Chapter 6

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Enjoy today's chapter! :)


{Izuku's POV}

Tonight was the night of the concert. I had gotten texts from Mina and Uraraka on the group chat about what happened at the dance circle. Apparently they got to dance with Kira. I was kinda of upset and jealous that they got to meet her, but I figured that I would just get to meet her tonight.

The reason I didn't go today was that I had some studying to do. I was planning on doing it tonight, but then I found out about the concert. Right now it was about 30 minutes before we had to meet up in the common area to leave for the concert, and I was looking in my concert for something to wear.

I decided on wearing a white shirt with a plaid-green flannel on top of it. With that I wore jeans and converse. I also got a hat and put it on backwards. I looked in the mirror and thought I looked pretty good. I checked the time and it was time for me to head down.

I got down to the common room and mostly everyone was there except for a few people. I looked around and walked up to Iida and Uraraka. "I can't wait for tonight!" Uraraka said. "I always listen to Kira's music! I used to listen to it in middle school when I studied, then started to really like it." Uraraka said.

"I listen to it when I am training" I said. She has such a sweet voice, it's calming to listen to. But she also has some songs that make you just want to dance, which I listen to at the beginning of my work out to pump me up.

"Hey Uraraka, what exactly happened today with Kira? You seemed pretty excited when you were texting me and I don't think I got the whole story." I said.

"Oh, well what basically happened is that Kira picked Mina to dance in the circle, which she was amazing at. Mina, Kirishima, and Denki then tried to convince me to dance. Apparently Kira saw this and asked me to dance with her, and when I told her about me being scared, she said she would stay with me, which she did!" Uraraka said.

"Wow! That's so cool!" I said. Kira must be really nice (which I already thought she was) to help Uraraka with her stage fright. "That was nice of her" Iida said. "Wait there's more! I then told Kira about us coming to her concert tonight, and she seemed really happy. She then told me that the rest of my friends could come and dance with us!" Uraraka said, now jumping up and down.

"Oh! I guess it was best I didn't come then, I can't dance that well, and I don't know how I would react to dancing in front of everyone" I said, scratching the back of my neck and laughing.

"Alright Everyone! Now that everyone is here, my parents got us a limo to drive to the concert, it should be out front!" Momo said. Everyone then shuffled outside and got into the limo.

"This is going to be so much fun! Right Bakugou?" Kirishima said. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. It's probably just going to be lame like every other concert I have been to" Bakugou said in annoyance. "I don't know Bakugou, I have heard that Kira's concerts are pretty awesome." Tsu said. "Tch" Bakugo said, looking out the window.

When we got there, there was a huge line to get in. It took us a couple minutes, but we finally got towards the front of the line. Then suddenly, everyone started to scream and cheer for something. What's happening? Is this what happens at concerts? "What's going on?" "OMG it's her!!!!" Uraraka yelled, jumping up and down. I followed her gaze and saw non other than Kira. Right there. A few feet from me....OMG KIRA WAS ONLY A FEW FEET FROM ME!!!!! I was freaking out in my head, but trying to play it cool on the outside. It was not working.

I was so distracted about Kira that I had not noticed that we were at the front of the line. I went to pull out my ticket but could not find it. I frantically looked around for it, but then stopped when I felt someone tap my shoulder.


When I was walking into the concert, I was a boy around my age looking around. I then saw a ticket on the ground near him and realized he must have dropped his ticket. I walked over to him and picked it up. I noticed he looked more worried so I tapped him on his shoulder and he turned around. My eyes widened and I swear my heart stopped for a second. I could not believe it. Out of all the people that were here, it happened to be Deku who I ran into. I was in my Kira outfit, so he did not recognize me. Well, as (Y/n), but he sure did recognize Kira. His whole face went read and started to wave his alarms around.

"OmgitsyoukiraicantbelieveitsyouwasIinyourwayorsomethingIamsorry" Izuku said. He said it so quickly that no one probably knew what he said. But as his best friend and used to this, I understood him clearly.

"Um, you weren't in my way, don't worry, you just dropped this" I said handing him his ticket. "Oh! Thank you so much! YouareamazingIhopeyoudogoodattheconcernttonight BYE!" Deku said as he handed the guy his ticket and zoomed in the door.

Now I'm 10x more nervous. Izuku was here. He was going to hear me sing. I just hoped he did not recognize my singing voice. My voice sounds a little different on my albums than it does in real life, just so no one recognizes it. I had never had a problem doing it in concert because I had never done one in Japan before.

I did not get a good look at his ticket,...but I just hope he did not have a VIP one......


Sorry if this was a little short! :(

Thank you for reading!

Hope you enjoyed!


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