom following behind me.

When we made it to the park, I ran off to the swings while my mom talked to the other moms. That is what always happened. I loved the swings because it was usually very peaceful, but today, it was different. I heard yelling and looked up to see a few kids that were my age, one was yelling at the other with his friends behind him. The boy that was yelling had blond spiky hair and looked scary. While the other boy had green curly hair and freckles and looked a little scared. So they could not see me, I ran up to the slide next to them, so they could not see me, but could see and hear what was going on.

"Why are you being so mean Kachan?" I heard the boy with the green hair sniffle.

"Because you are useless Deku! You are always following me around and it's so annoying! You will never be as strong as me without a quirk!" The boy with the blond hair yelled.

I could tell that the blond boy was about to hit him, so I ran up in front of the boy with green hair. They all looked shocked and surprised at my sudden appearance. I don't know why I did it, I was scared, but my feet just,...moved!

"Stop being so mean to him!" I yelled. The boy with blond hair stared at me in disbelief.

"No!" He yelled. "He is a quirk less! He is a loser!" He said.

"So who cares if he is quirk less! He is still a human and should be treated with respect, so back off and stop it!" I yelled. The boy looked at me for a few minutes, then he said, "You are lucky this girl is here to protect you Deku, but next time you will get it!" He yelled, walking away.

"Are you okay?!" I said, turning around making eye contact with the boy. He had big green eyes that match his hair and could notice his freckles better now that you were in front of him.

"Y-yes...t-thank you so m-much" the boy stuttered, blushing a little.

"I'm (Y/N),(L/N)! Is your name Deku?" I asked.

"Oh, um n-no, Deku is something Kactchan calls me to make fun of me. My name is Izuku Midoryia" He said.

"Oh, I thought Deku meant that "you can do it" " I said tilting my head. "You should not feel bad about the name, to me, it means "you can do it", so now on,..if you don't mind I am going to call you Deku, because I think it's cute, and you will always know I think you can achieve anything you want to in life." You said blushing a little.

Deku stared at you for a few seconds, then ran up to you, and hugged you. You were surprised at first but then hugged back.

"Now when Kachan called you Deku, you can think of it meaning "you can do it", even though he is calling you that for a different reason." You said.

He smiled, and you guys played together at the park for the rest of the day, becoming closer every minute and right then and there at the park, decided to become best friends.

When it was time to go, you asked Deku if he would come to the park tomorrow, and he said yes.

On the way home, your mom started talking to you. "So did you have fun at the park today sweety?" your mom asked.

"Yeah, I made a friend"

Congratulations! You made it to the end of the first chapter! Thank soooo much for reading and hopefully, there will be a new chapter out soon! BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :)

-The Author

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