Chapter Ten

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The Wolf

Alternative was her favorite. There were other music styles too, pop, country, hip hop (apparently it reached its peak in the 90s and went downhill from there), jazz, and so many others.

We went to sleep. Her voice circled around my head. I was beginning to figure out The Red Hood doesn't half-ass anything. She researched and memorized everything she enjoyed. She fell asleep before I did, for someone who's scared of sleeping she slept hard.

I reached out tentatively and lightly brushed my fingers along her hair. She adjusted herself and I snapped back, she'd kill me if she knew I touched her. Red didn't wake. I kept stroking lightly. If I saw correctly (I did see correctly, I have dark vision) she relaxed deeper into the bed and moved closer to me. I froze again but she didn't move. Her eyes twitched but I knew that was just a tic. Her hair was soft and thick even though it could only grow on one side. I continued to stroke. She made a content noise in her sleep and I felt myself grow smug. She was adorable. The Red Hood was being adorable. I wouldn't tell her any of this, she'd probably punch me again. She was relaxed and her constant glare was gone. We grew closer and closer until we were only a hair's width away. I let my hand rest tentatively on the side of her head, and she made another adorable noise.

I smiled to myself. Suddenly she rolled away so her back was facing me. My smile faded as my hand hovered above where her head had been. She was still very close to me, I could've wrapped an arm around her. I wanted too, but I didn't. I was afraid once I latched on, I wouldn't be able to let go. She'd be furious if she woke up with me wrapped around her.

I fell asleep soon after that. My head was black with the absence of dreams. If I did dream then, I didn't remember. I woke up abruptly to one of Red's hands slamming into my mouth.

"Gah!" I cried quietly and turned to my side to see Red thrashing about with her eyes scrunched tightly.

"Red!" I grabbed her hand before she hit me again, "RED!"

Her eyes snapped open. They were bright in the darkness with her pupils dilated with fear. She was panting heavily and her eyes were scanning the room frantically.

"Hey," I said gently and pulled her towards me. She resisted slightly but stopped quickly.

"It's okay," I whispered as she continued to pant. She pressed her face into my shoulder.

"Just a dream," I comforted and started to stroke her shoulder, "It's all okay now,"

Her breathing began to slow and she began to relax again.

"Deep breaths," I murmured and she followed the instructions taking deeper breaths. She soon relaxed entirely, and I knew she had fallen asleep again. I panicked internally, do I let go of her? I couldn't though, my arm was underneath her. I fell asleep before I resolved the internal dilemma.

My eyes fluttered open with a sudden rubbing sensation against me. I looked down to see Red nuzzling herself deeper into my chest. I smiled down at her and she sensed the change. She woke up abruptly and her eyes widened with embarrassment. I'm pretty sure she should've blushed, but she didn't. She shoved me off of her and jumped out of the hotel bed.

"Hey!" I cried, "What's wrong!?"

She bared her teeth at me growling, "Nothing!" She said it so quickly my brain's computer didn't catch it to detect if she was lying or not.

I jumped up quickly and blocked her path to the bathroom, "Red?" I asked hopefully and sternly.

"I-" Red stopped.

I moved closer and put a light hand on her upper right arm.

"Nothing's wrong," She replied as she shoved my hand away and a red light appeared at the end of my vision. She was lying.

"Red," I said more sternly and she only snarled back, "Red!" I cried.

She faked dashing right but slipped sneakily to my left and opened the door.

"Nope, not today, Red Hood!" I grabbed her elbow and yanked her backwards. She yelped and stumbled back. She dropped into a crouch and we stared each other down.

"Get out of my way," She growled and her pupils dilated.

I leaned against the door, "Try me," I fired back with a stern look.

Her lip curled up revealing her teeth. Her muscles tensed and her fingers flexed into claws.

"Red, please," I got up off the wall and held my hands out, "It's okay, we're partners now not rivals, we can talk,"

Her eyes darted around the room and I saw them lay on the door out for a quick second, but they moved back to me speedily.

Her face was still as stone as we made eye contact, daring the other to make a move. We had to have stood there for at least five minutes before I softened.

"Fine," I stepped away from the door reluctantly, "I hope you'll talk to me someday."

Red was standing straight and still just staring at me for a second. She shook it off and strode into the bathroom with her clothes in hand. She looked at the floor the whole time and shut the door almost silently.

I leaned against the door and slid down it so I was sitting against it. I looked up at the ceiling so my head was against the door. I heard a small thud, that only my cyborg brain could've picked up.

"Red?" I turned my head.

No answer.

I maneuvered closer to the keyhole, "Red?"

"Wolf," Her voice was almost inaudible through the door. I really wanted to hear my real name in her voice, but she wouldn't tell me hers. We had to be even right?

"Are you sure you don't want to come out and talk, I promise it'll help," I replied.

"You can't know that," she snapped. I smirked to myself, she basically admitted that something was bothering her.

"I guess I don't, but I have a strong hunch princess," I stood up and pressed my forehead against the wall.

"Don't call me that," I heard her trademarked growl in her voice again. It seamed the familiar teasing was helping. Rivals to partners in survival, this must've been the doing of our guild masters.

"Princess," I retorted. I heard her snarl again and stand up.

I stepped away from the door and smirked at it. She came out momentarily.

"Done sulking?" I asked. She punched me.

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